Questioning the Big Bang Theory

by Rod P 95 Replies latest watchtower bible

  • Rod P
    Rod P

    For the benefit of the general readers here, the following is some background info on Red and Blue Shifts (Doppler effects):

    Doppler Shift

    Red and blue shifts

    Light from moving objects will appear to have different wavelengths depending on the relative motion of the source and the observer.
    Doppler diagram
    Observers looking at an object that is moving away from them see light that has a longer wavelength than it had when it was emitted (a redshift), while observers looking at an approaching source see light that is shifted to shorter wavelength (a blueshift).

    The schematic diagram below shows a galactic star at the bottom left with its spectrum on the bottom right. The spectrum shows the dark absorption lines first seen by Fraunhofer. These lines can be used to identify the chemical elements in distant stars, but they also tell us the radial velocity. The other three spectra and pictures from bottom to top show a nearby galaxy, a medium distance galaxy, and a distant galaxy. The pictures on the left are negatives, of course, so the brightest parts of the galaxies are black. Notice how the pattern of absorption lines shifts to the red as the galaxies get fainter. The numbers above and below the spectra are the measured wavelengths in nm [nanometers].
    redshift diagram
    In the star which is at rest with respect to us, or in a laboratory standard, the line wavelengths are 393 & 397 nm from Ca II [ionized calcium]; 410, 434, 486 & 656 nm from H I [atomic hydrogen]; 518 nm from Mg I [neutral magnesium]; and 589 nm from Na I [neutral sodium]. By measuring the amount of the shift to the red, we can determine that the bright galaxy is moving away at 3,000 km/sec, which is 1 percent of the speed of light, because its lines are shifted in wavelength by 1 percent to the red. The redshift z is defined such that:

     lambda(observed) 1+z = ---------------- lambda(emitted) 
    which is
     397 401 414 438 491 523 595 663 1+z = --- = --- = --- = --- = --- = --- = --- = --- = 1.01 393 397 410 434 486 518 589 656 
    in this case so z = 0.01 for the bright galaxy. The radial velocity is usually approximated by v(rad) = cz, where c is the speed of light, The medium bright galaxy is moving away at 15,000 km/sec with z = 0.05, while the faintest and most distant galaxy is moving away at 75,000 km/sec with z = 0.25. When z is larger than 1 then cz is faster than the speed of light and, while recession velocities faster than light are allowed, this approximation using cz as the recession velocity of an object is no longer valid. Thus for the largest known redshift of z=6.3, the recession velocity is not 6.3*c = 1,890,000 km/sec. It is also not the 285,254 km/sec given by the special relativistic Doppler formula 1+z = sqrt((1+v/c)/(1-v/c)). The actual recession velocity for this object depends on the cosmological parameters, but for an Omega M =0.3 vacuum-dominated flat model the velocity is 585,611 km/sec. This is faster than light.

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    Rod P.

  • Rod P
    Rod P


    Here is an interesting article which supports your idea that the high RedShift readings observed by Halton Arp and others may be explained by gravitational influences and even some nuclear activities. (For those non-technical readers here, just skim read the more technical stuff and move on. This is just intended to show that a good case can be made about Gravity and Red-Shifts in terms of Quasars).

    by Charles Weber

    For a hypothesis explaining the Cosmological Red Shift click on "RED SHIFT"


    This is a hypothesis which attempts to explain the characteristics of QSOs (quasi stellar objects) as an optical illusion created by gravitational lensing of the photons from the opposite jet emanating from a large mass at the center of an active galaxy the axis of which is oriented toward [Berthel] the earth, by the reflection of ultraviolet and X-rays from a dense plate of ions on the surface of an accretion disk, and by infrared rays emitted from dust and gas further out, the last not magnified as greatly. BL Lac objects are perceived as QSOs from which primarily rays emitted or reflected by the ions on the accretion disk are seen. BAL QSOs and infrared QSOs are perceived as active galaxies viewed from 90 degrees to the side of the axis.


    QSOs (quasi stellar objects) are point sources of light with such enormous red shifts that they can’t possibly be stars (there are 12,000 known so far) . The distances are so vast that the quasars (QSOs high with radio waves) can not even be conventional galaxies similar to those nearby since they seem to radiate as much energy as hundreds or even a thousand galaxies would at their distance. Astronomers have tried to get around this paradox by proposing that they may be magnified by gravitational lensing of intervening mass. A major problem with this is that an intervening mass would not create a point source, but an Einstein ring. What has not been proposed is that maybe they are gravitationally lensed by a huge mass within their parent galaxy, a mass which both lenses and furnishes the light at the same time. Indeed, if a huge mass is furnishing the light as many now believe because of the difficulty of envisioning any other source, the mass must act as a lens for the light from the opposite side and some of the light on the near side.


    Gravitational energy created by an enormous mass equivalent to billions of suns has been proposed as a plausible source of the energy of QSOs’ emissions. Quasars are QSOs which have significant radio waves. If such a mass exists, it follows that the mass would of necessity have effects on the light from the opposite side which would explain some of the characteristics of QSOs.

