Why is it being amassed? And NOW I've mentioned that, I have started to think of Beth Sarim (?) - wasn't this built for the ''men of old''? I only wonder because IF they did return, surely they would have had their pick of luxurious property vacated by the recently dead.
Actually, the WTS taught back then that the "ancient worthies" were going to live and rule in earthly Jerusalem, the new theocratic capital on earth. So maybe it was going to be a vacation home. Shows the arrogant frame of mind they had in the Borg administration back then.
As to the other property, the WTS has gradually grown as a publishing company. In the beginning they hired people to do it for them. Then bit by bit they bought land, built buildings, purchased printing equipment, trained Bethelites to do the work. Today, the Watchtower has a monthly printing of over 26 million and the Awake almost 24 million monthly. That is quite a large undertaking financially and logistically and shows why the WTS has grown bit by bit. The WTS has purchased much of this land when it was dirt cheap but now it has a much, much greater value on the open market. That is why I say the WTS is property rich but cash poor or poorer at this time.
Today, Newsweek has a worldwide circulation of more than 4 million weekly.
The most widely distributed magazine in the world is Reader's Digest (founded in 1922). Its worldwide circulation including all editions comprises 21 million copies and over 100 million readers. The Watchtower is the most widely distributed religious magazine in the world, with an average circulation of 26.4 million copies semimonthly in more than 150 languages.
This doesn't take in all the books the WTS prints, tracts, and specialty items such as the KMs. The WTS is a big multi-million publishing which is readily seen when compared to other magazines such as Newsweek and Readers Digest.
Of course, we know how many magazines end up in the back closet, in the basement, gathering dust and even the ones "placed" with non-JWs are not read. Even the over 6 million copies supposedly received by JWs are not read with any regularity. That is why it is said, the most widely distributed, not the most widely read.