No I almost choked on my coffee in responce to what you said....because 1 in 20 is loooooooooads of homes. The rest of my statement was in reply to the thread in general.
You know, the display of flags on homes and government buildings began with independence from England. It was a way of saying, "Hey, you don't own us anymore. We ARE NOT colonized any longer." That is where the practice began. And the practice has stuck, just like your royal family has stuck. They don't rule anymore, but people like to keep a bit of the past to stay connected to their roots. It's a form of nostalgia, even though some may not realize this.
but even I'm getting sick of the drip drip drip america bashing that goes on on this board. So for the record, Americans - I think you f'***ing rock. ig (of the British English and proud class).
Thank you for stepping up and saying so. We think you f***uing rock, too. I love the British. Have ever since the British Invasion and Twiggy.
Some don't have to call it "pride" to come across as completely up themselves - a word to the wise...
That's so true."A rose by any other name would smell as sweet."
"Made in america' is viewed as positive. We would feel "made in belgium" as much more negative or neutral. Many feel it is better to by products from poor countries as a way of helping them.
It's possible and likely that you don't understand why Made in America products are so important to us. Do you realize that our manufacturing jobs are leaving America daily by the thousands to third world countries? Michigan, the state in which I live once had a thriving economy with manufacturing as its base. Companies are packing up their factories and shipping operations south of the border and to China, India and others daily. Why? Because in those countries, with their economies running the way they do, people can live off being paid several times less than we can here. It's much cheaper for US companies to base their operations in other countries. Because of this, Flint, Michigan is now at nearly a 50 % jobless rate. The automobile manufacturing plants have left Flint.
So everyday America bleeds her jobs to remote parts of the world. Thousands and maybe millions of Americans have lost their jobs because of this. Some people have given years of their lives to companies and then lose their jobs, health insurance and more. Michigan now has the highest jobless rate in the nation. We've been hit very hard.
If no one here bought products made outside the USA for a while, perhaps American companies woud get the message that greed is hurting America's citizens. So yes, some people do look for Made in the USA stickers on products. And they try to buy mostly USA products, not to hurt poorer countries, but to keep America from becoming poor herself.
America does send a lot of Aid to the rest of the world.