Most JW's think the end will come before they will ever get a chance to ________ (insert event).
I became a JW at the age of 20. ... quit college because the end was near ... didn't plan for my future or my children's because the end was near ... thought children would never even be in public school before the end came (my oldest is now 27) ... questioned the need for braces for one of my children because the end was so close (did get them though, but that I would even question it disturbs me) ...
Yet, the Organization blames the believer for their own false expectations ... well, since the experience isn't at all unique proves otherwise.
I'm not sure if this is accurate, but most born-ins my age seemed to address many of these issues differently. It almost seems that perhaps their parents who went through the 1975 fiasco hedged their bets (burn me once right?)... while me, a convert in the 1980's just gulped it all down. For instance ... I was going to school for electrical engineering ... a brother my age raised in the religion also went to school for electrical engineering (I didn't know him at the time, be we ended up in the same congregation), difference being he completed school and got his engineering degree and I quit because I listened to the counsel of the JW's at the time.
Of course when I brought this up a few years ago with elders it was my fault and I was bitter.
Yes, it was my fault! What an idiot! Damn cult!