Should I get a 2nd Opinion?

by whyamihere 28 Replies latest jw friends

  • whyamihere
    whyamihere is my problem.

    I went to the Dr a couple weeks ago(husband made me) because I have a swollen leg. Well I just thought it was because I had kids and it would go down(pregnancy swelling). No big deal. youngest is now 18 months..and it never went down. I not freaky looking you don't even notice but I do. It is just the one leg. I don't have really any pain with it just cramps up when I walk(not like miles maybe a block but I just ignore it). Now me and pain do not mix I just pretend it is not there and I live with it. He asked if I ever had this before. I said my cramping of the one leg started when I was 17 but I just thought I needed to stretch more after my activities.

    So, anyway I go to the Dr about it. He ordered and Ultra sound, thinking it could be a Blood clot, or I could possibly have a aneurism in my leg. Well I was all cleared with that. However, with my test results it showed a lack of blood flow between both legs by a 40% difference. So my right leg is lacking 40%. Well anyway he said he thinking that I have a muscle disease. It is called Fibro Muscular Dysplaysia. Basically my Muscle in my right leg is clamping on the artery in my leg. just doesn't end there. I had a CT yesterday(waiting for the results) and that is looking at my Kidneys and my Carotid Artery(neck) and my Iliac Artery(pelvis). To see it something is wrong there. I have to have 2 more Ultra sounds on my Neck...I don't know this is all very confusing. Then on the 28th of July I have to have a Angioplasty (tiny balloon to open blocked artery) or he my just do the Stenting (tiny wire mesh tube to hold the artery open) procedure. This sucks. I am not scared to have this done I think it is just Bullsh*t because I am turning 25 in a few days and this happens to older people or those who do not take care of themselves( Smoking, Diabetes,Heart disease, 60+, High blood pressure, High cholesterol, high fat diet) I have none of those. He did say this Muscle disease does happen to younger women. This is all nuts.

    Well I asked him with all that he is going to do will my Leg be ok and stop cramping up and I can walk exercise normally? He said he is sure it will but he can't explain the Swelling. He said he has never seen it before. Plus when I go in for test result I have to correct them all the time on my information. I was thinking Should I get a 2nd opinion with some who has seen it before. I mean I am sure he is a good DR...however, I don't want some god damn C- dr who Daddy may have paid his way. I mean come on this is the same hospital who said my Brother had a cold...but then it turned out to be a Tumor. I don't know..... It's like he said he is glad I came in because if I didn't and let this go on for years I could have a stroke when I am like 40.

    Well what do you think...Should I just say" Hey...yeah this is all fine and dandy with your little fun balloons and wire tubes but I want a guy who got and A!"


  • willy_think

    you should absolutely get a second, no doubt

  • rebel8

    When it comes to you having a procedure that you're not sure you should have, yes--get another opinion. It will hurt nothing [except your checkbook].

    Questions you should ask your dr.: How certain are you of my diagnosis? What are the risks/benefits of having this procedure done? What are the risks/benefits of NOT having this procedure done? What would you do if it was you?

  • littlerockguy


    Is he just a family practice physician? If so, I am surprised that he didn't recommend or refer you to a specialist which is what most physicians do now. Did he even consult a specialist before giving you a diagnosis or do you even know if he did or not? A second opinion never hurts, only your checkbook, and if it has been a chronic problem I definitely would get a second opinion.

  • Satanus

    Defintely get a second opinion. Also, widen out in possibilities. Since you had that for a long time, it could be that those are symptoms of something else, like dislocated bones or vertabae. When we are young we do lots of crazy physical stuff. Something goes out of joint and stays that way, then it puts pressure on blood vesels or on nerves. Nerves supply the life to everything: muscles, bones, blood supply. I know because my hip was chronically out of place most of my life. It was never hardly noticable, except in little things, like less strenght in one leg when skating or something. When i was young, the chiropractor would fix it now and then. But, it would go out a few hours later. It's only recently that i learned to adjust it myself.

    I would recommend an osteopath or a chiropractor, or both. Get them to take xrays. If that turns out to be the problem, then you may need to learn the right stretches or exercises to keep it together yourself. Or, maybe physiotherapy or yoga.

    Good luck.


  • luna2

    Dang, Brooke!

    I'm a total weenie when it comes to medical stuff. My motto is to ignore it until it goes away...which I know is totally stupid, but I can't seem to help myself. So, if you want to take advice from somebody as backward as myself, here it is...Yes, I'd get a second opinion.

  • Preston

    JEEZ, cut down on the cigars!!!!

    **small joke**

    My thought: When he explained to you how this happens to someone were you satisfied with his answer, did it sound like he knew what he was talking about? If not, I think you should see another doctor. I hope its really nothing girl and that everything turn out OK.

    - Preston

  • whyamihere

    LR: No he is not a Family Dr.

    He is in the General Vascular & Thoracic Surgery Dept.


  • love2Bworldly

    Hi Brooke--I think you should get a second opinion, and maybe try to find more info on the internet about your condition. Hope all is ok!

  • whyamihere

    Preston...I love you. Seriously I was laughing when he told me there something wrong! I was like I am going to donate my body to science now.

    I am just more pissed of than anything.

    See normal people go through life having minor things. I am weird when I go to the hospital...I end up having surgery or someone saying...When is the last time you ate because we need to operate! I ending up laughing about it..I am a great patient.

    It's all so weird. It's like he seems to know what he is talking about. However, when someone says..Well I never seen this before...I don't want to sit there and say ok well now you have.

    I think I may end up getting a 2nd Opinion.


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