I see some of you have been hurt or feel mislead with the organization. Even if you dont like the organization and choose not to be apart of it, i can see where you come from. What i dont understand is why some of you take out your frustrations on God. You know Jesus wouldnt celebrate july 4th, especially when he has his own kingdom. Some of the rules of the society you call silly, but some of those rules are sins that are even wrong in the bible. I dont understand some peoples logic unless this is like a atheist board, im not sure.
Forgetting about God ?
by ScaryHairy 31 Replies latest jw friends
What Jesus would have done is not always what we should do, now should we?
And yes there are many who left the organisation because they found out the truth about the bible, that is it not much more then a nice story book. I am one of them.
Welcome by the way. So what is your story?
It's not a matter of feeling hurt or misled in this case, at least not for me. BTW, how is celebrating anything "taking your frustrations out on God?" Maybe you can understand the 4th isn't about celebrating a kingdom, but for some of us is a celebration of freedom. Not for me, though, because I'm still working today.
I've a question for you though that I have not had an answer to, since you bring up the whole, "what would Jesus do" thing and I think you are very much still in the org, why is it children are baptized, when Jesus didn't do it until he was 30 years old?
I think we have a broad church of beliefs here if you pardon the phrase. I don't take my frustrations out on god but do wonder why people follow Christianity or for that matter any religion. I am offended by such beliefs in the same way any religious practitioner has the right to take offence to my lack of belief. You talk of sins that are wrong to both the WTS and the the bible but that does not automatically make them all morally acceptable to non believers. I left the org and Christianity at the same time because I saw flaws in both and many of the flaws is saw in the org had their roots in the good book.
So hello, tell us a bit about yourself.
Welcome to the board.
There are literally thousands of people on this board, from all walks of life, and various persuasions and viewpoints. Pull up a chair, sit down, and tell us about yourself
By the way, do you think Jesus would have enjoyed Hanuka? He seemed to know how to let his hair down, if the Pharisees reports are anything to go by, in their contrasting him with John the Baptist. Liked a good drop of the red stuff, too
Some people on the board are atheists some are not. I personally believe that no religious organisation has the right to tell its members what is right and wrong unless it meets the same high standards and fulfills its own obligations towards its members.
The WTS certainly demands a lot from others but not from itself. -
Hi scaryhairy! Welcome to the board. I don;t really see why celebrating 4th July would make you an atheist. 75% of the religious people on the planet don't even believe in Jesus, but they aren't atheists. And also you know JEsus hasn;t mentioned which date we're meant to celebrate his "Independence Day" on so its somewhat tricky...
I am an atheist but am not celebrating Independence Day today. Nor will I be taking out any frustations on God, because well I don;t believe he exists. But each to their own.
crumpet x
I will never understand why the society is so cold to people who question things. If you talk about the U.N., randcom, silent lambs, or whatever you are looked down upon. I hate when people are disfellowshiped or shunned. I've been mistreated ever since i have attended and i still cant even be a publisher, its silly. I still try to keep God above all things including above the organization but the organization tries to put itself above God which can be annoying. Most of the dubs dont take the truth seriously anyways, when the leave the hall they are different people. Then you have other people just believing whatever is taught to them, never question anything, they are the ones who give answer directly from the paragraphs. Sometimes i think the whole organization is a joke at times. I dont know what to make of it at the moment.
Considering that jws claim to be gods organisation on earth, your first question has been answered by yourself
Scary Hairy in what way were you mistreated? And why should you want to be a publisher for an organisation that treats you unfairly?
This org doesn't like criticisms for the simple and obvious reason that it can't reply and stand to up them, they don't want battles they can't possibly win. Otherwise they would cherish the idea of having challenges thrown up to them.