a few months ago we had a local needs part about supporting the cbs field service on saturday. it was given by a nice older elder, but what he said was pretty scary. he used all the phrases and logic that are usually used for meeting attendance. then said that it should be "a regular thing in our schedule" that "we would want to be there UNLESS extenuating circumstances arose". i know that sat service has always been stressed, but normally you are encouraged to make a good schedule of service that fits YOUR schedule. i do not think it will go over well, or work in our cong. i think most people are doing what they can/want and won't change. if i went our every saturday, i would have to limit it to 15 minutes a week, to keep i line with my average for the month.
well, in our cong. service is now "expected" on Saturday.
by ?me? 39 Replies latest jw friends
Welcome ?me? -
Glad you're contributing the fullest share to the WTS world wide work. Is that 15 minutes of driving, like to the coffee shop? Too much has been preached, it's all good now. Once again, welcome.
he used all the phrases and logic that are usually used for meeting attendance. then said that it should be "a regular thing in our schedule" that "we would want to be there UNLESS extenuating circumstances arose".
Ahhh, yes. All the not-so-subtle buzzwords to make you pay "more than the usual attention."
For a long time, hearing those terms made me feel guilty. After many years, they made me irritated.
I detested Saturday service. It was a big honking waste of time for the most part. If I was still in, I'd be very disturbed that I was being told that I had to do this.
On another note...15min? LMAO!!
Oh, and welcome to the board ?me?....sorry I was laughing too hard about the 15 minutes of field service.
if i went our every saturday, i would have to limit it to 15 minutes a week, to keep i line with my average for the month.
LOL! welcome, me!
look forward to seeing you around...
Nothing like a stress free Saturday morning, after getting hammered the night before. I don't miss the whole Saturday morning service bit.
I forgot to say welcome. Always nice to hear from somone new.
Saturday field service is a joke. Noone wants to do it and more time is spent visiting the local bakery/coffee shop than actually knocking on doors.
welcome to the board. I used to hate that my dad with out a doubt would be banging on my bedroom door every Saturday for witnessing. I never felt like i had a weekend free or weekend sleep in. Saturday was witnessing Sunday morning was the meeting. Boy am I glad i dont ever have to do that again es
Field service on Saturday morning has been expected by the WTS for the last 50 years. They did call it Magazine Day. That is why the book studies are organized the way they are as Saturday meeting places for the ministry. In recent years, I have noticed that those who have the book study have been allowed to opt out on meeting on Saturdays at their house; mostly, because they are desperate for locations other than the KH for book study groups.
Yes, 4 Saturdays a month and 1 Sunday afternoon to make a minimum of 10 hours a month.
My grandparents used to go out all day Sunday and have the meetings in the evening.