What does your name MEAN?

by RichieRich 170 Replies latest jw friends

  • whyamihere

    My JWD name was perfect at the time. I asked myself "Why was I here?" So I put Whyamihere for a name not knowing what would come of this site.

    My first name is Brooke. Middle name is Autumn...they both mean why they say. I think it is very fitting for me. I always said it was a Fancy Hippie name Brooke Autumn as in nature theme....like Moon or Rainbow.


  • Sith

    NM...what a small world the internet is. I love that Dylan song. I named my youngest son after Bob Dylan. (his name is Dylan), much to my ex-wife's chagrin. If I had named him NeonMadman, he probably wouldn't have gotten very far in school. Sometimes the old noggin does work


  • RichieRich

    Richard means "brave power", derived from the Germanic elements ric "power, rule" and hard "brave, hardy".

    Eugene means "well born", composed of the elements e? "good, well" and ?e??? (genes) "born".

    Cool name,

    but put it together, and you get

    Richard Eugene, which really is just a hick name.

  • JH


    For some reason, your avatar reminds me of this boy dancing....

    Was this you, some 17 years ago?

  • Sith

    Ok...coming clean

    My name is Robert Wayne Leslie, Jr.

    Robert - "of bright and shining fame"
    Wayne - "wagonmaker"
    Leslie - "from the grey fort"
    Junior - "hell, I guess it means junior"

  • kls
    Ok...coming clean

    Really Sith ,a shower would have worked,,,,,,hee hee

    Really, you have a nice name

  • the_classicist

    Right, middle name: Andrew, means both "manly" and "brave." From the Greek, Andreos (which literally means manly, but idiomatically meant brave).

  • Sith

    KLS...a shower and a shave...how does that sound?

  • Low-Key Lysmith
    Low-Key Lysmith

    Low-Key Lysmith= Loki Lie Smith. Loki was on of Odin's sons in the Norse pantheon. I got the name from Neil Gaiman's "American Gods"-one of my favorite books. I have always enjoyed norse history an culture.

    Breck (my real name) means "speckled trout" in Scottish Gaelic. My dad is an avid fly-fisherman I think that's where he got the idea for my name. (we come from a long line of Scots as well.)

  • kls
    KLS...a shower and a shave...how does that sound?

    Sounds kinda funny and i bet i am the one being shaved of my fur Sheesh , humans

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