Mom says, "CO says there's only 15 years left!"

by Separation of Powers 54 Replies latest watchtower beliefs

  • freemindfade
    My thought is this, me and a lot of others even older than me were told when we were young there was no point in doing anything just wait for the system to end it will be soon, you won't go to school, oh no you won't graduate school, well, you'll never have kids, and so on and so on. Lets just say hypothetically God did call up this CO and said "hey old sport, ends coming in 15 or less" and it does. How could millions like myself be held accountable for not believing such a thing when there was a century of crying wolf and false hope?? You couldn't because the jdubs would never admit to "lying" about it, but thats what it is. Someone becomes a liar like my mom saying you have to get baptized (over 20 years ago) or Armageddon is coming and you will die. Then it doesn't happen, you have established a foundation of distrust. And if God was real, and had an end date, and was gonna kill me for not believing it, so be it, because in my heart I do believe its all crap. And if its not who's to blame? me? what about god? what about the org? what about my mom????  My mom sent me some emails about the pope, and the middleast like here we go its coming, same things I've heard all my life. I almost emailed her back really? I thought Armageddon started during the halftime of the superbowl when the harlot rode in on the wild beast lmao. 
  • LoveUniHateExams

    I remember a brother at my old hall saying 'the end is so close we can smell it'

  • StrongHaiku

    After I left the "Organization" I started to play cards for fun and profit. Don't judge :-) You learn a lot of about psychology doing that. I think a lot of JWs exhibit what is known as "loss aversion" - aka "chasing your loses". You watch people at the table invest/lose $1000, then they lose $10,000 trying to gain their original, $1000. They can't walk away from their original loss and in a few hours their down $100,000. And because of desperation they play badly and recklessly. 

    A witness who served looking to 1975 as a payoff then doubles down to 1984, then to 2014, etc. They are invested. They are chasing the loss and can't walk away from the table. 

  • NewYork44M
    Wait a minute. In 15 years I will be over 70. I was not supposed to finish high school before the end comes. I never heard anyone project more than 3-5 years. This 15 year thing is hard to digest.  They must not have much confidence in their own prophesies.
  • NewYork44M

    StrongHaiku: "They are chasing the loss and can't walk away from the table."

    Great description of what is taking place with the old timers. Unfortunately they will chase their losses to their grave. It is a wasted life. But once it is over there is nothing you can do.

  • DesirousOfChange

    CO says there's only 15 years left.

    I recall that being said about 15 years ago (2000), and 15 years before that (1985) and 15 years before that (1970).

    Actually, 15 years is a bit of a stretch, because what I really recall is that "you will never finish college in this wicked system of things". Same thing they are saying now.

    Just like all the new Watchtowers, all they have to do is "cut and paste".


    Same Sh!t Different Day


  • blondie

    This is a better scripture:

     Matthew 24:44New International Version (NIV)

    44 So you also must be ready, because the Son of Man will come at an hour when you do not expect him.

  • William Penwell
    William Penwell
    Sounds like the 1960's when the end of the system was right around the corner. I recall my brother in law about 1973-74 saying we would not see 1975. How some elderly people were waiting for the end so they could be young and healthy again. One poor old fellow that was dying of cancer said if he could only hold on for a few more months. He died that same year. Fool me once WT, that is all you got to keep your members in line is fear. 
  • undercover
    I remember a brother at my old hall saying 'the end is so close we can smell it'

    My F-I-L, same guy who can entertain the two concepts of 'the end' any time, and planning retirement, once said, quoting their CO, 'we're no longer in the last days... we're in the last hours'.  Oh yeah, that was several years ago.  Hours just drag on and on, when you're in expectation of something...

  • William Penwell
    William Penwell

    I was told in the 1960's that I would never finish high school. Well let's see...I finished high school, my children finished high school and some of my grandchildren have finished high school.  I have been told...."Well just think how much closer we are now than when your were in high school."   When I tell some JW's that are my age that I have accepted that I am going to die in this system of things they at first look a little surprised and then I see in their eyes that they know that is the truth, they just can't say it themselves.

    Growing up in the same generation our family was not going to age but all of us were supposed to walk hand in hand into that paradise earth. I have just seen my parents age and die and us children are not that far behind. I know I will age and die in this system like everyone else. I think my brothers and sisters have all come to that conclusion but don't want to admit it. Thank you WT for all the broken dreams. 

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