How Does the Governing Body Extend its Control Over the Many Organizations?

by frankiespeakin 57 Replies latest jw friends

  • JT


    Thanks for the run down of things from your persective. I would like to ask this question for I feel it is important to our subject here:

    How long ago did you leave bethel? ### it has been well over 10yrs

    The reason I ask that is because things are always changing especially since the internet. ##### and you are so correct about the changes since i have left case in point, when i was at bethel sistes esp the black sister used to wear Jeans, well typically you often find that black women are somewhat more Hippy that say a white sister so as single guys we would be holding our tongues for some of the sisters Knew full well what they were doing to us single guys with those "PAINTED ON JEANS" so what did wt do after i left, my old roomated called me up to say that sisters wearing jeans was banned except for work purposes, none of that walking around on sat with Painted ON Jeans- one of the ways i stay updated is i still keep in touch with bethelites, and this is very interesting to say the least case in point, my old roommate is at patterson now and is a bethel heavy, started out in the bindery, works as a secreatary in service dept and now works the service desk - he is in charge of a part of the country, any corrosponces from do co elders pioneer, dfing , etc he handles based on the states you overseers- yet he will be the first to admint that the boys over in writing are blowing smoke in folks eyes he dogged me when i stepped down, OPPS it is calld stepping aside- smile anyway he told me point blank that he was not going to bite the hand that feeds him, and i shouldn't either so he flies all over the world, wears the best suits, eats lobster tail- as he told me once, he has not been to a Burger King in 15yrs, since he gets the "Green handshake" we used to call it at bethel- i will share with you how we used to make money on the side in a thread called G-Jobbing- so even though i have been out for years, still connected and it is amazing just how many of these guys really don't beleive it,- to avoid meetings they will just say "I'm working late for the Society" well who is going to question them- esp since he works in service CO and DO fear these guys, you piss off a service desk guy as a co or do and you could find yourself being shipped from Sunny Palms spring to North Dokota- and beleive me it does happens

  • JT

    the above is the link to the complete discssion on g-jobbing:



    What is G-JOBBING___

    It is called Government work- it refers to GOV employees being lazy and just getting a check

    well it has to do with bethelites being too lazy to go out and get a real job so we do side jobs to make money while at bethel

    and you can make alot if you are in the right "Trade" electrician, plumber, tile setter, roofer, etc and it is all tax free

    the Congo in NYC would pay you to work on their halls since most jw in NY are white collar and not tradesmen

    we even did work for NONJW- using WT tools , supplies and Trucks and since it was always at COST it was cheap --can you imagine what it would cost to rent a FLATBED truck in NYC to hall Dry wall 2 blocks- smile

    all you needed to do was to get the guys who worked in that dept to requisition it under their name- they didn't even need to be there , but they would get their cut- lot of Elders headed up these work teams

    so we would use the buying power of the Society to get these supplies for halls and bro in there home many times

    some guys were clearing $3,000 a month tax free- bethel has cracked down on it by requiring you to sign a VOW OF POVERTY which is a form from the IRS saying you will not do any side jobs-

    also the waiters did lots of G-JOBBING if anyone has been to bethel for lunch they are always impressed with how over 6000, folks can be served in less than 20min- well this is were the waiters come in at

    folk like to use the bethelites at thier weddings to serve their guest
    and if you are talking references just watch the mothers and fathers who have daugthers getting married in a few weeks come up to you afterward and ask you to do thier kids wedding

    so the money rolls in beside everyone figures who BETTER TO HELP THAN THE LOWLY BETHELITES


    the BREAKER was some guys did a job and the person filed for it on his taxes --of course the IRS wants to know who do we get our money from

    well I'd be Damn-- if it ain't some guys who is suppose to be living off $90.00 a month smile

    so the society got involved and shut down most of the best money making jobs-

    from what I understand you can still do it but you have to go through a lot of hoops

    so many guys were missing meetings on the weekend and wiped out on Monday that flags started going up- we had this old nurse Called Sophie ----all my god she would worry you to death if you called in sick on a MONDAY were you out late Sunday night- what time did you get in, etc

    old bag man

    we had a plumbing job that was bidded out by a Congo in Queens with UNION NYC plumbers that was for $32,000, $36,000 and there was another bid price

    so the elders asked the bethelites could we do it- it was a complete job from the street to the inside of the hall to toilets and sinks and tile job

    well we could not ask for a set price but only tell the elders WHATEVER YOU BROTHERS WANTED TO GIVE US

    well they presented it to the Congo and they came back with $25,000 offer and it would be just 5 of us and they would supply all the manual labor through the local bros.

