well, in our cong. service is now "expected" on Saturday.

by ?me? 39 Replies latest jw friends

  • Netty

    It was always demanded of us when I was in the borg. If they had slacked off some, they must be tightening up the reings again, as it were. Seems like the society is returning to the strictness of the 80's again.


  • potleg

    Governing body thinks that the rank and file are maybe relaxing, letting up and enjoying life in this old system of things a little too much...what to do...load them down with more pointless activities. Personally I think the harder they push the more people will push back. Their mask of being some kind of spiritual guide is slipping.

  • Aude_Sapere

    What Blondie said.

    Except my grandparents were not 'in the truth' by any stretch of the imagination. (I miss them.)

  • Dark Knight
    Dark Knight

    I don't think anyone really looks forward to field service. That's the thing about JW's. They are sooo half hearted in what they do. That's one of the strongest indicators that the whole JW system is a bunch of crappola.

  • luna2

    It was certainly encouraged in both congregations I attended, but I never looked at it as mandatory for some reason. Maybe it was because so much time was spent farting around doing nothing.

    My first congregation was the worst with this. Meetings for service could go on for 40 minutes or more. Driving to outlying territories could take up to a half an hour. There were sisters who often need to stop at the bank or even be driven home to pick up something they'd forgotten. Some mornings we'd only work about a half an hour before having to race over to McDonald's for a crappy fast food break that could last well over a half an hour. On one memorable occassion, I think break lasted almost a full hour with people ordering entire lunches. It became ridiculous (to me at least), and there was little anybody who didn't like this itinerary could do. It was customary. I suppose you could go out by yourself, but that wouldn't be "supporting the arrangement".

    I only went out on Saturday two or three times after moving to CT. Mainly that was because I worked Saturdays for many years. They generally didn't take such huge breaks here, just a 20 min stop at a bagel place or something, but we still did lots of driving around the countryside doing very little. I didn't see what the big deal was with working Saturdays. I know one sister chalked it up as socializing time with the bookstudy. It sure wasn't productive as far as actual witnessing went.

    I never enjoyed field service and wanted to make the best use of the time I allotted for this chore. Using up 12 to 15 hours a month and only being able to count 4 to maybe 6 hours of that time really upset me, so I refused to do it. If I was still in, I'd still refuse to do it.

  • garybuss
    My grandparents used to go out all day Sunday and have the meetings in the evening.

    I did that here. Every Sunday ALL summer was all day unassigned territory. Meetings were evenings every Sunday. We went out every Saturday morning and every Tuesday before the study and every Wednesday night for back call night.
    Life just sucked!

  • skyman

    It feels so good to sleep in on Saturday and Sunday. I hope you will be able to do the same as me in the future and say stuff it up their_____es

  • free2beme

    I thought it was always expected

  • Reefton Jack
    Reefton Jack

    I don't know about Saturday service always being expected.

    In the last congregation I was with, I used to go out on Saturday mornings - but rarely on Sundays..

    For this, I got into trouble with the elders, who seemed to have the idea that Sunday service was somehow superior to that on any other day of the week.

    I could never see what the big deal about Sundays was.

  • ithinkisee

    Welcome to the forum.

    I haven't been out in service for almost two months now.

    Now I have to come up with an excuse for tomorrow ....


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