The June KM mentions an announcement that you might find interesting. There's a form S82 which is to be submitted to the Building Committee when a person desires to volunteer as a worker at different projects. The Regional Com. wants to have the Secretary give up to date information on all baptized publishers that apply. If one becomes a ministerial servant or moves away, they want to be immediately informed in writing---of any change. If one is "no longer in good standing", this form should be re-signed and sent to Regional AND the information must be kept in the congrgation's file for "review" by the Circuit Overseer on his next visit.......Any comments??
What Do You Think About The New S82 Form's Use???
by minimus 23 Replies latest jw friends
Its all about control
isn't it.
Yes, it is about control but I see more than that between the pages.
That IS the "religion"...
pre-occupationobsession with counting the mundane...It keeps them "legitimately" busy so they don't have to do any REAL works that might actually help someone...
u/d (of the I used to be one class)
The Jehovah's Witness religion to me, is like the movie "Office Space"....only with "religion"....
u/d (of the I'm Peter class)
What does this mean?
I won't be asked to do anymore Quick Builds. I'm so downhearted.
The Regional Com. wants to have the Secretary give up to date information on all baptized publishers that apply. If one becomes a ministerial servant or moves away, they want to be immediately informed in writing---of any change. If one is "no longer in good standing", this form should be re-signed and sent to Regional AND the information must be kept in the congrgation's file for "review" by the Circuit Overseer on his next visit.......
As far as I know the WTS has wanted the RBC and secretaries to do this in the first place and they have not been doing so. This is the do it or else brothers. The fact that it is in the KM rather than a BOE letter and the rank and file are being made privy to the dirty laundry, shows that this is a last ditch attempt to get compliance.Blondie
km 2/01 p. 7 Announcements ***
The secretary should see that the Regional Building Committee is kept up-to-date on the status of all baptized publishers who have submitted Kingdom Hall Volunteer Worker Questionnaire (S-82) forms. When there are adjustments in a volunteer’s status, such as when one moves or is appointed as a ministerial servant or elder, new forms should be filled out promptly and submitted. If a volunteer’s mailing address or telephone number changes, or if he is no longer in good standing in the congregation, the elders should immediately inform the Regional Building Committee by letter.
I agree with Blondie - the society all along (well since the early 1990s) has wanted only to use brothers in good standing on building projects but this has not been follwoed through on by some BOE. So let us say you have a publisher who has excellent building skills but poor FS hours or other - reproved reently etc , then in the past he may have got used. By putting it in a KM rather than a BOE LETTER THE SOCIETY IS MANDATING ONLY USE BROTHERS IN GOOD STANDING - OR ELSE
It seems that the CONGREGATION has a list for the CO to review regarding those not in good standing...Is it just for these volunteers? I doubt it.
if 'in good standing' relates to fs hours...then they are going to be stretched even further in the skill department...and i would think that would include those who are on regional buld oversight...dont forget pioneers are not supposed to be used ...unless they take it as a holiday