Christ and His second coming

by greendawn 15 Replies latest jw experiences

  • greendawn

    All christian religions have always believed in the second coming of the Christ, and if you also do, how do you imagine this second coming will be and how will it change the world?

    What will be the fate of the JWs when he returns given their grandiose, blasphemous claims about divine appointment and the way they abuse the dissenters?

  • Narkissos

    I'm afraid they have little to fear from this... although they (I mean the hierarchy, as most religious "professionals") would probably be very surprised if such a thing really happened.

    I once dreamt there would be something like a "final judgement" -- not that it would make me right, but even if it made me wrong it would make things straight. But eventually I came to think that whatever lucidity we'll ever gain on our life and claims is the one we allow ourselves to have, here and now.

  • hamsterbait

    Oh dear!

    Witnesses don't believe jesus will come twice.

    One poster said that if the WTBS is to be believed he's come more often than a porn star.

    he comes in so many ways. But I cannot be bothered going into that right now..


  • in a new york bethel minute
    in a new york bethel minute

    my JW mother thinks he is returning because 1914 doesn't count since it's only his presence... he is still to come and judge the nations. how do you argue with such idiotic logic?

    bethel minute

  • Double Edge
    Double Edge

    I believe in the Second Coming, yet I don't think anyone alive can accurately predict what it will be like.

    Peace, love and order replacing hate and chaos. I think everyones going to be surprised ... on the positive side.

  • Elsewhere


    How could Jebus be "present" if he has not come yet?

    Thats like me saying that I am at work even though I have not arrived yet.

  • GetBusyLiving

    I could never believe in that stuff anymore even if I wanted to. That's no crack at the Christians on this board or anything.. I just couldn't do it.

    I read a post from a guy once that was all like, " Why don't you guys put faith in Jesus, just to be on the safe side at least". I don't understand that logic. How can you have faith in something you don't believe in?


  • Elsewhere
    " Why don't you guys put faith in Jesus, just to be on the safe side at least".

    For the same reason he does not put faith in Zeus.

  • free2beme

    I image he will ride in on a unicorn falled by faries and other myth based creatures, like himself and they will raise Atlantis and make peace throughout the world.

  • tetrapod.sapien

    hey greendawn,

    i'm sure you know where i'm coming from, but i will give it an honest shot.

    if i were i christian, i would picture it probably much like i picture how a lot of christians imagine it. it would have to be glorious and radiant, because it is a heavenly second coming right? there would have to be a big parting in the sky, and a huge Jesus, flanked by tonnes of angels. he would control it so that no matter where you where in the earth, you saw the same thing as everyone else. faithful ones would start kind of floating up toward the throne, and heavenly music would be playing. i always picture J.S. Bach's Jesu - Joy of Man's Desiring. but instead of a chorale for 8 voices, it would be multiplied to like 800 voices. then the earth would open up and swallow all the undeserving ones into purgatory or hell. it would hav to last for weeks. this is because if it was fast, like several minutes, it wouldn't really make an impression. plus, jesus and all the christians have been waiting for this for a long time. so it would have to be kind of a perma installation in the sky that false sects, or other religions, or secular powers would not be able to do anything about. christians would kind of have a glow about them for the whole time. people would be able to tell before the second coming was over if they were going to make it or not. that's how i would kind of picture it.

    so there you have it. i tried not to be sarcastic. perhaps i don't have much of an imagination, as it sems pretty traditional to me. but anyhoo, i hope this answers your question.

    Why don't you guys put faith in Jesus, just to be on the safe side at least".

    this is a version of an argument my wife tries to use on me occasionally. just substitute jesus for jehovah. it's really just a simplication of Pascal's Wager. but i won't hijack the thread in explaining why it is false tautology. perhaps i shall make a new thread on this subject.

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