A newbie's impression on this board, pros and cons

by smelly onions 293 Replies latest jw experiences

  • EvilForce

    Well Smelly would you care to enlighten us all with YOUR story then? A log at sea is a rather b.s. analogy if you ask me. If you really believed it you'd be going to meetings. What's your scoop?

  • whyamihere
    I did answer that. I drifted away like a log out at sea.

    Why? What was your reason? What made you choose to drift away?


  • smelly onions
    smelly onions
    Smelly your apology as far as i am conderned is accepted but not sure of others who have been so deeply hurt by the wt. You only know what you have been taught to see or want to see and the wt may not be a Satanic Cult but it is a Cult. I advise you to read and research on the jws and see what is really underneath. Surprise , Surprise !

    well that cult thing is not stated by the christian book of denominations. even wikipedia says the jw's are a denomination. i've read all the seedy history and u know what, people r people.the majority though try to do their jw thing and lead good lives. they are not demons or jim jones copies. that's plain rubbish and u know it.

    why criticize the wt for the materialistic issues? jesus told that guy to sell everything and follow him. ur issue should be with the exaggerations found in the bible not some peopel trying to follow it. but hey i get ur drift. if i got wronged by those i love and they hanged me out to dry i would be bitter too.

    to the guy who told me to screw off and then accepted my apology, hey i understand ur anger towards me. i can understnad that major mess up, is there any legal recousre for u. can u explain some of that suicide stuff to me. what made a jw commit suicide.

    as for the jw maintaining silence, why cant all u guys and the silent lambs SUE w i mean SUE the wt? i've seen the site but why cant u sue the heck out of them , u seem to have an open and shut case.

    to the other guy, whats wrong with a nice jw girl. u made me laugh that that makes u vomit. like a nice jewish girl, nobody ranks on them for just marrying amongst themselves. nice jw girls are like what i read elsewhere here, nice and loving like a barbie doll.

    just for the record, i am with u guys on that molesting dilemma. the wt is in a pickle and if they dont do something it could spell major trouble for 'em all.

    to all here, i have read plenty from franz'z crises, harrison's book and all that stuff. i guess it didn't shock me as much as i expect humans to be human, prone to error. i found that miracle wheat stuff hilarious, 60 bucks a bushel, well russell was a businessman.

  • stopthepain

    smelly onions--what do you feel about children being forced to go to hours of boring brainwashing meetings and conventions,taught to be magazine peddlers,told that all thier friends are going to die at the big A,that they would die if the didn't folloe the cult,and in general,taught thru guilt and fear to hate or dislike intensley anyone who isn;t a jw.Let alone not allowed to develop physically ,mentally or emotionally through normal social experiences.Is that my fault!

    Oh,I know,I could have been born In some 3rd world countrym,or nazi ,germany,but guees what ,I wasn't.I was born free in america,and they stole my childhood.

  • BlackSwan of Memphis
    BlackSwan of Memphis

    Hey Smelly,

    Yeah, go to the silentlambs site and read All of it.

    As avishai reccomended, the experiences site is a great place to start.

    It will take you hours to go through the whole thing. It will update you on the lawsuits and what not.

    Go on now, you seem like an open minded little onion.

    If you went through even a fraction of what many of the people on this forum have gone through, you might be a tad bitter yeself.


    Oh and p.s. You mentioned that if you got married you would want to marry a nice little witness chicky.
    As you read the experiences section of silentlambs, imagine if any one of those things happened to your one true love when she was a young girl, or worse yet, to your own son or daughter.


  • love2Bworldly

    You know I agree with the fact that bad things happen in all religions and organizations. But what makes the WS evil is the fact that their covering up of sexual abuse and other abuse, sweeping it under the carpet and letting those type of people continue to be elders and hold other positions that have regular dealings with children and other potential VICTIMS. And treating the VICTIMS as if they did something wrong by wanting to prosecute CRIMINALS who also happen to be professing JWs.

