Conditional love

by noidea 77 Replies latest jw friends

  • JT

    hang in there girl


  • JT


    just like to welcome you to the forum

    look forward to your insight and prospective on the org and the direction that you see it is going in esp now that we have passed the
    yr 2000 mark.

    so welcome to the forum

  • JT

    real elder you mentioned that:

    Yes, I am a real elder and no I am not on the way out.


    since many of us were elders and we know the rules - esp in ref to being on sites like this one-could you share with us how you personally Reconcile the issue of being here with Apostates according to the FDS and your being loyal to God's visible Org



  • noidea


    A big congratulations on becoming a father.
    I was LMAO when I read your contract. Have you ever thought of becoming a lawyer? Be sure you save this post. The WBTS may see this as "new light" and have us sign these like they do the blood cards. You can use this post as proof of copyright infringements. LOL!

    But in the real world, I see parents withdrawing love over theological differences

    So true, it is really sad. I think that you are going to make a wonderful father. You will realize that your thoughts are so right on the money even more so after the baby comes.

    keep us posted!

  • nakedheartpoet

    RealElder u made a good point, if we think about Jehovah and not just about the organization it would function alot better and have better results.

  • Babykins


    When I saw your post I just had to reply. I am in sympathy with you. I to have been shunned by my mother, father and sister. My mother was not there when I had my son and she has only seen pictures of him. He is three and does not and will not know her unless she changes. I refuse to take the blame for their actions. A year ago I wrote them both a letter stating that they would be as if dead to me until they decided to accept me as I am. I am not in the wrong here. I have unconditional love for them, I do not care what religion they are. All I want is to have my parents back. But I will not sacrifice my freedom or my right to choose a diffrent path. It has not been easy and more than once I have almost lost my resolve. Love makes us do many strange things.

    *two roads diverge in the woods. And I took the one less traveled by-Robert Frost

  • noidea

    Shaneliza & Babykins,

    Hang in there! and be thankful their attitudes are not rubbing off on your children. I know that it doesn't make it any easier and that there will always be an empty space unless things change.
    Remember When under the influence of Drugs, Alcohol & even Religion sometimes a person doesn't fully know what they are doing. That in no way excuses any actions it just may change them.

  • Winston

    I was just going back over what I posted and was hoping I didn't discourage anyone.

    I feel love needs to be as free of conditions as posible and I repeat as free as posible.

    And I feel a parents love needs to be as stong as posible, again strong as posible.

    Love for our husband or our wife needs to be as strong as posible.

    Shunning the JW way is a direct assault on what real love is.

    But when we proclaim our love as unconditional then maybe we don't really grasp the meaning of what unconditional really is.
    Because it is not posible. We can only try to be unconditional in our love but no one can rightly claim that he is.

    The Never Ending Search For Truth

  • RealElder

    noidea, sorry I got you confused with Shaneliza, it is tough keeping track of all the posts. I must admit I'm a little surprised by all the responses to my posts. To answer your question [I heard that if a person read apostate material (like Crisis of Conscience by Ray Franz) that 95-98% would leave the org. Why do you think that is so?] I read this book, (found it fascinating) but it didn't shatter my faith in God or JW's. I know others who read it as well and other books. One that sticks in my mind is a book "Armageddon Around The Corner" written in the early 60's. You should read that one especially the chapter on witness's in 2000. I'm afraid that many in the organization are not enough like the Beoreans, real students of Gods word. That's what I try to be and that is what I've taught my children (both in their 20's still JW's). I disn't necessarily raise them to be Pioneers but rather functional adults capable of taking care of themselves financially and spiritually. We had a lot of challenges getting there but it was worth the trip.

    I think if somehow the average witness was to express themselves to you, you would find that they are more "normal" in their thinking than this forum paints them. Remember, there are probably 2,000,000 people in this country that have been or are active witnesse's, most are pretty normal productive people. If they were not, there would be an incredible amount of media coverage about this "cult".

    But I think I'm rambling. Later.

  • RealElder

    Richie, I never heard about Ed Dunlap, but it must have been quite a scandal at Bethel when that happened. This is a good reason why I would never want to go any farther in the org. than I am now. I was PO for a while and went back to Sec. because I didn't like all the contact I had to have with CO's and DO's.

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