Taking on others personalities

by kls 25 Replies latest jw experiences

  • kls
    but hmm, that lasso might come in handy for flinging stuff

    That's my Tales

  • luna2

    I know someone who does this...at least a bit. She'll start talking like her current favorite friend...picking up certain phrases or words, ones she's never used before. If she likes the person enough, she'll even take on their opinions, likes and dislikes, sometimes going from hating a certain person, place or thing to suddenly loving it because this new friend does.

    She doesn't completely change or anything, but enough so you notice it and enough so that it pisses me off sometimes. LOL I would never have said she was an insecure person...but maybe she is about some things??? Like wanting to make a good impression on new people by becoming more like them.

  • Sith

    No need to be afeared of razors, little monkey. There is always electrolysis

  • Tez

    Know what you mean, its as if to be accepted by that other person they have to adopt the personality. To a certain extent I did that, more in the way of discounting my own likes and dislikes to compromise with that of my ex husband, till after 30 years I realised I didn't want to act like an old woman and that I do like rock music, dancing, etc.. took a long time eh? Many folk just want to be accepted and if it means adopting the personality of those they want to be accepted by they do it!

  • confusedjw

    (My avatar has taken over mine.......)

    Hank: "I sell propane and propane accessories."

    (help me)

    Hank: Yup.

    (I can see out, but can you see me?)

    Dale: "Hey there Hank, it looks like you have three pupils in one eye - have there been any gov't agents around inserting things into you?"

    (OMG - Dale can you see me?!)

    Hank: Sigh "Dale - I don't have three pupils now shut up before you scare Bobby"

  • kls

    Modes , don't forget this one. Nevermind

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