Witness Kids SUCK

by RichieRich 45 Replies latest jw friends

  • diamondblue1974
    Of course young JW are so used to being monitored and controlled that when the leash is off they have no idea how to control themselves or behave like adults.

    This is true...how many have you attended where everyone just sits and looks at each other?...its because being so used to being monitored and controlled they are afraid of showing their true selves. Is this natural? Hell no....young people should be loud and boisterous (within reason) its about developing socially and this is something the WTS always has stamped down on...in particular when I was young.

    I had a get together at my house...we combined my stereo system with that of a friend of mines (whos shortly to be my best man) and we had around 30 witnoids around...of course booze was sneaked in (mostly by me...well it wouldnt be a party without it) and there were a few people caught on the stairs kissing...(shock horror)...but given the debasing music...which I think included Frankie Goes to Hollywoods, Relax!!? and 808 State!!??, the lack of elder and or adult supervision, guess what absolutely horrific thing happened?....NOTHING! A good night was had by all...until of course until one of the good little witness geeks from another congregation decided to report the party to the elders....why? who knows?...but ole DB who now had a reputation for throwing a great party could now not have another at his home.

    I look back and this makes me angry...I couldve become more socially developed sooner had I been allowed to grow instead of being restricted and confined to almost stepford child proportions.

    For the most part I agree with Ritchie on this...witness kids do suck...but not all...I was one as were most of my closest friends today...and we didnt suck....we got out.


  • katiekitten

    Its true witness kids do suck.

    At my partners school when he was a kid there was a girl that used to give blow jobs to boys (multiple - anyone who asked apparently)! I couldnt believe it when he told me.

    Hed gone all his life thinking JW's were scuffers. (til he met me naturally)

  • diamondblue1974
    At my partners school when he was a kid there was a girl that used to give blow jobs to boys (multiple - anyone who asked apparently)! I couldnt believe it when he told me

    Was this a rumour though or could he testify?

  • googlemagoogle

    depends where... here we always had those really cool parties going on. but then again, our gang was pretty unique. and there was gossip everywhere about it.

    a few of my friends where addicted to cigarrettes by that time. some where smoking weed. some did more than kissing to their girl-friends... pretty cool time. i found out about the weed too late, so i had to try it recently.

  • riotgirlpeeps
    I know what you mean. But you never know- some of the might be like you, just perhaps a better actor!

    That would be me to the nines, but I guess I finally got tired of the whole "act", though presently still under the pretense of being one I scare my witness parents to death because I did many unpredictable things and they know I'm not "spiritually strong" ROFL. I think I'm going to start another topic.

  • kid-A

    Delilah....I think I was at a few of those parties you mentioned!!

  • delilah

    Kid A, I think I may have spotted you, in the corner? Was that you with the 40 ouncer, slugging it back... no, no, that was my friend's brother. Then he proceeded to throw up all over.....we ran for cover, hahahahaha.....

  • jgnat

    Being a Witness kid is kind of an all-or-nothing deal, isn't it?

    1. You can toe the line so your mommy will stop worrying about you dying at Armageddon. The only problem with this route is that you have to keep pushing down your own individuality and keep pushing up the performance. When will be good enough? Baptized, Bethelite, MS, Elder, PO? At some point, the inner soul expires.
    2. You can be a closet rebel. You know how to lay on a deep flu when you need an escape. Problem? Ulcers. When will you get caught?
    3. You can be an overt rebel. You keep your personhood intact, but you have to say goobye to mommy and daddy and sis and brother. Goodbye to the loving support that teenagers yearn for in those chaotic years. You will grow up fast, but at what cost? Will family relationships ever be restored?

    If it's any consolation, Ritchie Rich, there has to be a few of "option two" at events like this. I find JW's to be a very closed bunch. They don't let their inner soul out to air much, and they would CERTAINLY never do it in front of their peers.

  • kid-A

    Delilah....that just may have been me!!!

    You didnt happen to go to any "house-boat" or "barn" parties in ontario did you?? ha ha

  • Billygoat
    Of course young JW are so used to being monitored and controlled that when the leash is off they have no idea how to control themselves or behave like adults.

    This was me. So many decisions had been made for me that making even the simplest decisions was a struggle. Being out on my own at 19 with no education (other than a high school diploma), no independent thinking skills, no where-with-all to handle men - I was in prime position to be taken advantage of or make some terrible decisions. And I experienced both. I was the most naive, ignorant, curious child on my own with my own apartment and NOBODY to guide me. This religion does nothing, but make you completely inept at handling real life as a young adult. I'm in my mid-thirties and I'm just now getting a grip on a decent life. It's hard to NOT be angry about these idiots taking such control over peoples' minds. Idiots. So sad.

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