    As stars, planets, comets, dust and gas fall down toward such a mass they would accelerate to enormous velocities. As they approach the enormous mass and the mass of the disk to be proposed, those spinning would start to disintegrate. As they collide with each other they would heat up. In addition, photons from the near vicinity of the huge mass would heat the outer edges of the whirling debris and evaporate it, something like a comet approaching our sun. As this material approached closer yet it would become so broken up and so much denser that it would have to start to rotate in a fairly narrow disk. This is because after half a revolution the material would try to move to the other side of the whirling debris but would not be able to get through. Very close to the huge mass this material should become so hot from the combined effects above that it would largely be ionized. If intense magnetic fields are generated by the huge mass, oppositely charged ions should move to opposite sides of the disk whenever their random motion propelled them in line with the magnetic field. The magnetic field increases inversely to the cube of the distance (Sokoloff). Thus the magnetic effects should start to predominate. This predominance could conceivably be further assisted by the gravitational inverse square law becoming less than a power of two as masses become enormous in size. This is necessary if the jet to be discussed shortly originates on the surface of the huge mass and particles move out at high velocity. Such a phenomena of diminishing returns is plausible if gravity is transmitted by gravitons as some suggest and as was first proposed by Le Sage in the mid 18th century. If gravitons exert their force by some of them impinging on the mass, then gravitons forcing a small mass toward the huge mass would be presumably finite in number while the gravitons blocked by the huge mass coming toward the small mass from the opposite direction could never sink below zero [Lesage] [Breitner] and also see this site. . The existence of gravitons as creating the cosmological red shift is made plausible by the periodicity of galaxy distances [Gribbon] since there is a good chance that the red shift is caused by a gravitational interaction of photons with mass. The existence of gravitons is also hinted at by the sudden stepwise accelerations of cold neutrons falling in a gravitational field [Van Flandern]. Alternately there could be a repulsive component to gravity generated by spinning magnetic dipoles within the atom as also suggested by Breitner which declines according to the inverse of the distance to the fourth power or by virtue of distortions of a solid ether. The quantum effects in the red shift would seem to deny this possibility though. That there is a deviation from the inverse square law is plausible in light of the change in the decrease in deceleration of the satellites moving away from the sun as if there was an acceleration force coming from outer space [Seife] [Anderson & Nieto]. An attempt has been made to propose a prosaic explanation [Murphy], but that explanation is not adequate.

    If these measurements are valid, the implication is that a singularity is not possible since the repulsive forces become huge at close range. However there is a plausible explanation, which proposes that the deceleration is due to hitting dust particles in the Kuiper belt. However nothing I know of for sure precludes a huge mass of neutrons occupying a space too small to be seen by a distant telescope for the mass in a QSO. There has also been proposed different state of matter which would convert the mass into a “gravastar” [Musser]. Black hole theory precludes any possible visibility since the limits of resolution are a thousand to one hundred thousand times the diameter of the event horizon [Begelman p269]. However, a huge mass of neutrons remains a viable candidate also, given diminishing returns for gravity, since such a mass would easily fit inside our sun and would also be unresolvable. Also I see no reason why a considerable part of the mass could not be neutrons, etc. in the inner part of the disc.

    If one of these phenomena obtains, the ions could start to move out from the disk along the magnetic lines of force and form a bulge (also called a torus, but not necessarily shaped like a torus in this case, but probably a complicated shape more like a hyperboloid at first and seeming to look like a torus because of bending of light to be discussed later). As the orbits of the ions move closer yet to the huge mass, decayed very slowly by what little friction they have with each other, it is conceivable that they would be so far out from the disk that they would be relieved of some of the centrifugal forces keeping them aloft and start to spiral in toward the poles of the whirling huge mass along the magnetic lines of force. When this "tornado" touched down on the neutrons or whatever other material they found at the poles, the ions should be moving so rapidly that they could annihilate the material. The resulting surge of energy could then give the huge mass additional spin if there were a bias in the direction of the effect of the energy in addition to the spin of the "tornado". The annihilation could account for the generation of the jet which astronomers think they see. If matter and anti matter ions of a charge opposite to that of the incoming ions were generated at the same time it is conceivable that those of the correct charge could be propelled out through the center of the tornado by their own energy as well as by push of photons and constrained by magnetic forces to form a narrow jet. Even many ions propelled in such a direction such as to contribute to the spin of the mass would be bent along the magnetic lines such as to contribute to the jet. It is conceivable that heavier proton ions would be a little less likely to be propelled out so that the huge mass could conceivably end up with a net positive charge at the equator after billions of years and thus account for the magnetic field.

    These jet ions would not usually be able to collide with each other because of electrostatic repulsion. They have been proposed to be electron – positron pairs because of circular polarization [Wardle 1998]. This does not seem possible to me, but I can not refute it for sure. In any case, any unpaired ions would drift apart and widen the jet slowly, further out, as the magnetic constraints weaken, and indeed observable jets do widen somewhat [Thomson]. Therefore both matter and antimatter could be involved thus making the jets on opposite sides look similar. If the antimatter ions collide with matter oppositely charged ions which had been generated by the host galaxy’s stars and by the jet itself feeding the outer space in the preceding billions of years, and sent into an oblique orbit by the magnetic field further out [Thomson], it would account for the jets being visible at great distances from the source, some distances being tens of thousands of light years long. Something like this would be necessary because they or atoms could not radiate electromagnetic waves so long a time based on temperature alone. The photons generated would scatter out or be reemitted in all directions. These photons would be largely a continuum since they would come largely from ions. Indeed, broad lines make up only about 2% of the total [Elvis].

