Sorry I missed all the fun on this thread.
Maybe some folks have so lost contact with their British roots that they don't realise that we all take the p*ss out of one anothers countries, over here (and have done for centuries - maybe that's something the Puritans didn't take with them ). We do it until it hurts, and then do it some more.
I am very much in touch with my British roots, since I am constantly searching for clues on one ancestor or another. All seem to be from either England or Ireland too. There is a little Native American thrown in for just a little spice.
I love my country, but wouldn't mind living in another one for awhile. It's all what you are used to. I haven't traveled outside of this country very much, but I know I could live happily in England, Scotland, or in Canada. Poland? No. Malaysia? Definitely NOT! I guess I like capitalism.