The cold shunning after re-enstatement. Did you get it?

by Sparkplug 28 Replies latest jw friends

  • Honesty
    The cold shunning after re-enstatement. Did you get it?

    I'll never know because until they can prove without a doubt that Jerusalem fell to Nebbie 2 in 607 B.C.E., that Jesus inspected them in 1919 and decided they and they alone were telling folks the Good News of the Kingdom, that their screwed up blood policy is scriptural, that the men of Sodom will be/not be resurrected, that they baptise as Jesus commanded in the name of the Father, Son and Holy Spirit, that they never engaged in interfaith activities in Australia through Don Maclean, the BO., that first century Christians never worshipped Jesus, that first century Christians never served in the Roman Army, that Proverbs 4:18 is Not contrasting the enlightened path of the righteous with the darkened path of the wicked as shown in verses 14 and 19, that there is scriptural basis for a Christian to give absolute adherence to a fallible organisation, that Jesus was just an angel who the other angels were allowed to worship at Hebrews 1:6 while the Bible condemns the worship of angels at Rev. 19:10, and all the other inconsistencies with their 'New Light' doctrines this ol boy will never darken the doorway of another apostate JW Kingdom Hall.

  • loosie

    My mother used to have such a bad attitude when someone got reinstated. She would not talk to the person for a few months after they got reinstated. Like the shunning time wasn't long enough for her enjoyment.

    What can I say she's a bitch. And this apple falls so far from the tree that I am in a different orchard.

  • blondie

    I've asked the elders about this; why when a person needs help, are they avoided. Their answer was to treat them much like a marked person until you observe an elder socializing with them. That is your cue to reach out in that way. They consider the person still a danger spiritually to others in the congregation and that what they need to do is concentrate on being built up spiritually not socializing.

    I wonder if that is in Matthew 29:5-10?

  • jeanniebeanz

    I knew many people who had been disfellowshipped and then reinstated. It was never the same.

    One sister who had been disfellowshipped in Willits and then moved to Redwood Valley to be reinstated even had the Willits BOE stalk her to Redwood Valley. When they learned that she had been approved to be a pioneer a year after her reinstatement, they protested to the Redwood Valley BOE, who promptly caved in to the pressure and announced her as having her priveledges taken away at the next meeting.

    Truly the love of Jesus Christ shines forth in this loving brotherhood.


  • LongHairGal


    You are SO right about what you say regarding being shunned even though you are reinstated. I have heard this before. Maybe they think this gives them some kind of power? Who knows. I tried to analyse the reason but I gave up.

    As far as gossip goes, my cong. is permeated with all kinds of gossip. This is their favorite passtime. They don't care who they hurt. The worst of it is when you are gossipped about by people who don't even know you. But what bothers me is that they are out in service counting time while they are gossiping. Does love (or even "like") figure in any of this? Certainly not.

    And who do you think the worst offenders are? You guessed it. The ones that are out all the time. They are in the "thick" of things and somehow become privy to everybody's business.

  • William Penwell
    William Penwell

    That was an eye opener and the last straw for me. After I was reinstated some Jdubs treated me differently. I think this was due to my ex telling everyone her side of the story and you know how gossip gets passed around by all the good dubs as they are filling in their time between field service calls.


  • kwintestal
    Do you think there is a difference because I was a single mom with kids. Those ladies are vicious. It seems like they would like males a bit more seeing the available ratio of men is "off." What do you think?

    There has always been, and will always be a double standard with the JW's.


  • Crumpet

    It was so frosty that apart from the announcement and being told I could go back out on the service again I couldn't really tell the difference between being reinstated and being DFed. I stopped attending meetings two weeks later and was DFed again within a few weeks. I was 17.

  • diamondblue1974
    I was a single mom with kids.

    My experience has taught me that this is likely to be a contributory factor; my mother (although never disfellowshipped) was treated like a second class citizen for no other reason other than she didnt have a head. (i.e a man ruling her)

    She wasnt invited to certain get togethers and wasnt part of the in crowd at all and virtually had to associate with other single mothers too...nowadays now that I have flown the nest as such shes more in the clique with the oldies so isnt affected by her previous treatment, but I remember it completely as though it was yesterday and I remember the impact it had on me growing up in the Borg.

    Although not on topic I think the cold shunning doesnt just apply to those reinstated but applies to anyone who doesnt fit in with their very stepford view on family.


  • diamondblue1974

    And before I get off my soapbox... doesnt this conflict with the scripture concerning the fatherless boy??!!!

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