    Those photons directed back toward the galaxy at a narrow angle to the jet but wide enough an angle so that they would miss the whirling gas and dust near the huge mass would be bent in toward that mass and would be visible to a distant observer, O, who happened to be approximately aligned with the axis of the mass, M. Figure 1 shows how the rays would behave. The jets are not shown, but the source S, is meant to be near the surface of the jet opposite to the observer. For observers located perpendicular to the jets, "S" would be on the surface of the accretion disk or whirling debris. QSOs aligned at a 45-degree angle would be usually almost invisible. Keep in mind that the vertical scale is exaggerated millions of times. The cone that I envision is a very thin, long cone indeed and the angle that the light bends is tiny. Lines B and B’ of the diagram figures show the behavior of rays destined to reach a distant telescope. The sum of such lines would appear to a distant observer as an infinity of thin overlapping halos up to a light year or more across or so each magnified trillions of times. Schild estimates that the source of quasar Q0957+561, A+B is 0.3 light years from microlensing evidence [Schild].

    A is the path of light destined to hit the orbiting debris or accretion disc, C-C’ is a path of light so far from the mass that it can not be bent into the telescope, "O" is the eye of the observer, the focal circle is in a plane perpendicular to the focal line (also called "the optical axis" or "caustic"), OS and containing the center of the huge mass along with the accretion disk and whirling debris and S is a point source on the opposite jet. The magnification obtains because all the light in a cone reaching a focal circle trillions of meters long is bent into the aperture of the telescope instead of going elsewhere, as it would have in the absence of the gravity of the huge mass [Wambsganss p67]. The further along the jet the source of light is from the mass, the greater the magnification, but not directly proportional because, although the focal radius changes, so does the width of the beam destined to enter the telescope when it is opposite the mass.

    A sufficiently accurate approximation of the amount of magnification of any one point source is given by the expression:

    If a QSO 5 billion light years away which has a point source emitting light 10 light years past the huge central mass from the observer which mass is such that the focal circle has a radius of ¼ light year and the telescope’s mirror is 1 meter across, the magnification for that point would be 9.46 times 10 to the eighteenth, or 10 trillions of trillions less a factor introduced by the relativistic motion of the source in the jet away from the observer. Adjacent focal lines also deliver some light to the telescope, but their magnification drops off very rapidly. If they could be isolated from the main halos, they would appear as an infinite series of halos resembling a parenthesis mark, becoming smaller and smaller away from the focal line until they became a pair of dots at a magnification of two and eventually become undetectable. The overall net magnification is much less than the above maximum number but is still impressive since the drop off from the focal line is fairly rapid. The magnification is obtained because light rays not far outside these lines are for practical purposes undetectable, similar to the dark area around the spot of light under a magnifying glass which is magnifying the sun. Some light focused before and after the observer would also enter the telescope but these rays are still diverging and converging, so that only a fraction of them are perceived. The net effect would be a wide circle of light for those quasars not distorted by intervening masses in space appearing to be millions of kilometers wide (wider than the outer limits of the orbiting debris). There would be no dark dot in the center of the circle partly because the halos are fuzzy and partly because the whirling debris, accretion disk, and near jet also furnish light some of which is also magnified but to a lesser extent. The difference in perception of large aperture telescopes from small would also be reduced from the maximum derived above because of the varied nature of the lensing effects. It should be perceptible though.

    Nearby telescopes would see little or nothing of the halos of the opposite jet since the whirling debris would block the photons. Lines A,A’ of Fig. 1 shows this situation for one of the points on the focal line. This could explain why there are no nearby quasars seen, only Seyfert galaxies with an active nucleus (AGN). It would also explain why the number of Seyfert galaxies which are in the form of a spiral galaxy declines steadily in number as the viewing angle to the plane of the galaxy becomes smaller until it reaches zero, non at all, within 9 degrees of the plane. This can not be explained by absorption by the galaxy's gas and dust [Keel]. There would be very little magnification of the light from the near side of the accretion disc within the 9 degree viewing angle and it is possible that little light from the far side of the disc (which would be magnified if it could reach us) would be able to get through the "torus" (or hyperboloid) if the "torus" extended far enough out. At the same time the apparent area of all parts of the disc would decrease viewed edge on to the galaxy due to a trigonometric affect. The reason why there is a dramatic drop in galaxy number when the viewing angle is within 9 degrees of the axis of rotation (90 degrees from the plane of the galaxy)[Keel] could be explained by absorption of disc light by the bulge in the outer portion of the jet in some cases. Such statistical phenomena as described by Keel strongly suggest an optical illusion or mirage. The twin peaks in the spectral lines discussed by Chen and Halpern [Chen] could be explained to a considerable extent as a Doppler effect created by a Keplerian rotation in galaxies tilted at an intermediate or large angle to the axis.

    Extremely distant observers would also see less and less of the opposite jet of QSOs the further away they are because eventually the light cannot be bent enough to focus on the telescope. Lines C, C’’ show this situation. Of course a small fraction of light from the nearby portion of the opposite jet goes into the observer’s telescope, but not enough eventually to make distant QSOs visible. This could explain why few QSOs have been discovered beyond about 9 billion light years or so. This is a graph of the statistical number of quasars with distance.

    You may also see this concept in map form here.


