How many baptisms at your District Convention (if you went)

by TheListener 39 Replies latest jw friends

  • TheListener

    Please, if you went to the convention this year or go later please post the number of individuals baptized.

    Thank you.

  • JH

    1 person got baptized in our congregation.

    I didn't go to the assembly but an elder told me this.(I'll find out and post it later today)

  • Mary

    1 person got baptized in our congregation

    Wow! One whole person?! Surely this is another fine indication that Jehovah is blessing this Organization!!

  • wannaexit

    District Convention Kitcherner Ontario Canada

    25 or 26 baptized mostly kids


  • 95stormfront

    From what I've been told, they baptised a 8 year old in College Station this past weekend.

    As if an 8 year old is supposed to completely understand the depth of making that type of decision.

  • RichieRich
    As if an 8 year old is supposed to completely understand the depth of making that type of decision.

    Well- they asked him!

    What a waste...

    I'll tell you next monday...

  • JH

    I noticed that there are many young kids in our congregation...and most of them will get baptized at a too young age...and then when they turn 18, many will leave.

    I guess that most baptisms these days are JW children rather than pure strangers who accepted a bible study.

  • GetBusyLiving

    Another group of kids that will be joining us soon on JWD. 8 years old?? WTF?


  • frankiespeakin

    The Society is really after the very young these days to get baptized. That way they have a better chance of keeping them under thier control with the threat of DF if they leave or screw up. Hey they ain't get any new members so young children is a way to boost the number and keep them under thier control with threats.

  • RichieRich

    Frankie's right.

    Inside the org, early baptism is viewed as a protection..

    I got baptized at 16, knowing I could be DFed or DA myself and make it stick. That was my plan...

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