
by Lot 33 Replies latest jw friends

  • jgnat

    Hi, Lot. Your dilemma is you don't want to lose the beautiful thing you have going. But to be true to yourself is to risk losing your great love. People leave themselves in these positions all the time. Fearful of the choice they have to make, they paralyse themselves with indecision. Shoulders hunched, eyes dulled, they are a shadow of their former vitality. They look like trapped animals.

    The only way out is to face the fear head on and as kwin said, have an exit strategy. This means more conversations with your wife. Before you make your exit, you must be assured that she will be at your side. Ask her right out what she would do if.... you disassociated yourself.....if you were called in to a JC and were disfellowshipped....if the elders put pressure on her to leave a marriage of "spiritual endangerement". Prepare her mind and heart, and you can be reassured she will be at your side, even if yours becomes a "mixed marriage". I am in a "mixed marriage" by the way. My husband is a JW and I am not. I use this board as a necessary release for my pent-up emotion.

    Great loves can survive the storms of life, and even become stronger through them. Don't be afraid to test the foundation of yours. You may take comfort from the story of Jourles, a man who kept undercover for the sake of his wife.

  • Bryan


    I cannot add anything to the great encouragement you have already received. I just want to welcome you, and hope to hear more from you. Also, as you embark on your journey to freedom, we'll always be here, even for your venting!

    Take care,


    Have You Seen My Mother

  • LouBelle

    HI Lot - you are so welcome here. It's very very difficult to truly let go of the JW Faith & it's an extremely emotional breaking away.

    Can you continue living a double life?

    Can you continue trying to impress some God that you don't truly have a deep relationship with in the hope you won't be destroyed at some fictious armegeddon?

    Having family & friend ties makes it horrid to leave. Most of us on here have family & friends that are still in the faith and treat us as if we are dead. But we couldn't take the lies anymore...sooner or later you have to figure out what is best for you. Your wife needs to figure out whats best for her. I'm not saying you have to split. But each one works out their own salvation.

    It's taxing on ones' 'soul' leading a double life. You are not free to be yourself.

    I wish you well in your journey, mate, it's not an easy one. But what a journey it is!!!!!!!!! And the rewards afterwards, though at times seem bitter sweet - you can't beat the sense of freedom you have.

  • wanderlustguy

    Welcome to the forum. There are a few here in your same position, good luck on your journey.

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