    Precisely what the QSO looked like across the spectrum would depend on what angle the line of sight made with the axis of rotation. I assume the brightest quasars would be those which were aligned so that the focal line just grazed the opposite jet and even more so if it were also aligned with the large bulge in the jet at its outer end. I assume that if the line of sight missed the opposite jet completely but intersected the radio wave generating area past the bend in the jet, the QSO would tend to have a high radio to light ratio, since only a small amount of light would be visible from the near edge of the distant part of the jet and the QSO would be visible primarily from light from the near side, making the QSO appear small visibly. This light would occupy the interior portion of the circle of light.

    The jet on the near side of all QSOs would be visible, but light coming toward us would not be magnified other than what is implied in its relativistic motion and much of the light would be absorbed by material in the jet, something like looking at a fluorescent tube toward the end. However, if the accretion disk has closely packed ions on its outer surface as suggested above, then light from the sides of the near jet and the hyperboloid ("torus") which beams back toward the disk should bounce back off as if the disk were a huge mirror because of the closely packed ions. It would be a magnifying mirror because the light is bent in toward the huge mass coming and going and so would be focused on telescopes almost in line with the axis of the disk. Thus x-rays and ultraviolet light generated in that region should predominate in the center of the QSO. This is plausible because active galaxies viewed this way (along the axis) have their 6.4 EV spectral line skewed toward a red shift, whereas viewed from the side a blue shift is much more prominent [Tanaka]. I suspect that it is from this region that most of the variations in visible energy come from. Most of the infrared, I suspect, comes from the whirling debris distant from the huge mass and much less magnified since it is emitted and therefore only bent going as well as further away from the mass. While its magnification would be less, the fraction of light it contributes would not necessarily be less since its area is enormous. Even so it could not be usually be resolved in distant QSOs by optical telescopes since it would be only a few light years across [Mitchell p147-149, 400]. One would suspect at first that nearby QSOs would be more visible in the short wave lengths, if reflections from the mirror are a large part of their source. However, if the mirror starts to bend from magnetism at a fair distance from the mass, and is therefore slightly concave, this would be less of a circumstance. In that case the rays would tend to be focused into the same telescopes as were receiving the light from the opposite jet. However, if the angle with the axis were an intermediate one viewed by a somewhat closer telescope, a slightly concave mirror might be able to act as a slightly concave emitter as well. Rays hitting this region from the hyperboloid ("torus") could be striking at a perpendicular angle. Thus largely only continuum rays would be seen by this telescope and the opposite jet’s halos would be almost invisible. These emitted rays would only be bent by the huge mass going and so would derive much of their magnification from the concavity of the emitter. Thus BL Lac objects would be accounted for. Some of the characteristics of BL Lacs support this concept. They often show superluminal phenomena, strong polarization, rapid optical variability, radio rays, and featureless optical continuum [Dermer][Kulshrestha]. It would also explain why BL-Lacs tend to be nearer objects and have their axes oriented toward us [Gear] [Gopal-Krishna]. The orientation would have to be off of parallel by a few degrees. The emitter could only have a small concavity in this region if this is happening in order to focus on telescopes at what are still rather large distances. The rays would also have to largely leave the surface perpendicularly. This may be possible when both the density of the ions is great as well as the number of photons emitted with possible similarities to a laser. This density effect could conceivably be reinforced by the reflected rays arriving and leaving at a perpendicular angle also. Well under a fourth of the disk would be visible if this is the case so that future very accurate telescopes may be able to pick up a bias in the light of BL Lacs shaped something like a quarter moon and with no halos of the far jet visible. Rapid surges in short wavelengths of as little as 40 minutes [Kulshrestha] reinforce the concept that only a fraction of the disc is contributing much of the light. If the rays can not be constrained into a perpendicular exit by some mechanism or other, then this explanation is not possible for the object would be too dim at large distances. If BL Lacs should prove not to look like a half moon, this explanation would be impossible. However resolution would have to be many times the resolution of the best current telescopes. This site shows pictures of QSOs and AGNs in an effort to demonstrate that they appear largely as a result of the viewing angle orientation.

    The broad lines in the spectrum can also be accommodated by this explanation. This is because the light from molecules and ions moving away from the observer in the opposite jet would be red shifted relative to the light from the near side of the QSO from a Doppler affect. If the spectrum of the associated galaxy can be determined, the section of the line caused by the opposite jet should be more red shifted than its speed away would cause. This is because the photons have to move past the huge mass and this should cause a gravitational red shift, since light moving past a mass should lose a little energy. The reason for this last is that, since the light’s trajectory moves in toward the mass approaching, it must dive up out of a slightly deeper well going out than coming in. Ganguly, et al take note that only one nearby QSO has narrow absorption lines [Ganguly]. I suspect that this is because the continuum light from the opposite jet has to pass through the gasses in the debris of the inner transparent part of the accretion disc. The narrow absorption lines, I suspect, are created from this and maybe by the light of the inner opaque part of the accretion disc passing through hot gases in the plume at the end of the near jet. Michalitsianos, et al, suggest, from quasar pair evidence, that some of the light of quasars passes through the disc [Michalitsianos], thus supporting a concept that we see light from the opposite jet. Ten per cent of QSOs have broad absorption lines and these are almost all radio quiet . Since the radio waves are probably generated in the jets, most parts of which are distant from the central mass, they would not be magnified much, and thus explain the radio quietness. These may be primarily QSOs viewed perpendicular to the axis and thus should be high in infrared, I should think. It also could explain why they are low in X rays [Goodrich 1997] since X rays are probably generated at the inner portions of the disc and would be absorbed by gases on the sides of the outer part of the disc. That there seem to be a lesser number would be explained by greater absorption of light magnified from the far side of the disc by gases in the outer regions of the near side of the disc.