    we are talking $5,000 a piece - no taxes -in a weekend baby with a few follow up days to clean up any leftovers

    one of the guys was a MASTER PLUMBER SO HE always got the permits we needed from the city- due to the large amount we got cold feet so we talked with Ralph Walls about it and he told us we needed to consider how would it look with that sum of cash in 2days of work- where in fact it would have been no work at all since we would have merely been overseeing the local guys doing all the digging of the trenches SMILE HEY YOU GOT TO LOVE IT MAN

    so we turned it down- DAMN I SHOULD HAVE DONE IT

    there is one guy and some of the bethelites on the net know this guy he ran the ROOFING DEPT as the overseer and was (REMOVED FROM THAT JOB FOR THIS REASON) and since all the roofs in NYC on the halls are flat--they are always leaking due to water standing on them

    well he would take SOME OF his crew and knock out a roof over a weekend and man he was clocking over 3K amonth, not bad considering you don't have any expenses

    but the most famous G -JOBBER OF ALL TIME WAS a bro from out of Texas if I'm correct- any bethelites here will correct me if I'm wrong on the state he is from

    any way his name was James (JIM) Spencer he was the photography overseer and he had access to the society's $Million dollar cameras and film and processing equipment and he used to shoot WEDDINGS ON THE WEEKEND- hey like I said YOU GOT TO LOVE IT

    NOW CK THIS OUT I had a buddy who was in on the deal-- he worked at the Stanley theater- that is the most expensive assembly hall in the wt arsenal of assembly hall probably

    you all know it --the million dollar chandelier- anyway one of my boys was assigned as a keeper when they used bethelites---- now they have a pioneer couple over there --old Ricketts and he is a LITTLE HUSTLER as well

    anyway Jim would arrange to use the assembly hall to take couples pictures

    and I tell you-- to have your wife coming down the GRAND STAIRCASE IN HER GOWN hey man we are talking GONE WITH THE WIND TYPE STUFF

    well my boy could have folks over to the assembly hall after hours as long as they were his guests

    man he didn't even know some of the couples

    so Spencer would kick him a little "SOMETHING -SOMETHING" SMILE

    anyway old Spencer got caught not reimbursing the Society for the equipment and since he was the Overseer of the dept no one really questioned what he was working on late at night

    hey it was not your latest mag cover shot- smile

    so the "Shit hit the fan" and my man was BUSTED DOWN FROM PHOTO OVERSEER

    to working the Bindery lines in the leather gold bible section

    it was so embarrassing cause about a month after he got SHAFTED we had an Open tour of the factory were the office guys and the home guys could come over to the factory and see how the book and mags are made

    and you guessed it ---my man James Spencer is right on the tour route and all the office guys are walking through laughing their a$$ off at him sitting there sweating with a tee shirt and blue jeans on.

    his roommate was Robbie Vela from Hawaii the big island ---he worked upstairs in the bindery on the hardback line and he told us that Spencer would come home from work when he worked in photo dept and there would be TICKETS FOR him to fly to Japan or Rome or anywhere in the world just to take a couple of rolls of film and fly back

    man we are talking about living the good life- he flew almost as much as the guys with UPI or AP wire guys

    single man living the life and since he was the PO in his hall up in the Bronx he had the best of both worlds in the local hall and at the big house

    from what I understand HE MADE A KILLING

    well it is now bed time and no more bethel stories until later



    PS this is the last one it's too good to let pass

    now i earned my money when i was at bethel others don't

    as you all know by now the spokesman for the wt is a guy named JR Brown as a black man we use to call the the Society's Louis Farrakan

    the most powerful speaker every to Grace a wt mike esp in the black community

    well anyway he is ACES with larry Graham and larry is always hooking him up along with 1000's of his fans

    anyway when he bought his new car alot of the Heavies and i don't mean to get racial,but some of the White boys were not happy

    As they would say in the black Hood ""This Negro went out and bought a $45,000 car"

    my man drives a top of the line fully loaded "Q45"
    now go figure how you and i can do that off $90.00 a month


