You could also Fedex copies of your reports and test results to another doctor. This way you won't be geographically restricted to doctors in your area but have a wide variety. An in person exam may yield little as the test results, and possibly more tests may find the true cause.
Best wishes
Should I get a 2nd Opinion?
by whyamihere 28 Replies latest jw friends
G Money
Yes, definately get a 2nd opinion.
What about the University of Wisconsin Medical Center in Madison? I know it's a long drive, but you are too young to allow a chronic condition (whatever it really is) like that to effect the rest of your life and possibly cause more severe complecations later. -
I would try to get all your reports together, and read them for yourself. I don't guess there is anyway you can speak to the radiologists? probably several have done the reading, but maybe all from the same group. Definately collect all your transcriptions and films.......whether on film or should have access to them, especially since you have been diagnosed.
I did not read everything, and I am certainly not a doctor.........but have you had an the clinic I worked at they would do what they call an MRI runoff to check the bloodflow in your legs. It is read by a specials radiologist........more specialized, educated to see what is going on. and usually there are opinions from two radiologists.
I worked with a guy that had cellulitis on the calf of his leg.......It swelled terribly and if I remember right it got infected. Draining of the fluid and anti biotics takes care of this. I am sure your MD would have caught it if it were that simple.
hope all goes well...........but I would defineatly see if you could get a doc to prescribe an MRI for this over a CT and ultrasound.
and do not forget to get all your films and transcriptions and KEEP them.....they are yours!!!!!
Should I get a 2nd Opinion?
Brooke, absolutely get a second opinion, preferably not from someone who is a surgeon. I've had doctors tell me that Surgeons will always be more inclined to cut you open and put something in or remove something else. Not that it would be the "wrong" treatment, it's just that some other type of doctor (non-surgeon) or a holistic practitioner may have some non-surgical suggestions.
Either way, it doesn't sound like what was being suggested is out of reason, it's just that there may be another approach, and you want to have an opportunity to check it out.
Good luck Brooke.
O -
I suffered years of pain with my right knee and had my doctor tell me that it was 'blown' and I'd probably have to have it replaced later on in life. Even after an MRI of the knee and a visit to a so called "orthopedic specialist" I was told that the "best guess" was a possible torn miniscus and I needed surgery to repair it.
Right after that my insurance changed and I was forced to go with Kaiser, meaning new doctors. I went in to get my pain and inflamation med refilled, and the new doctor walked in (surprisingly young) and studied my chart for a few minutes. She asked me a few questions and then looked at the knee. She reached over and pushed on a spot just to the left and below the kneecap and before she could finish the sentence, "Does this hurt?" I had leapt off the table like a scalded cat. I yelled, "What the hell are you doing?" She apologized, but smiled also, since by this time I was laughing at the scene in spite of the pain and a few more un-ladylike words. "You have bursitis." She gave me a shot of Lidocaine in the bursai. It hurt, but within a day the pain was gone, the knee quit going out from under me, stopped hyperextending and swelling up like a balloon, and it has not really bothered me since.
Knee surgery my butt... Get the second opinion!!
is your name brooke or broke? LOL
i think the most important thing to consider is... is any of this gonna interfere with mumsys party!
(gotta keep your priorties straight ya knoiw!)
seriously...feel better soon and listen to the wise ones here!
Get a second oppinion but i also think its great they are doing all these tests for you instead of leaving it. At least they can rule anything else es