    The light from the jet of the near side of a quasar should show a little lower blue shift than its actual speed would create from a Doppler affect because it is moving away from the huge mass and thus would lose some energy from direct gravitational loss. The net effect should make the QSO seem a little further away than it Is. The disjointed radio jets are also accommodated if the radio rays from the near part of the jet on the far side is converted into halos and thus invisible as a jet while the jet further out would be displaced toward the bulge at the end of the jet and its distorted image seem to be part of the bulge. Attributes such as polarization would tend to be smeared in the light from the opposite jet because light from the near part of the opposite jet would be bent into the distant part. This has been observed in one-sided jets [Garrington]. This phenomenon is strongest in distant quasars. Precisely what the quasar or QSO looked like would be a considerable function of the angle the line of sight made with the axis [Barthel, 1989], its mass, how far away it is, Whether the host galaxy is spiral or elliptical and how it was lined up with the bend in the jet. Also, different concentric rings should give somewhat different spectrographic readings if they can ever be resolved. There may be QSOs exactly lined up which show knots in the opposite jet as rings. Object 3C270 may be such a QSO. Most of the bluer section of the broad lines should come from the center. If the spectrum from the associated galaxy can be separated it should lie somewhere near to the center of the broad line, probably skewed toward the high frequency side of the broad lines. Narrow lines should be primarily on the outer periphery.

    Nearby QSOs should show a smaller average apparent diameter than distant ones. Their spectra should tend to reflect the characteristics of the infrared of the debris and the distant part of the far jet and show stronger absorption lines for that part of the light from the distant jet. Since light from the near part of the opposite jet is blocked, There should be an increase in luminosity with distance at first, and this has been observed [Barthel, 1988]. Nearby QSOs should show more discernible fuzziness from the associated galaxy and should less often be distorted from a round shape by intervening masses in space. Any statistical differences based on distance other than the above distortion from a round shape would tend to give support to an optical illusion, as should large changes in appearance from small changes in inclination. Baker finds some correlation of the viewing angle with characteristics of quasars [Baker]. However the viewing angle is determined by indirect means. Surges in the outermost halos should tend to be small or non existent and be of equal intensity and appear almost instantly around the whole circumference. If there are any QSOs which are directly in line with a galaxy behind them, there should be a dim halo around the QSO which has the spectrum of starlight. This light should have no surges at all. A star moving to directly in line would create a tiny surge (probably undetectable), but the surge would show up in the inner edge of the dim halo and would appear instantly around the whole periphery which in distant QSOs would be a fair number of light years. There would be no distant galaxies at all visible within such a ring if it ever becomes detectable (such an object may have been detected) . The width of the ring would be greater than the ring created by the QSOs’ own ring. Observation of such a phenomenon would guarantee an optical illusion. There should appear to be statistically fewer galaxies more distant than QSOs immediately around QSOs than elsewhere in the sky. This is because light of those galaxies would be bent away from the aperture of the telescope and into telescopes on other galaxies which happened to be lined up with the QSO. The distant galaxies’ own images to us would appear further out from the quasar than they actually are. They should also appear somewhat distorted toward an ellipse even for those spiral galaxies viewed parallel to their axis. Beyond the zone of diminished numbers there should be a zone in which the number of distant galaxies is actually enhanced statistically. Statistics like these should be fairly strong circumstantial evidence for an optical illusion. On the other hand galaxies this side of the QSO should not be affected. If the Hubbell telescope does not pick up such images it will be an indication that the QSOs are not powered by a huge mass. Indeed a single undistorted galaxy image on the far side of the quasar and close to or seeming to touch the quasar would make my hypothesis impossible as well as any other hypothesis which relied on a huge mass to power the quasar. Heavy nearby galaxies would not show this effect for more distant galaxies near the perimeter since the light would be passing hundreds or thousands of light years from the center of mass and thus have tens of thousands or more less gravitational bending. Light passing through the galaxy, if visible, would show virtually no effect. If the bulk of the X-rays are coming from the near side of the QSO it seems to me that they would be less visible when the line of sight is exactly lined up with the axis because the wide outer end of the jet would tend to block the rays and such QSOs should not have a visible jet or at best just show the bent tip of the outer end.

    Jets from active galaxies should appear a little longer than they actually are and for QSOs with very heavy central regions, especially, their inner portions should be much dimmer or invisible. 3C273 may be an example of such a jet [Thomson]. Since the gravity is decreasing with the square of the distance, the lengthening of the jet should be a much smaller circumstance than the distancing out of the dimming. The net effect should be to make the jet appear about as wide as it is but the visible part shorter and displaced to the side. Thus the inner part would seem to be invisible. The central part would appear a little dimmer and fattened. The outer part would appear almost normal with a little shortening (and therefore fattening) but of course displaced outward. The knots in the jet would appear to move outward at a somewhat slower speed than they actually are in the case of jets perpendicular to the line of sight. This is because the apparent distance that they move appears to be shorter than the actual distance. The effect on the near jet of jets at a 45-degree angle to the line of sight would be less than for those perpendicular. However, the opposite jet should be virtually invisible over most of its length because the rays must pass that enormous gravitational field for many years. If any of the far jet were visible, it would seem to be displaced much further out than it actually is. It should be theoretically possible to determine the mass of the QSO from this phenomenon if the angle of the jet can be determined. Laing also proposes that one-sided jets are on our side [Laing].

