Taking on others personalities

by kls 25 Replies latest jw experiences

  • kls

    Do you ever have a friend or close relative that has taken on someones personality ? This is someone that you knew to act and think a certain way and then they meet someone and they have changed into the other person such as likes and dislikes and their way of reasoning .

    Do you know what i mean ,kinda like the person you knew has become someone that you don't really know. I am not talking jw brainwashing here just people in general.

  • Netty

    yes, I have seen this happen, even with someone very close to me. Right down to even starting to use the same terminology, and pronouncing things differently. (like I guess in the midwest, they pronounce wash, with an r, warsh) and we most certainly dont do that here in the west.

  • Honesty

    There was once a monkey who took on the personality of a very nice exJW.....

  • JH

    When I get to know people,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,I do exactly like them,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,and I write like them.

    And sometimes I even use the words that they use,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,such as the word "ascared".

  • kls
    There was once a monkey who took on the personality of a very nice exJW.....

    Once a monkey !!! When did i die Pokes self ,(ouch ) no i am still alive cause that really hurt.

    Honesty ,

  • kls
    such as the word "ascared".

    Rat ,just make sure your kitty knows this word " be very ascared little kittie " When daddy away the monkey will play .

  • whyamihere

    Yes my Cousin...who happened to be my best friend from early childhood we were 4 years apart. She live in MN and I in WI. However, we always started up where we left off. Wrote letter back and forth having a sleep over that lasted for weeks and weeks. Seriously we were the best of friends. I knew everything about her.

    Then I think her mother didn't want her to be normal and have fun like me. Plus her mother was the favorite daughter and my mother wasn't anything in the family. So when she would come to visit the family her mother had her bring a spiritual friend over. So I never got to be alone and have fun like we used to. As time went on she changed....I mean we still get along and laugh but not like we used to. She is just different..even looks at me different. She has turned into her mother even when she said she never wants to be like her.

    I am going through alot right now because of her changing. I never really realized it until lately. You see when we were little were would always say you will be in my wedding I promise. I always knew who my maid of honor would be. When I got married she was there by my side. Now she is getting married in Aug...and I am not in the wedding. I never felt so hurt in my life. I am just having a hard time with it. I just thought I would be at least in it. It just makes me feel not good enough for them again. I never was good enough and never will be.

    I know I am going to the wedding because I really do love her. I am just sad I am left out. It hurts more than I thought it would.


  • kls
    Now she is getting married in Aug...and I am not in the wedding. I never felt so hurt in my life. I am just having a hard time with it. I just thought I would be at least in it. It just makes me feel not good enough for them again. I never was ;good enough and never will be

    Brooke ,you are better then her and always will be and you are to good to attend her wedding . People like her are not worth your hurt .

    Now smile Damit

  • Odrade

    yup, the chameleon people. They don't have a strong personality (or self-confidence, self-esteem, pick one,) of their very own, so they tend to mimic those around them. Hard to take. You don't know who you're going to get unless you know the tone of the group you are seeing them with.

  • kls
    (like I guess in the midwest, they pronounce wash, with an r, warsh)

    Sounds like my fatherinlaw.

    Odrade , that is exactly what i am talking about. Mimic <never thought of using it in that term but that is it.

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