...with inconspicuous amounts of a household substance?
How can one poison a goldfish?
by slimboyfat 57 Replies latest jw friends
Why would you want to? That's sick. If you're asking how a goldfish could have died without any obvious signs of distress, I could tell you. But I'm not going to help you kill a living being, however small, if that is your intention.
Paint the room. The noxious fumes will be absorbed into the water. However, we found that out quite unintentionally.
By the way, whose goldfish is it? and why not just flush it or give it to someone else, instead of being passive-aggressive about it?
I hope you aren't planning to do this to a child's pet.
I also find this question bizarre why would you want to do something like this?
I was thinking about you the other day, as I was on a bus through bedford on my way to cambridge. Worked out once and for all whether you're a JW or not? Why don't you tell us what's really on your mind?
If you want to kill it: kill it. But take your stand.
Let me guess. You've got your District Convention soon and can't be bothered to have someone come round and feed it.
Think about the lessons you are imparting to whomever you are attempting to fool with this ruse.
- It's OK to lie if it gets you out of something that's inconvenient.
- If someone or something becomes inconvenient, it's OK to kill it.
Quite frankly, abusers do this kind of thing.
I was just wondering. I am having a study again to become active. I want to get back in with the Witnesses. I want to try to get a position of responsibility in the congregation worldwide.
So you're going to bring down the org from within? Do you see yourself as a poisoned goldfish? In other words, wtf are you talking about?
Why would you do that to yourself?