    When the central accretion disc is visible it should appear larger than it is for the same reason as mentioned for the jet. It, too, should appear dimmer or invisible close to the central mass but with a bright spot in the center. NGC4261 may be an example of such a galaxy. This is probably the reason why the disc is described as a “torus” instead of a hyperboloid.

    Since the magnification of the light is a function of the aperture size, large telescopes should show a QSO which is a little less bright relative to nearby stars or the visible part of the jet or its galaxy than small telescopes. I suspect that this is one of the reasons why the ratio of intensity of the central bright spot to the intensity of the jets viewed as radio waves seems much less than the same ratio viewed as light since radio telescopes have very wide apertures. Observation of such a phenomenon in the SAME wavelength would be proof of an optical illusion.

    The light from the far side of the disk and orbiting debris should also be capable of magnification when the line of sight is perpendicular to the axis of spin. Thus there may be nearby predominantly infrared QSOs from which equal, long opposite jets are visible as light if the infrared is not blocked by dust. If so, the infrared should resemble nearer to an ellipse rather than a circle with the long radius perpendicular to the jets. Twin peaks in infrared emission lines should be closer together. The peaks should also rise a fairly short way above the average emission and be almost the same size, but with the lower frequency a little larger. This kind of QSO, if it exists, should be dim in X-rays. Since radio rays are generated far out from the mass, they should not be magnified much. Such a quasar may have been discovered [Vader].

    Keep in mind, though, that optical telescopes have much too poor a resolution to detect most of the phenomena above at present, some of which phenomena in distant QSOs would be as much as millions of times too small [Mitchell p147-149, 400]. To say that the light from the quasar’s jet would not seem intensified to an observer lined up with it, would have to be saying that there is no distance from one kilometer away to ten billion light years at which the light would be lensed. Everyone must admit that light bends in the vicinity of those huge masses and that this would change their appearance and apparent intensity. The only thing left is to figure out exactly what that change should look like.


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    Anderson JD Nieto MM Laing PA Lau EL Liu AS Nieto MM Turyshav SG 1998 Indication from Pioneer 10/11, Galileo and Ulysses data of an apparent anomalous weak, long range acceleration. Physical Review Letters 81; 2858-2861.

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    Gribbin, John; "Galaxy Red Shifts Come in Clumps," New Scientist, p. 20, June 20, 1985.

    Keel WK 1980 Inclination effects on the recognition of Seyfert galaxies. Astronomical Journal 85; 198-203.

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    Michalitsianos, A. G.; Dolan, J. F.; Kazanas, D.; Bruhweiler, F. C.; Boyd, P. T.; Hill, R. J.; Nelson, M. J.; Percival, J. W.; van Citters, G. W. 1997 Ly alpha Absorption-Line Systems in the Gravitational Lens Q0957+561. Astrophysical Journal v.474, p.598.

    Mitchell WC 2002 Bye Bye Big Bang, Hellow Reality. Cosmic Sense Books, PO Box 3472, Carson City Nevada 89702 USA.

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    This article updated in May, 2005. If you see any errors in it, please contact the author.

    Mail to Charles Weber; isoptera at

    Rod P.
  • DannyBloem

    Rod P,

    I did not read your article in your post yet, it is quite long, but I want to add something about the conclusions that Arp sketches first:

    I would harken back to the article by Halton Arp, with his rationale on red-shift, and then someone please show me where he is necessarily in ERROR:

    If the cause of these redshifts is misunderstood, then distances can be wrong by factors of 10 to 100, and luminosities and masses will be wrong by factors up to 10,000. We would have a totally erroneous picture of extragalactic space, and be faced with one of the most embarrassing boondoggles of our intellectual history.
    Because objects in motion in the laboratory, or orbiting double stars, or rotating galaxies all show Doppler redshifts to longer wavelengths when they are receding, it has been assumed throughout astronomy that redshifts always and only mean recession velocity. No direct verification of this assumption is possible, and through the years many contradictions have arisen and been ignored. The evidence presented here is, I hope, convincing because it offers many different proofs of intrinsic (non-velocity) redshifts in every category of celestial object.
    This really is the entirety of the theory on which our whole concept of cosmology has been rested for the last 75 years. It is interesting to note, however, that Hubble, the observer, even up to his final lecture before the Royal Society, always held open the possibility that the redshift did not mean velocity of recession but might be caused by something else.
    But of course, the stunning aspect of the ROSAT observations was that two quasars of redshift .63 and .45 are actually physically linked by a luminous connection to a low redshift object of z= .007. When I showed this to the local experts, there were alarmed states followed by annoyance.
    This result made it clear that the compact and interacting groups were just a more concentrated ensemble of young, non-equilibrium companion galaxies which had been ejected more recently from the parent galaxy, and were composed of material of higher redshift. Aside from being empirically true, this interpretation solves all the conventional paradoxes of the failure of the galaxies to merge into a single galaxy on a cosmic time scale, and also explains the unbearable presence of "discordant" redshifts.

