A newbie's impression on this board, pros and cons

by smelly onions 293 Replies latest jw experiences

  • avishai

    Yeah. Thanks. My little brother was RAPED and his moleater was slapped on the wrist and had it covered up and went on to horribly molest tons of other JW kids. Do you know what it's like to wake up every night to the screams of your five year old little brother? Do you knwo what it's like to hear the elders say "we keep these things quiet?" Go screw yourself, smelly onions.

  • bisous

    Speaking for myself, I appreciate and accept your apology. It isn't easy to admit a mistake, so thank you. I encourage you to stick around and get to know folks. There are a vast array of outlooks, opinions, perceptions, lifestyles represented. Some of us may be bitter regarding our WT experiences ... but that doesn't mean we are bitter about everything. I'm sure you'll learn a few things, and hopefully teach a couple as well.

    Edited to add: I'll even go so far as to say I agree with Smelly's point about how many of the horrible things that happen in the JW organization can happen in any religion, cult, or walk of life. So statistically speaking, we could have had the same experience without JWs. The fact remains that there is non-profit organization, WT, whose teachings and practices allow for abuse which they turn a blind eye to. So in fact they ARE ultimately responsible for what happens within. And that is why so many here are bitter and hate the WT. Not because we are naive about what happens all over, but because we are insisting upon specific accountability. No different than what I insist from Catholicism, Scientology, Mormons, Boy Scouts or other organized institiutions.

  • stillajwexelder

    hEY SMELLY one - I am not bitter - but I am still active

  • kls
    but that post is true i am deeply sorry for belittling others pain. my deepest apologies.

    Smelly your apology as far as i am conderned is accepted but not sure of others who have been so deeply hurt by the wt. You only know what you have been taught to see or want to see and the wt may not be a Satanic Cult but it is a Cult. I advise you to read and research on the jws and see what is really underneath. Surprise , Surprise !

  • stopthepain

    "a nice jw girl".that expressiion makes me want to vomit.Can't I just meet,date ,and possibly marry a "nice girl".

  • avishai

    I Accept the apology. But

    You Should have read more before spouting off. Go read www.silentlambs.org, the experiences section. Then maybe you'll REALLY see why a lot of us are bitter. Some of us have lost entire families. Some to suicide. Some to murder suicide. I've hung out with Robert Bryant's Sister in law and niece, a very nice little girl who no longer has her cousins due to this cult.

  • talesin

    Very good of you to take a second thought, sm!

    Do some reading, and thinking on the child abuse issue and the 2-witness rule. It`s not just a matter of them screwing up,,, it`s thousands of children being subject to rape by known offenders, and condoned by the organization. Elders instructing parents to keep their mouths shut about the pedophile because it would be slandering a brother. Then he goes and molests other kids in the congregation. But how many abusers have witnesses to their deeds, other than the helpless child victim? Disgusting! Think of the society`s condemnation of the Catholic Church for doing the very same thing. hmmm,,, it`s certainly food for thought, isn`t it?

    Check out www.silentlambs.org for really good information on the issue.

    Have you ever `felt up` a woman? You know, `necked around`? Well, then, you should be DFd --- according to my old congregation, cause that`s all I did!

    So, for 30 years, my family has shunned me -- that`s why I hate the organization so much. It`s hard not to be bitter, but I`ve gotten past it. Lots of unfair treatment happens in life, and why should I let this one thing turn me into a bitter, twisted, hateful person?

    Don`t worry, we won`t cast you out or ignore you because you came on a bit strong! We are not like THEM.


  • smelly onions
    smelly onions

    What gets me is why is he out?

    Funny, how he doesn't answer that.


    I did answer that. I drifted away like a log out at sea. U guys r real funny. No i am not gay and no the jw's have nothing to do with my breaking off anything. i take responsibility for my own actions. now for those with serious scars i can understand why they would blame the jw's. to be left out in the wind is pretty sad. and yes evryone's experinece is unique to the spell check guy - whatever to the lady with child molesting incident- can't u sue the wt organization? has the silent lambs sued the organization?

  • Odrade

    Personally, I think this person has been here before. Bored, are you? Come back to give it another go-round? That's quite an about face. Pretty soon you will be telling us how damaged you are after all, looking for sympathy. Then in another few days you will tell us how you were wrong and got caught up in our "sour grapes" but went to your first meeting in a long time and found where you truly belong, you are going back to the JWs, blah blah blah.
    No thanks. Not buying any of it.

  • sf

    {{ warm hugs for avishai }}


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