  • JT

    It sounds like you were privy to a lot of insider info that you were privy to that the rest of us peons were not


    no peons man -in the org it matters not what title you hold short of being a GB- for we were all just cogs in the wheel

    men with 45yrs of service as a branch overseer, make one mistake or piss off Theodore Jaraz and they are knocked down to a publisher- they all live in fear that any day they can lose their position it is all about fear!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    i was just forturnate enough to be in the right place to see and hear this stuff

    as one gets higher in the org, such terms as loving the bro, concern about the sick, etc are used less and less, instead more "Corporate" terms are used and as i look back i can see why at one time each congregation was referred to as a "Company"

    at the higher levels you will hear of a bro being refered to not as one having the christlike persnlity, but as a Solid Society Man or good company man

    in many co meetings where an man was being recommended the question would be asked :

    "Is he a good solid "Society Man"

    and what that catch phrase entails and means is so important to understanding how this org works

    without understanding that one is left scratching their head trying to figure out

    whats up with jw

  • frankiespeakin


    But you have to wonder with the internet and all how much that has changed things at bethel. I mean a lot of these guys before the net may have felt it was the truth and so the systems they had in place worked pretty good. But now, it must be different, I'm sure a lot of higher ups have been deprogramed because of the net. I think a coup may be in the works. I bet very few people close to the GB really look up to them anymore, as I'm sure many probably can't stand them but tollerate them because they have so much time invested in bethel.

    Some how I see these "disgruntled ones"(smile) finding one another to eventually wrestle power away from the GB. Don't forget the GB (most of them) are very old and decreped, probably easy to fool by thier closest friends who know them like a book.

  • free2beme

    They control by fear!

  • frankiespeakin


    They control by fear!

    I think that is thier main method for the rank and file, and those long timers at bethel as well.
    They have the power to DF anybody for any reason if it suits them, but this threat which they weild is also a two edge sword, causing many old timers at bethel much inward rage, and producing a willingness to pounce on these guys if the oportunity presents itself. They are extremely hypocritical despots, and they rule through terror.
    As thier lies and hypocrisy become more widely known by many at bethel, who are trapped there because of no place to go, no retirement, with the threat of being thrown out on the street (like Edward Dunlap and his wife) in thier old age, if they utter a peep of discontent or mention a disagreement of some doctrine or policy. The Governing Body is sitting on a powder keg, what worked in the past will no longer work now certainly not since the internet has arrived, and thier exposure continues,, without any let up in sight, and only the possiblity of it getting more intense.
    The wisest choice right now would be for them to turn around and just stop all this nonsense, and make sincere apology,, but most likely they are too old and set in thier way to even consider it.

  • frankiespeakin

    I think the possiblity of a major upset at Bethel is very real and very near. I don't think the Governing Body is aware of just how much is being done behind thier backs.

    Think of it, because of all the exposure on the net of the falsehoods that the Governing Body is responsible for,,(this is the information hyway) (99% percent of web sites about JWs is negative). Just type in the word jehovah, or "Jehovahs witnesses" or something similar and most of the first page is all negative and every page after that the same. Why would the GB not expect most in bethel have done this and will continue to do this, it will only get worse.

    Now think of what this will do to many loyal old time servant at bethel, think of the betrayal they will experience as they find out, and then think of the hatred they will feel because they have been betrayed and now they are in a bind because the GB hold the Disfellowshipping sword over thier heads, desparation and hatred both. Many of these people will continue to play out thier hand just waiting for some way to get revenge.

    I know when I found out I was decieved by the GB and that if I spoke out I would lose my family in the org. I was furious and was desparate to see them exposed any way I could, I'm the type if anybody trys to strong arm me I lash out and will not let myself be intimidated and I was not about to let them intimidate me and so I lost all my friends and family to the borg.

    I'm sure there are many like me at Bethel but more controlled and very calculating because of thier particular situation. I would even think many of these so-called "company men" that are corporation member are playing the hand they have been dealt,, with a long pent up anger plotting and just waiting for the exact right time to strike. I imagine many in the legal department are of this type,(how could anybody in legal not know it is a sham is beyond me).

