Oh dear!
People's imaginations have run riot!
What ever happened to science?
Something does not exist simply because we reason it into existence, does it? Not ACTUALLY.
The entire idea of a soul came from primitive man observing people in the act of dying.
What was the very last thing that happened at the point of death?
The breath (ruahh, animus, air) came out of them and then they were still.
Primitive logic observed this. The air (ruahh, spirit) went out and death followed. The BREATH must be the thing that animates the body!!
You can't see air; so, it must be just like the person except it is invisible.
It is logical but it is ERRONEOUS!
What you are as a living person is a great many processes going at the same time. You can remove quite a number of them and still be a living person. But, without a heartbeat and brain activity and breathing you are not going to exist.
The idea of a SOUL is parasitic and primitive.
The Bible contains NO ACTUAL INFORMATION at all about anything.
Why be fooled into constructing scenarios that make the foolish primitive nonsense sound more plausible? This is what genius has done for thousands of years: repaired the awkward hillbilly mental constructs and made them fly.
Constant repair of religious ideas is always necessary to keep them alive. When it doesn't happen the religion falls into backward immobility (like in the Musilim world) and the people are dragged down into an abyss of reactionary impulses fighting modernity.
There is no data in this conversation about a soul.
If there was somebody would post it. Instead, we have imagination and rhetorical mischief.