  • smelly onions
    smelly onions
    Why? What was your reason? What made you choose to drift away?

    no i have never been here before, neither am i looking for sympathy. like i said i take full responsibility for my own actions. i can understand where others have suffered though. i came on strong but i was put in my place so lets call it even. but of course we all have to admit there are sour grapes here excluding my friend the lady who suffered bc of the molesting disaster and the other guy too and other deep issues as well. but that guy that said he was brainwashed as a kid, don't u think that all children are brainwashed by their parents in one way or another. i mean parents will download their upbringing into their children with all their oddities, its only natuiral, right??

    well i never took any of this stuff so seriously. like the elder who would give me study was a little gung ho and saying how the big A was coming so baptism was necessary and all. i nodded in agreement and promptly didn't think about it. of course some things did seep thru like the morals, no wordly parties, or wordly friends. i kinda liked that, an insular community like the jews or the amish ( those r the guys that dont use electricity right). so i enjoyed our separation.

    what i see now is that i never was a gung ho witness. my parents never forced anything on me either. sa. mornings when it was preaching time i would oversleep, too early to get up anyways. i guess there are many witnesses who do take all this stuff so deeply that it becomes their identity, not me. my mind was always daydreaming at meetings and as a child my parents would give me crayons and tell me to draw. they wouldn't scold me for sleeping either like at the assemblies. u know that is a great nap right after the lunchtime. the applause and the songs would wake me up though at which point i would also clap thunderously.

    drifting wasn't a choice. it just happened. some of you may have the experience of gestapo style elders but not in my case. everyone went to the meetings, did theri thing and afterwards either went to eat or hang out. i was a party crasher, crashed jw weddings, jw baby showers, jw cong. get togethers. had a netwrok of friends who knew where the party was at. get together for free eats and check out the friends and of course the sisters. became famous for this got my ears pulled a bit by the elders but nothing more. once my friends got married, the contacts to crash the parties fizzled away. i saw myself going to less and less meetings. with the many splits of the cong. and address changes i just slowly drifted away. being a general slacker and never one to keep a schedule i drifted away. not by choice so i dont have any hard feelings.

    hehehe, my work schedule is also spotty but i do the type of work where a schedule doesn't matter now though , mortgage broker. so the tough thing is the time frames and all but who like i said if i want to marry a nice jw girl i'd better straighten out.

    bascially i was a bill and ted's excellent adventure type of witness, more like bil or ted hehehe . i remember once an elder asking me about bethel life in one of my more regular times. i told him the schedule would kill me even though i liked the videos about it. i mean getting up at 8 am or earlier everyday, cant do it. i am a slow eater and cant deall with the short time to eat. he shrugged and walked away.

  • kls
    they are not demons or jim jones copies. that's plain rubbish and u know it.

    No you are right ,Jim Jones killed his followers with poison where the wt kills by with holding blood from it's followers and turns rapist back to the community to rape again and teach their followers to shun their family in the name of God . Nope ,don't see a cult here .

    Rubbish ? Really , you don't get it do you.

  • avishai
    they are not demons or jim jones copies. that's plain rubbish and u know it

    Hmm, with their ever changing policies on blood, vaccinations, etc., they kill more people every YEAR than jonestown. Figure it out. Out of 6-7 million jw's, how many are going to need that kind of medical treatment or die? I mean, that's a community the size of NY city in the 1980's..

  • LittleToe

    I'm impressed that you can spell mortgage, which potentially may mean that your story adds up regarding your occupation. The thing that doesn't fly is your complete lack of capitalisation, and incessant use of TXT-speak.

    Why do people do that, when they have a perfectly good keyboard, with a SHIFT key???

    I'd also like to know where you got the impression that everyone is a bitter? Most of us couldn't give two hoots for the WTS, and are here for social reasons, and to help those who ARE suffering anguish.

    Good luck on your journey

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