    I see a big revolt looming with many wishing to dig thier dagers in those responsible for thier desparate situation. Bethel may even be a dangerous place for the Governing Body to be right now, because you never know when someone under pressure and in an awful bind might just explode. I think they should be very careful before calling some of these old timers before a kangaroo committe you never know just what bad feeling that may stir up especially if they have given so much to the organization. An old timer might just say to hell with it I've got nothing to live for so I might as well take a few with me. If that were ever to happen it might make world news, With the headlines "Watchtower Cult Member Goes on Murder Rampage".

  • JT

    I'm sure a lot of higher ups have been deprogramed because of the net.

    While I understand your desire to hope this is happening I have to disagree

    at bethel the IT dept monitors what sites bethelites visit, so for those at bethel the net is having very little impact in my view, out of 6000 , you may get 5 or 6 who leave and return to the real cold world to make aliving

    I hardly see any bethel heavy putting his job and life on the line, they all recall what happened to ray franz-

    consider—if a member of the GB and Nephew of freddy franz (ray franz) was not spared when he showed signs of questioning the org,

    how in the world will a NON gb be treated if it is found out that he questions the org,

    first off he will lose his position and asked to leave bethel, can you tell me where a man with a wife who are both in their late 60’ 70’s is going to go and start a new career

    it is better as I was told to Keep your mouth shut and work with the program instead of making a lot of noise

    I think a coup may be in the works.

    ## one again I have to disagree, in fact today a coup is harder than every before, when the org was a one man show like in rutherfords day it was easy, today it is ran by committee and everyone knows a camel is a race horse designed by a committee- smile

    I bet very few people close to the GB really look up to them anymore,

    This maybe very true, but I don’t think it is the view held by those who are their right hand men that I listed, if anything those key men feel even more indebted to them

    I will tell you this my roommate related how a number of “anointed” guys at bethel jaws were locked when the gb decided to install nonannointed guys many of them the same age as these “anointed guys”

    The view was “why are we not being Groomed to take over as the older anointed die off”

    The reason is simple the wt has very little trust of anyone under a certain age claiming to be annonted

    My roommate and I discussed this at length when he came down about 2 yr ago-

    Here you got guys of the annoined in their 50-60s and instead of them being trained to take over they give what they feel are their rightful jobs, since according to wt dogma “Currently” on anointed are used by Jah

    But from what I understand that is going to change, the wt is currently working redefining who and what is the FDS- and for any half student of wt dogma changes, all the ground work has been laid for years to introduce this new Dogma to the rank and file

    You state:

    I'm sure many probably can't stand them but tollerate them because they have so much time invested in bethel.

    Once again I agree, but I don’t think that is the case for those few guys who have been selected as key men of the gb,

    Just my 2

  • JT

    Some how I see these "disgruntled ones"(smile) finding one another to eventually wrestle power away from the GB


    i appreciate your thoughts, but i have to disagree for i think that very very few of the key players listed who are on the corp level would be considered "Disgruntled ones"

    if anything they are happy as a can be, to be given such power-

    that is why i told you before, just ask anyone on ANY jw website if they know the men i listed and how would you describe such men- i'm telling you wt runs thru their views, we are talking about guys who entered bethel at 19yrs old, they are now 60--80yrs old that is over 40-60yrs of bethel and constantly moving up the ladder and after awhile one realizes that promotion are based not on the will of god, but the good graces of the gb-

    once again i ask you to stop and think about what we are talking about- to these men demostrating loyalty is more important than some power move-

    besides in order to accomplish what you are talking about is very unlikely - not impossible but highly unlikely

    let me explain to you how it works, when the wt created the new corps on , they announced at the annual meeting who the officers were and the board of directors were of each corp,


    IN ORDER to accomplish what you are talking bout would require a tremendous amount of collusion- and consider, none of them can access the money, of the org- so which would appeal to them more\

    you got the president of one of the corp who tries to convince a VP to join him in trying to take over, now they need the agreement of all the officers and the board-

    now as aVP which would be easier and more rewarding- one try to stage a coup or walk down the hall and tell the GB that frank is trying to over take the Kiingdom Farm corp?

    and then next week Frank is back in NC with no job, and dfed no friends or help and you are promoted to President of Kingdom farm due to your loyalty for jah and his earthly org and next week you and your wife are sent to Japan, Korea and Hawaii to chk up on the branches for 4 weeks and to give 4 talks and lots and lots of Green handshakes

    now you tell me which is more likely!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  • JT

