How about giving me a chance to learn and improve my skills as a shepard? It is only by honest and open communication (granted, not something completed embraced by the Society) that any of us in leadership positions can learn what we need to do to improve the condition so many of our congregations are in.
I'm going to give you the benefit of the doubt.
I do believe that there are some really honest hearted individuals in the org. I believe that some of the JW's are sincere I hope you are one of those. So let's communicate.
Here are some of my problems:
We are suppose to have the true faith. When most people say or think the name Jehovah what is the first thing that pops into their head?
Not Jehovah God, but Jehovah's Witnesses. Let's face it. Many people look at the religion as a bunch of crackpots.
They cut their families off if they don't become Witnesses themselves. Why? because they are considered bad association. We are told to honor our parents. I was only able to honor 50 % of that. The 50% that held the name of a Jehovah's Witness. I was unable to build a relationship with the non-believer, my father. Do you know how hard is it to develop a relationship with Jehovah (a father we can't physically see) when you haven't even been able to develop one with your biological father?
We are told to go and make disciples. I find that hard to do . Why? How can I go out and tell people that I have a wonderful brotherhood that I would like them to be a part of that is full of love and acceptance. How can I do that if I don't even feel that myself? I have attended 3 kingdom halls and not once have I felt that I fit. If I go and invite other people they come to the hall, they are mistreated (it will only be a matter of time) I will be a hypocrite I have now set them up to fall.. I love people. I love talking to people but you have to be comfortable in what you talk about. So now that I have a hard time going out in service I am considered weak in my faith. It is not my faith in Jehovah that is weak RealElder it is in those who are suppose to represent him. Does that now make me an apostate?
I can understand "New Light" if it's in learning deeper thing about a subject. I can't understand how the meaning of something can do a 180 degree turn. (Jehovah didn't lead the Israelites through the Red Sea and then change the direction half way through ) If the FDS is really directed by Jehovah why are there so many changes? How about the one's that have lost their lives before the changes were revised? Do we just chalk that up to the fact that they past their test of endurance? If we do that how do we explain the new light to those that were related to that person that were not Witnesses. One year organ transplants were a definite no, then a matter of conscience. How do you think those that were affected that were not Witnesses are going to view Jehovah? After all he is the one telling the FDS what will be acceptable and what won't? Are they going to be able to open their eyes to him?
Well, here is a start I look forward to hearing from you. Here is your chance to prove you aren't tipping the bs meter.