The Watchtower Society’s reason for condemning so many activities is that they have pagan origins. As pagans populated the earth for at least 4,000 years, by the Society's reckoning, before Christ came, there is almost nothing that can be done that has not already been done by pagans. Incidentally, they only became pagans when the Roman Empire adopted Christianity. Until then they were just people!
How many of you consider yourselves Pagan?
by FreedomFrog 41 Replies latest jw friends
Having no religion, I would fit into the definition; however there is no consideration for any labels.
My sense is that our Source and Sustenance is all pervasive, and any feelings of separation or distance a mental creation. So, it simply comes down to giving less attention to the mind, and more to the present moment. Just be.
Don't need any distracting drama of religion or personal little gods for that.
wow...lots of good posts.To anwser your questiong...Is a witch pagan? Not necessarly. A witch is a person who practice magic whether it be a green, white or dark magic. Same goes with being Pagan. You don't have to be a witch to be Pagan.
Pagan comes from Latin Pagani which means "people who live in the country". And the word Heathen means "one who dwells on the heath." These were terms used way back before Christians came about and so was apropriate terms at that time. These "Pagans" and "Heathens lived their life and doing rituals for their Divine. It's actually funny (in a sad way) how it started to change. To make those terms bad to convert people into Christians, the (shall we call them high priests) would take everything that the "country dwellers" or "heathens" would do and turn them into bad.
For example: A pagan would sometimes go into crops and jump around to work up energy and magic to help the crops grow. The higher Christians would then go back and make up lies such as...they were flying on broom sticks and stomping the fields. Hence the witches flying on a broom comes. Many, many more like that.
I believe that there are many gods and goddess but the ones I pay attention to the most is the Mother nature and Father nature (makes more sence to me since the balancing act comes into question). I do "rituals" (or prayers) in their honor and it feels good because it's not "fake". It comes from the heart. I also believe that no one should judge others. Whatever path you're on, that path is yours. If it feels right then do it. I believe in following more on gut feelings...not on mans words.
I am a witch, wiccan etc. A witch is a pagan but a pagan need not be a witch. Shamanism would fall under the "pagan" umbrella as it is not considered a major religion anymore.......
remember when we threw them to the lions..........LOL JUST JOKING!
You can count me in as well. I sort of consider myself an eclectic wiccan, lean heavily towards the Dianic.
Darth Yhwh
Although I dont consider myself a pagan, I do however fast on Winter solstice. I also believe as Frank Lloyd Wright did in that the Earth itself is my church.
the Earth is my church
I like that. I like alot of Taoist philisophy, but by no means understand it all or even most of it. I am not a shaman, but I feel conected to that in some ways. I don't like to force or contrive what I am, I just am trying to learn how to be.
Ironic isn't it that people outside of the "love" of christianity seem to be the least judgemental.
A witch is a pagan but a pagan need not be a witch.
I had to wonder about this and it was puzzling to me at first, but I've talked with many of my Pagan friends and asked them if a person was a witch does that automatically make them a Pagan. Their response was no. There are Christians who practice magic and are not of the same nature believing minds. They believe in Jesus and the bible. Pagans would fall under the non-Christian catagory.
Here is some links that may help
Definition: Witchcraft is the art of doing magick, casting spells and performing rituals. It doesn't not involve the summoning of demons, as some might think.
Definition: A witch is someone who practices witchcraft (either male or female), regardless of their religious standing.
hmmm, my head hurts now. This has become quite I'm going to read more upon this.
I to have done reseach on wicca .....I do what feels right .......I suppose you can count me as pagan........there is alot more to it i long to write it in a post.........I try to respect all living things....