While reading through some threads, I sometimes wonder what my life would have been like if I had stayed a JW and had kids. I now have a 23 month old son, that's very active, I can not begin to imagine what torture it would be for both of us to attend meetings or go out in field service. I would be expected to keep him still the whole time without toys, snacks, books or any sort of distraction at all, except maybe the My Book of Bible Stories. Of course I would be encouraged to use the rod, as a means of control, and my poor son would have to endure either 2 hours of boring dribble he couldn't even understand or walking out in the hot sun fully dressed, while other kids get to play. So I would really never be able to listen to the meetings and only be aggravated the whole time. And before we even we get to the kingdumb hall, I would have to get the family dressed and ready, and after the meetings I would still have to get the kids ready for bed, then prepare for the next day. I think I would even be to tired for intimacy with my spouse.
Considering all this work for the dub moms, I really don't understand how these women do it. I know I personally could never juggle all that. Anybody want to share their expiriences or thoughts on this?