"College, oh no!" PT 1-New guy here

by theundecided2004 35 Replies latest jw friends

  • Preston

    More! More! More!

    - Preston

  • diamondblue1974

    Welcome to the board its great that you had the balls to make your first post...hope to see you round and look forward to the second installment....

  • wanderlustguy

    Welcome to the board, I look forward to reading more of your story.


  • Balsam

    Welcome theundecided2004,

    Hope you can find comfort and encouragement here. Looking forward to hearing more of your story. I'm a Ex-witness Mom who lost my son because of an auto accident when Dak was 15 years old. Blood transfusions were refused for him and he died. www.ajwrb.org

    So many youngester are sexually abused these days it is so wrong, worst of all the the secretecy that children feel they must maintain. Big hugs to you my dear young man. I'm so thankful my sons were never molested, but we suffered other trauma that we had to get through.


  • theundecided2004

    Hi misguided,

    Your post reflects a lot how I felt when I first brought up the molestation to my folks.

    My elder father picked up the steak-knife he was using and pointed it at me and said that I was NEVER TO TALK LIKE THAT ABOUT THE BROTHERS AGAIN! I got the message

    I was always told to not smear peoples' names, in particular the elders because it would bring shame upon Jehovah's house. I know my parents love me and loved me then, but after that ordeal and following my baptism I knew that their loyalty was to the organization first, not me not family or anyone(thing) else.

    Thanks for all of your welcomes, I'll finish typing up the second part of my story soon.

  • upside/down

    Yeah....welcome "home"!

    u/d (of the you've been here longer than me class)

  • Shania

    We are happy you are here, it is the best place to share your feelings, we all understand what it was like growing up as a JW. So feel right at home and share part 2 soon..............I'll be waiting............

  • kazar

    Hey, Welcome, Undecided! That post was great to read and not at all unfamiliar. Hope you stay around and tell us more of your story.


  • xjwms


    Now thats an intro

    Welcome, You have been hanging around here as long as I have been.

    It took me a long time before I could post as well.

  • Country Girl
    Country Girl

    What a great lead-in story! Thanks for sharing all your thoughts/feelings from that time. That must have been hard, but it says alot about you. You are courageous and most of all, you are willing to tell the truth. Thanks, that story reminded me how bad it was to be a JW kid, and how that people can rise above it to be healthy adults. I am glad you are here, and hope that you can heal here, as lots of others have.

    Goodluck my friend,

    Country Girl

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