    I sincerly hope that you dont take this the wrong way and it is not meant to be a dog, but your post while very sincere and hopeful of a major wt down fall are in my veiw is a pipe dream.

    your post only highlights how little the avg jw and many times former jw understands about how this org is run and that is very unfortunate , while i too would love to see wt fall to its needs, it will not and the reason is very simple, wt sells a product that people need and that product is hope-

    one of the first things i did when leaving wt my wife and i took a colleg psych class, we wanted to understand how could a person look at tons of facts, documentation, proof, evidence about and matter and say

    "yea that might be true and the wt might be wrong, but i'm sticking with the wt right or wrong"

    how does a person develope that level of closed mindedness

    well i came to learn that it is possible thru Conditioning - one of the first things most former jw encounter is the resistance to EVEN want to know about the under belly of the org, many folks on this site will tell you they have family and friends who just refuse to even discuss anything negative about the org, and that is the result of just attending a few meetings a week

    can you imagine the level of conditioning that 45yrs of bethel does to a person mindset

    when most of those men went to bethel in the 50' and 60's life was like Ozzia and Harriet moms stayed home and cooked and day was the provider- they are still livng in those times- they have not paid a light bill or house note in 45yrs, man can you just imagine if you have never had to take care of all the business you handle in your household , yet instead just concentrate on how to be a better Society man

    just a few comments on your post

    I think the possiblity of a major upset at Bethel is very real and very near. I don't think the Governing Body is aware of just how much is being done behind thier backs.

    ####### can you name "ONE" thing that the key men in the org are doing behind the backs, you see i'm not talking about rank and file jw from Tenn or SC, i'm talking about Decision makers in the org, i'm not even talking about CO or DO or even Branchcommittee members for they are NOT decsion makers

    can you name one thing that these key men are doing that is as you say- very real and very near'???

    yu continue:

    "Think of it, because of all the exposure on the net of the falsehoods that the Governing Body is responsible for,,(this is the information hyway) (99% percent of web sites about JWs is negative). Just type in the word jehovah, or "Jehovahs witnesses" or something similar and most of the first page is all negative and every page after that the same."

    ## you are 110% correct there is tons of info on the org, as i say just a mouse click away and jw could have freedom,

    you continue

    "Why would the GB not expect most in bethel have done this and will continue to do this, it will only get worse."

    now this is where you are wrong in my veiw, while you are correct that "MOST would do it, the Fear prevents it from happening

    at bethel they can check your room EVEry single day and there is nothing you can do about it, they can go into your closet, etc, that is how they find porno, and debased music

    and most importantly, theyt monitor the sites that those on the bethel network surf, as ray franz pointed out, they even monitor phones calls and record them

    such an atmosphere is not going to lead alot of bethelites to surf on aposatates site inmy view

    i hope that i dont' come over sounding like i am doggin you but after doing this for 8yrs on the net and seeing folks come to the net and literally have no idea about how the org works,even with my Limited knowledge it is amazing the things the org does

    i could not beleive the signed up with the UN for example how stupid , but yet look how many jw don't know anything about it,

    look at how many do know about it and now look at how few actually left

    many times former jw try to paint the picture that there is a mass exodus out of the org DUE to the NET

    i have to disagree, take a congo of 130 pub how many congo have you hear of that 40 pubs left due to the net, for it that was the case all the persons from that one congo wold be on the net telling how we all got the hell out

    yes many are leaving due to the net, but in my exp most jw stop due to merely burning out, feeling beaten for some during this period of time they rexamine things and find us, but for many they never take the time to find out why they felt so beaten

    and as soon as some major tragic stikes their life they are back to the hall being good little jw

    i think that the net STOPs more folks from becoming jw than getting jw to leave

    since nonjw are open minded ,willing toread both sides, your avg jw shuts down faster than an ATM bank teller on the 3rd wrong pin number attempt- smile

    consider even if the wt lost 75% of its members it would still have 1.5 million followers - far enought to take care of the gb and their key men- they could sell off 90% of the branches, 90% of the assembly halls, 90% of the kingdom halls, cut back on CO DO bethel staff and missionaries and JR Brown and he rest of the gang would collect billions in real estate and property sales , providing them with the means to stay at the NY bethel and never have to get a real job like you and i

    justmy 2

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