Mom says, "CO says there's only 15 years left!"

by Separation of Powers 54 Replies latest watchtower beliefs

  • Village Idiot
    Village Idiot

    I was in my teenage years during the 1975 fiasco. I was not much of a '75 person, more of a 1914+generation believer but I still took it somewhat seriously.

    Two things about '75 stood out.

    First was the mid-week meeting. They were reading from the kingdom ministry paper. It was the part where they said that there where "reports of brothers selling their homes and spending the remaining time available pioneering".

    Then there was Freddie the chronological voodoo priest. I went to a meeting at the forum stadium in Inglewood, California (where they played basketball) where Freddie gave a talk on 1975. There was a packed audience with seats at the floor of the court (10,000?).

    It was a long talk where he started with the creation of the universe, went through human history - a la Bible - and climaxed at 1975 which he explained in detail. And there was a detail about '75 that I never hear mentioned amongst the 'Apostate' community. It was the "Adam and Eve gap".

    The Adam and Eve gap was the time period between the creation of Adam and the creation of Eve. It was only when Adam were both together that the 6,000 year period began and it would affect the beginning of the Millennium - the last 1,000 year of God's final 'creative day of 7,000. That Adam and Eve gap could have been months or years (actually up to 130 years before Seth's birth minus the amount of time it took for Cain and Abel to grow until one killed the other). 

    Freddie explained in meticulous detail how the Adam and Eve gap could affect the 'Great Tribulation. Based on his explanation the tribulation could actually start within several months to several years after October of 1975. On a bizarre note, even though that gap could have lasted for decades Freddie said that it would not. The reason? If Adam had no Eve for several decades he would have been tempted into bestiality. Yes, that was his phrasing. I actually recorded that but I don't know what happened to the recording cassette. 

    This was the type of reasoning that kept me from wearing orthopedic braces to correct my scoliosis. To this day I walk with a crooked back. 

  • Finkelstein

    Using fear as an emotive psychological suggestion to gather followers in numbers is a tactic the WTS has used for decades, devious but effective in its inherent endeavor and intent.


  • Finkelstein

    Saying that Jesus has returned and established a earthly organization self described by the very own leaders of the WTS ,.created many tangible effects and results toward the WTS creating its own devout subservient slaves, slaves who were inadvertently trained to proliferate the WTS own publications to the public which essentially created more self serving support from out the general population .

    Creating a sense of fear and urgency was the commercial part and agenda of the Watchtower Publishing house by unitizing and exploiting the basic belief in the bible as a valuable means toward that commercialized agenda    

  • EndofMysteries
    That CO is talking about his own life.  Likely he won't live past 15 more years, so he wants to make sure his retirement is secure and bills paid till he dies.  Then he'll let the next CO then say another only 15 years to go, and so on and so forth. And the idiots will keep buying it.  
  • Pistoff

    I remember a brother at my old hall saying 'the end is so close we can smell it

    It was just the left over circuit assembly hoagie he ate, you know, he got the bagful at the 'country store' at the end of the sessions.

  • blondie

    The Adam and Eve gap has been discussed many times before here on JWN

    My large family of jws also discussed it pre-1975 Fred Franz talk, actually starting in 1966 but did not advertise their views.

  • sowhatnow

    lol, well  if my mom says something to that effect, Id probably  say,

    'well, that is good news,  i  at least got that much time left!'

  • rebel8

    I was told in the 1960's that I would never finish high school.

    I can understand a young person nowadays chalking that up to us being antiquated and ignorant back then, because that's what they think about us in general--clothes, politics, music, etc.

    Seems it would take more rationalization for an older person. They must accept that they were antiquated themselves, misguided, ignorant.

    "chasing your loses"

    Excellent analysis! I've always known some older ones stay in because they don't want the investment of their whole lives to be lost, even though they realize it is. I hadn't thought of it as chasing your losses though. It's true.

  • WTWizard

    First, where do they get that 15 years from?  Any way I can research the same source and come to the same conclusion or find a fault with it and come to a better one?  Where in their so-called holy writings do they come up with that year?  Do they use astrology effectively?  Or, do they have access to sources of ancient information they are hiding from us?  If they can find "Saturn will conjunct Pluto at 22 Capricorn, making the exact conjunction on January 13, 2020, and that is when the war will start", that might make sense to someone familiar with astrology.  Then someone that is better with astrology can confirm or rebut that statement.  Or, "Neptune is going to reach 9 Pisces on April 18, 2015.  This is right in the second house of America, and a fatal degree.  Our dollar, already unstable, will become toilet paper around that time".

    Or, are they just putting these numbers up without knowing anything?  You might be a master at astrology and find another aspect that will nurf the Neptune 9 Pisces effect, or one that will lend more credence to its second or third trip through that degree (either February or September 2016) instead of April 2015.  But, when they simply come up with numbers out of nowhere, no one can cross-reference it to either confirm or deny it.

  • Billy the Ex-Bethelite
    Billy the Ex-Bethelite

    I remember when they would close the summer convention with, "If armageddon hasn't come before next year, arrangements are being made for a 4 day convention..."

    There was always the expectation that it would come in the next few months or year, at the most. And I remember some COs that would similarly close their visit with something like, "Armageddon may come before my next scheduled visit, so you all stay strong and I'll be back to see you on the other side..."

    Now the CO is saying it could be 15 years? So the longer time goes on, the further away armeggon is getting? Their JW cultcarts need to get redesigned as senior citizen walkers.

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