What interesting reading. However for my own self I can tell you that on several occasions God has heard and answered my prayers even during illnesses..
I know to some of you it may seem strange, but I can attest to the fact God has heard and helped me out in so pretty interesting ways.
When my father died, I was awoken out of a very deep sleep at 2 am and for no reason what so ever was I inclined to see how my father was doing in the middle of the night while in the hospital. I would visit him each day and spend time with him for hours. But for some strange reason I felt this impending pusihng feeling like I was being compelled by some intense source to call the hospital on that hour of September 3, 1995, As I dialed the hospital I kept thinking to myself why am I calling at this crazy hour. But when the nurse answered and I asked her to please tell me how my dad was she was crying and said these exact words. " I was praying and praying to God for someone in your family to call here. As I must inform you that your father just passed away at 1:55 am. and all of us here were searching for a phone number to contact your mom about your fathers passing and we couldn't find it anywhere on his chart. I can't believe you just called." Nor could I for that matter, but now I knew why. And do you know that my dads chart had the phone number on it at the top to contact my sisters how as that is where my mom was staying. They couldn't believe it .
Well I was of course quite shocked and at the sametime I wondered as we were talking that how is it I called about my father. AS I said , at no time during the periond my dad was ill in the hospital was I compelled to call.
Now I realised that even though this nurse was not a Jehovah's witness , Jehovah God heard her prayers and it hit me for the first time that God answers the prayers of people who are not JWs and It truly bothered me for a very long time.
Today I know it was anglelic intervention that roused me from that very deep sleep because God was answering this nurses prayer. And there is no one on the face of this earth than can tell me any different. Now I knew for a certainty that God listened to this imploring prayer. And as JW have taught and still teach that God doesn't here the prayers of none JWs/
You can't imagine how this made me feel as I began pleading with God to hear my prayers for a way to leave the organization, and I know that He heard my prayers and helped me get out of the WTS. It was the finger of God and knowing that he heard prayers on non witnesses even convinced me beyond a shadow of a doubt that God is indeed listening to my prayers as a non witness.
I have several stories Icould share in this respect and the strange thing is that it also once again involved me and my father.