I would even think many of these so-called "company men" that are corporation member are playing the hand they have been dealt,, with a long pent up anger plotting and just waiting for the exact right time to strike. I imagine many in the legal department are of this type,(how could anybody in legal not know it is a sham is beyond me).
you are missing the point my friend by the time you reach that level in the org, you know it is bogus,
you need to go out this weekend and rent the movie 1984- there is one scene in the movie that says it all
some of you may recall this one scene, when i saw it i was like -- that is the org, that is the org
in the movie everyone is required to listen to Propaganda day and night by means of everyones house has a PA speaker that just blast speeches all day and night and they are forbidden under punishment of imprsionment if they turn off the speaker blasting
well in one scene, there is this guy who is being considered to be "MOVED UP the corp ladder and he enters the office of a high ranking person and the guy walks over and turns OFF THE Speaker
and they guy is like - you are not suppose to do that we canget into trouble and the dude just waves his hand as it were and says "WE" up here don't have to listen to that stuff, it is just for the pions baically
so my point is you keep refering to these "Disgruntle ones, angry ones, folks upset etc"
well at that level of the org, they already know that you don'[t have to go in service , to the meeting regualy,or read all of the mags each month- they have a different set of rules for those at the top
cae inpoint, if my roomate wants to miss meeting - he just says I"m staying at bethel tonight to work on some society business"
who is going to question him???????????
so i hate to burst your bubble, all this anger and disgruntle stuff you mention, well my friend for those men at that level they are happy as can be, now if there are anyone disgruntle, it is the guys who got OVERLOOKED and got what we usd to call at bethe THE SHAFT- PROBLEM IS none of those guys are in key decision making roles, that is why they are pissed
so for those kind of guys you are right all they cando is grin and bear it, but since the are not power brokers and owe bethel for the very bed they sleep on they must sell their souls
and i will agree with you on that, many bethelites know, but due to not having anywhere to go, they just stay
in fact i finally understood why when i was growing up all the former bethelites left the "truth" when they came back home, now i know why,
they saw so much "Sh#t" when they were at bethel, the racism, back bitting, the power moves, asskissing ,brownosing,etc that when theyreturn backhomeand the reg jw are like
didn't you feel closeer to jehovah by being at bethel they are like what the Fu%K are you talking about, is their mindset many times- due in part to seeing that bethel is not like one is lead to beleve before going
in fact they teach you at behel not to tell folks back home of the bad things you see, it could be discouraging
so when you go home and 50 friends are around you thinking that each day the GB emittes some holy spirit off onto and you know the real deal that sometimes they will not even speak to you on the elevatore and you can;t tell the friends back home, you quickly see the lie that is told and the image that is create
the same as an image is created about the congo being so loving and kind, the same can be said about bethel, it paints a picture of deep spiritual enviroment-
yet i saw more KEGS of beer at bethel than i had ever seen back in NC, in fact most eldrs would never drink in front of pub when i was growing up and to go to bethel and see "Spritual Men" knock down more beer than "Cayotoe /carzy"