Why do you come to JWD?

by jeanniebeanz 67 Replies latest jw friends

  • jeanniebeanz
    "But there is always that one person lurking "

    So true. I wasn't going to say it when I first posted here but others have

    Thanks, Littlerock Dude. It makes me smile to know that someone else got out, and that peoples comments and expreiences, as posted here, have helped.

    This is exactly my point.


  • potleg

    After being out for several years I needed a place to vent some of my feelings. It's hard for others who have never been a JW to really understand our feelings and experiences. Also I made a decision recently that I could no longer be passive about this destructive cult...so if being here helps others get out, stay out or never get involved, then it's time well spent. Oh yeah...it's fun too.

  • Honesty

    It's a simple matter that I want to be obedient to Hebrews 10:24 & 25:.

    Either the Kingdumb Hell or JWD.

    JWD won out, hands down.

  • kazar

    JWD was the straw that "broke the camel's back for me." I was trying to get free of the beliefs and I just couldn't do it myself. I could not believe there were people who experienced the same things I did. I truly felt like a pariah. After lurking a few months I jumped on board. It was liberating to read the posts, the various links and information here. There is no one else I can speak to for help, not even my family. A person had to have been in the same shoes to know what it's like, and to be able to fight back with facts about WTBS. I never had to explain theological tenets to anyone here. You all know them. It saves energy not having to explain. I love the discussions we have here even when there is disagreement. The disagreements may be topics, or personal discrepancies, but never, never, do we argue about the WBTS's impact on our lives.

    I have much gratitude to all here.

  • Thegoodgirl

    To procrastinate from studying.

    Also I like you guys! I'm actually afraid I'm using this site as a substitute for picking up the phone and calling a friend, but it's so convenient, and I'm so busy...

    I have mostly online classes this semester, which leaves me open to stop by this site, like way too often!

  • Quentin

    I used to think I was the only one who had a story to tell. Silly me. My story is tame,compared to others. Now I want to do my part and help. Really can't add to what has been said. Glad I found this site.

  • Blueblades

    It is here that we interact with one another. It is here that we meet new ones and share their pain and joy. It is here that we learn something new everyday about what is gong on inside the Organization.


  • jeanniebeanz
    It is here that we learn something new everyday about what is gong on inside the Organization.

    LOL... how true...and normally before the witnesses do...


  • orion

    Just nice to know there are alot out there that have been a JW and know where i've come from.

    ....and I'm board, there is nothing on t.v., my kids are asleep, my husbands gone......need I go on.............i'm just a sad lonley girl...(sniiffff)....j/k i'm not sad, maybe just a little lonley.

  • LuckyNun

    it feels good to know I wasn't the only one squirming in my chair during the meetings. I'm not pure evil, just human. an independent thinking human.

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