    In later chapters we will show that galaxies and quasars tend to occur at certain preferred redshifts. This quantization implies that galaxies do not evolve with smoothly decreasing redshifts, but change in steps.

    One major point of the present book is to try to make it impossible to ignore the enormous amount of mutually supporting significant evidence which all points to the same conclusion.

    In the face of 28 years of accumulated evidence, to go on proclaiming that quasars are out at the edge of the universe seems unpardonable.
    Summary - Alignments, Quasars, BL Lac's and Galaxy Clusters
    1) Objects which appear young are aligned on either side of eruptive objects. This implies ejection of protogalaxies.

    2) The youngest objects appear to have the highest redshifts. This implies that intrinsic redshift decreases as the object ages.

    3) As distance from the ejecting central object increases, the quasars increase in brightness and decrease in redshift. This implies that the ejected objects evolve as they travel outward.

    4) At about z= .3 and about 400 kpc from that parent galaxy the quasars appear to become very bright in optical and X-ray luminosity. This implies there is a transition to BL Lac Objects.

    5) Few BL Lac objects are observed implying this phase is short-lived.

    6) Clusters of galaxies, many of which are strong X-ray sources, end to appear at comparable distances to the BL Lac's from the parent galaxy. This suggests the clusters may be a result of the breaking up of a BL Lac.

    7) Clusters of galaxies in the range z= .4 to .2 contain blue, active galaxies. It is implied that they continue to evolve to higher luminosity and lower redshift.

    8) Abell clusters from z= .01 to .2 lie along ejection lines from galaxies like CenA. Presumably they are evolved products of the ejections.

    9) The strings of galaxies which are aligned through the brightest nearby spirals have redshifts z= .01 to .02. Presumably they are the last evolutionary stage of the ejected protogalaxies before they become slightly higher redshift companions of the original ejecting galaxies. (p166-7)

    First of all, I do not like some of his usage of words. Normally I do not mind the words chosen or spelling errors, but consider for example this:

    and be faced with one of the most embarrassing boondoggles of our intellectual history.

    These are some strong words he used. Any why, is he not making things look worse then it actually is. Even if right ot wrong, those words just have the purpose of making the other party look bad. Just not very scientific, it is much better he used scientific arguments and not this kind of language to draw the public. But that is just my opinion.

    I agree that in the case of quasars only we should look at something differet to explain the red shifts found. Or at least in certain cases.
    It is hard for mee to say anyting about the conclusion as not the whole article here is present but:

    1) he implies that red shift is an identification of age, not of distance. Doe she suggest that for quasars only, or general?
    if that would be the case, why do we not see any redshift from things closeby? (objects in our own galaxy or closerby)?

    2) what causes the redshift? Does he give an alternative explanation?

    3) doe she have a better theory then the big bang?

    4) why the suggestion with age related red shift? What are the indicators that it is age related?


  • Rod P
    Rod P

    Hi Dan

  • Rod P
    Rod P


    Well, I take your point about the strong language Halton Arp uses. On the other hand, I think I also understand it. Perhaps the treatment he received from his fellow astronomers over the years may have embittered him somewhat. How would you like it if they treated you that way, and then afterwards you're supposed to go on just being the "nice guy" all the time. I just don't think they were all that "nice" to him either.

    I am still puzzling over the fact that Quasars are supposed to be amongst the most distant objects in the universe. And so, how can they possibly be interacting with nearby galaxies? That just makes no sense to me! So what are they doing so near to some of the galaxies? And if they are that near, then where does that leave the theory that Quasars are the farthest away? And what is it based on? The red-shift. But if conventional thinking is wrong, and they aren't that far away after all, then what are the implications for the big bang theory?

    Now I am not saying that Red Shift cannot have anything to do with speed and velocity, especially in terms of "nearby" (relatively speaking, of course). I am not saying all the astronomers and astrophysics are wrong about everything. I actually do feel that it is reasonable that there is expansion going on in the universe, or that objects are moving away from us in all directions. At the same time, I am unclear as to where to draw the line. When exactly does red-shift NOT become Distance or Velocity? Yet, I do think there is more than one cause or phenomenon that produces the red-shifts (and blue-shifts). But the explanations or differentiations are far from being a simple task, and most certainly are capable of more than one interpretation. I don't consider myself that gifted to be able to sort all this out and come up with some definitive answer to this whole quandry.

    However, what I will say at this point in time, is that I think there is some room for doubt and alternative interpretation. That, in turn, makes me feel open to the possibility models other than Big Bang. The main competition to that, of course, is the Steady State theory, for which there are a number of different versions, such as expansion being part of a long-term cyclical nature within the framework of a series of expansions and contractions indigenous to a permanent universe that always was.

    In terms of Halton Arp's more extensive explanation as to what is going on in the context of the big picture, I am going to have to do more research and get back to this thread. Unfortunately that will take a bit of time. We are not sitting here with a chess board and all the pieces right here with us. It is the nature of this thread that we are probably going to have to excuse ourselves for a bit to do some more detective work, and then report back. For that reason, I think it is probably going to necessitate some time and patience here for all of us, and to be prepared for this whole subject taking a period of time. Probably only a few of us die hards may be interested enough to hang on.

