how many of you are considering boycotting tom cruise's 'war of the worlds'

by orbison11 45 Replies latest jw friends

  • RichieRich

    I'm going to go see this movie while I'm at the DC.

    I don't care what Tom Cruise believes in, and I think that trying to hurt him because of his views is just the same as beating a gay person, or harassing an Atheist.

    This is a free world, so why screw with him because of his beliefs?

  • undercover

    I judge actors on their acting ability first then their cool factor second. Political, religious, philosophical idealogies come last, unless they are really outspoken and make an ass out of themselves.

    A lot of people don't like Russel Crowe because he has a temper. I like him because he's a better actor than most people give him credit for and comes acroos to me as pretty cool in interviews and appearances.

    Tom Cruise is a pretty good actor and I don't have a problem watching him as an actor. I liked him in Collateral that came out last year. That was a good role for him. His coolness factor in person is not so great. He comes across as goofy and silly in public. I'm tired of hearing about him and Katie Holmes. Big deal. His spouting of some of his more goofy ideas lately is making me like him less as a celebrity and I don't care to read much about him, but I won't boycott a movie because of his personal views or opinions.

    If we all boycotted movies/TV based on religious/political/etc views, there'd be a lot of people, shows, movies that we wouldn't get to enjoy. Don't we get upset when right-wing fundies try to organize a boycott because a movie is "vile" or "disgusting"?

    I think too many people take movie actors/TV stars/rock stars a little seriously. Enjoy their craft, but make your life decisions based on reality, not on what Hollywood does.

  • EvilForce

    I guess the funny / sad thing is how many shows, magazines, and websites are dedicated to what these people do OFF STAGE. Obviously someone's buying / watching all these People, Entertainment Weekly, ET, Enquirer, Star, etc.... or they wouldn't publish them. We treat them like mini god's. And to the person that said to "accept the Emmy and get off the stage"...why are you watching that? You know what it's going to be.

  • darkuncle29

    I used to like TC, Mel Gibson too, but after they started spouting their crap, I don't care for either one of them. If a movie gets a good review by people I know, then I might see it. I won't see WOTW, as I don't care.

    I saw the Jesus movie, just to say that I did: it didn't change me one bit, infact, it reinforced my current views of Religion(mono-theism) being a political control mechanism.

    I also don't care for sports, because who really wants to see a bunch of millionares throw a ball around, and some of these guys are just so stupid in their personal lives. Give me Rugby or Aussie Rules foot ball any day.

    When celebrities try and sell BS, just acknowledge it, and step around it.

    Once again, a not too lucid post from DU, but in the big picture, it doesn't matter.

  • Gozz

    I'll see the DVD edition, borrow it from the library whenever that'll be. The idiot keeps shooting the wind about things he knows nothing about. And yeah. it's allright to see actors for their work; just note how we get really selective when the matter isn't touching you. Roman Polanski, too, is good at what he does.


  • scotsman

    The only Tom Cruise film I've seen in the cinema was Eyes Wide Shut and he played the glossy, vacuous, cypher well enough. WOTW doesn't appeal that much but boy, does Dakota Fanning look frightened in those adverts.

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