Why do you come to JWD?

by jeanniebeanz 67 Replies latest jw friends

  • Dimples

    At first when I DA'd myself 5 1/2 years ago it was for comfort and healing. Now, I log on from time to time to see what my fellow EX JW's are up to and to see where the society stands. Freedom feels oh so good


  • Legolas

    Because everyone here is so nice and funny!!

  • GetBusyLiving

    Because I think there are people out there just like me a little while ago.. lurking.. feeling alone. I want them to know they arent. And I want them to know that getting out of the JW's is the right thing to do.

    Also because I love you guys.


  • ithinkisee

    There are many very wise and scholarly people on this site - both for and against God/Religion/etc.
    So I learn alot

    I feel like I can vent in a way I cannot otherwise. Like other people, sometimes it comes out the wrong way, but for the most part I'm not judged for it.

    It is LITERALLY a stress reliever.

    Being able to learn firsthand from people who have had to approach their family members about doubts. I'm able to learn from others - both their tricks and their mistakes.

    Knowing that not only am I not the ONLY one to feel this way - but that I am FAR FROM THE ONLY ONE to feel this way - including many elders and bethelites.


  • mrsjones5

    Being raised in the "truth" you are told over and over again that to leave the org means certain death. That life on the outside of the org is tough and full of heartache. That there is nothing out there and if you leave you will eventually come back. That those who do leave surrender themselves to all forms of debauchery and become worst than the worldly ones who never became jws. Down deep I knew it all to be lies and I love coming here to be among those who know that also.


  • upside/down

    Because the WTS told us that we were "wrong", "weak", "faithless", for asking NORMAL questions and making legit obsevations which eventually beats you down so much (and you kinda believe it), that you think- What's wrong with me?

    It's like Munchousen Syndrome..

    Only you finally find out you're soooo NOT ALONE...like they led you to believe.

    I honestly believe that we are in the majority...the average Dub is a drone...they just follow..

    We're proactive in our thinking abilities...

    I also find it stress relieving IN MODERATION!!!

    u/d (of the where else would anyone even remotely "get it"...than JWD class)

  • crazyblondeb

    Can't you feel all the love here???!!!

    You people have done me more good than all the therapy that has been tried on me!! You know when you are here, you aren't alone!! I've found a family here! There is unconditional love here, which is something we never had while a JW! I hope that I could touch just one life the way you all have touched mine!!


  • JH

    I came here to read about the "dark side of the truth".

  • iggy_the_fish

    hummm. there are two possibilities.

    1) I like the company of people who have freedom of thought but know what it's like to have previously surrendered that freedom to an outside agency, or

    2) I have no real friends.

    I hope 1, I fear 2.


  • Simon

    Because I have to

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