how many of you are considering boycotting tom cruise's 'war of the worlds'

by orbison11 45 Replies latest jw friends

  • AllAlongTheWatchtower

    I haven't made up my mind yet. Tom is definitely a twit, and have my doubts about any modernized version of a classic anyway. I read the book when I was a kid, and do not want the same utter sense of frustration that I had when I saw Will Smith in 'I, Robot'. I will probably end up doing what I did with that movie...which is waiting for it to come out on DVD, then rent it on 99 cent Tuesday-and b____ing the whole time we watch it to my wife about how bad they deviated from the original.

    I REALLY hope that the Hitchhiker's Guide movie coming out soon doesn't suck, or have an actor in it I don't care for, like in this situation. Been a fan of Adams for a long time.

  • the_classicist
    I REALLY hope that the Hitchhiker's Guide movie coming out soon doesn't suck, or have an actor in it I don't care for, like in this situation. Been a fan of Adams for a long time.

    It's been out for a long time, and, yes, its pretty good. Thanks for the fish!

  • FlyingHighNow

    I'm not a Cruise fan. I think he is very over-rated. He's not handsome and he is generally a bad actor, though I did like the movie Rain Man.

    I couldn't care less about what actors believe. I'd see the movie just to compare to it to the original, which used to scare the holy bejesus out of me when I was but a child. It's probably the reason I suffer from anxiety to this day. That or Dr. Strangelove and the bomb ride and the multiple mushroom clouds at the end.

  • jeanniebeanz
    Thanks for the fish!

    My favorite part was the brake lights on the space ship and the sound of screaching tires as it space...get it?... lol Okay, Okay... So I'm weird...


  • Dan-O

    "due to his recently learned so called knowledge of psychiatry and medication?? "

    Ummm ... that would be like boycotting 'The Hunt for Red October' because of Alec Baldwin's ridiculous left coast politics. If the movie is worth seeing, I'll watch & enjoy it. I don't care what asshole stars in the movie, just gimme a good tale.

    I enjoyed Cruise in Risky Business and Rain Man and A Few Good Men, although I thought he was kinda lame in Eyes Wide Shut and Mission Impossible and Days of Thunder.

  • Cupcake

    dont care what he says he looks good

  • Midget-Sasquatch

    For me, Tom's beliefs on chemical imbalances have no bearing on Spielberg's remake. I'm counting on Steven's adaptation having a balanced use of special effects but not relying on them exclusively. I'd like for it to have stronger emphasis on the human reaction to this threat (like how people interact with loved ones and strangers during crises). I hope I won't be disappointed.

  • EvilForce

    Um....I watch actors to ACT. I listen to doctors about medical issues. I listen to religious leaders for spiritual matters. I listen to politicians about politics. And listen to musicians for their music. When one of them tries to do another's job...I ignore it. Nuff said.
    I'll see it on Thursday.

  • amicus

    "Ummm ... that would be like boycotting 'The Hunt for Red October' because of Alec Baldwin's ridiculous left coast politics. If the movie is worth seeing, I'll watch & enjoy it. I don't care what asshole stars in the movie, just gimme a good tale."

    Ok, I'll bite. What exactly is "ridiculous left coast politics"?

    One of the things I appreciated most about leaving the borg was that I was no longer required to catagorize people and their diverse opinions...

  • Netty

    I have no desire to see it, but I'm sure I will. Hubby's a big movie buff, we see 'em all. And yes, he's a turd for making those comments about psychiatry and medication. I dont think people should speak out or knock something they could never possibly experience themselves. As if he could ever have half an idea what post-partum depression feels like.

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