    In the meantime, while I am busy digging, I think it may be appropriate to introduce some other aspects of the Big Bang theory, some of which may be more of a philosophical nature. But at least it should keep things interesting, and maybe some other individuals may be willing to jump in with their two cents.

    Rod P.

  • Rod P
    Rod P

    Here is an interesting article taken from the following site: I just want to make it quite clear at the outset, that this is not an endorsement on my part. I just think there may be some good food for thought here, that is worth considering in the overall discussion. That is all! Rod P.


    When examined closely, the cosmologists' confident explanation of the origin and structure of the universe falls apart...

    Look up at the night sky, full of stars and planets. Where did it all come from? These days most scientists will answer that question with some version of the big bang theory. In the beginning, you'll hear, all matter in the universe was concentrated into a single point at an extremely high temperature, and then it exploded with tremendous force. From an expanding superheated cloud of subatomic particles, atoms gradually formed, then stars, galaxies, planets, and finally life. This litany has now assumed the status of revealed truth. In accounts that deliberately evoke the atmosphere of Genesis, the tale of primal origins is elaborately presented in countless textbooks, paperback popularizations, slick science magazines, and television specials complete with computer-generated effects.

    As an exciting, mindgrabbing story it certainly works. And because the big bang story does seem to be based on factual observation and the scientific method, it seems to many people more reasonable than religious accounts of creation. This big bang theory of cosmology is, however, only the latest in a series of attempts to explain the universe in a mechanistic way, a way that sees the world--and man--solely as the products of matter working according to materialistic laws.

    Scientists traditionally reject supernatural explanations of the origin of the universe, especially ones involving a Supreme Person who creates it, saying that they would contradict their scientific method. In the mechanistic world view, God, if He exists at all, is reduced to the role of a petty servant who merely winds up the clock of the universe. Thereafter He has no choice but to allow everything to happen according to physical laws. This makes these laws, in effect, more powerful than God Himself. Or else God becomes simply a formless universal energy. There is definitely not much room for a personal God, a supreme designer and controller, in the universe described by the big bang theorists. Erwin Schrodinger, the Nobel-prize-winning Austrian theoretical physicist who discovered the basic equation of quantum mechanics, states in *Mind and Matter, "No personal god can form part of a world model that has only become accessible at the cost of removing everything personal from it." 1 Thus we should not think that it is by their empirical findings that scientists have eliminated God from the universe or restricted His role in it. Rather from the very start their chosen method rules out God.

    The scientists' attempt to understand the origin of the universe in purely physical terms is based on three assumptions: (1) that all phenomena can be completely explained by natutal laws expressed in the language of mathematics, (2) that these physical laws apply everywhere and at all times, and (3) that the fundamental natural laws are simple.

    Many people take these assumptions for granted, but they have not been proven to be facts--nor is it possible to easily prove them. They are simply part of one strategy for approaching reality. Looking at the complex phenomena that confront any observer of the universe, scientists have decided to try a reductionistic approach. They say, "Let's try to reduce everything to measurements and try to explain them by simple, universal physical laws." But there is no logical reason for ruling out in advance alternative strategies for comprehending the universe, strategies that might involve laws and principles of irreducible complexity. Yet many scientists, confusing their strategy for trying to understand the universe with the actual nature of the universe, rule out a priori any such alternative approaches. They insist that the universe can be completely described by simple mathematical laws. "We hope to explain the entire universe in a single, simple formula that you can wear on your T-shirt," 2 says Leon Lederman, director of the Fermi National Accelerator Laboratory in Batavia, Illinois.

    There are several reasons why the scientists feel compelled to adopt their strategy of simplification. If the underlying reality of the universe can be described by simple quantitative laws, then there is some chance that they can understand it (and manipulate it), even considering the limitations of the human mind. So they assume it can be so described and invent a myriad of theories to do this. But if the universe is infinitely complex, it would be very difficult for us to understand it with the limited powers of the human mind and senses. For example, suppose you were given a set of one million numbers and asked to describe their pattern with an equation. If the pattern were simple, you might be able to do it. But if the pattern were extremely complex, you might not even be able to guess what the equation would be. And of course the scientists' strategy will also be unsuccessful in coping with features of the universe that cannot be described in mathematical terms at all.

    Thus it is not any wonder that the great majority of scientists cling so tenaciously to their present strategy to the exclusion of all other approaches. They could well be like the man who lost his car keys in his driveway and went to look for them by the streetlight, where the light was better.

    However, the scientists' belief that the physical laws discovered in laboratory experiments on earth apply throughout all time and space is certainly open to question. For example, just because electrical fields are seen to behave a certain way in the laboratory does not insure that they also operate in the same way at vast distances and at times billions of years ago. Yet such assumptions are crucial to the scientists' attempts to explain such things as the origin of the universe and the nature of faraway objects such as quasars. After all, we can't really go back billions of years in time to the origin of the universe, and we have practically no firsthand evidence at all of anything beyond our own solar system.

    Even some prominent scientists recognize the risks involved in extrapolating conclusions about the universe as a whole from our limited knowledge. In 1980, Kenneth E. Boulding, in his presidential address to the American Association for the Advancement of Science, said: "Cosmology ... is likely to be very insecure, simply because it studies a very large universe with a very small and biased sample. We have only been looking at it carefully for a very small fraction of its total time span, and we know intimately an even smaller fraction of its total space." 3 But not only are the cosmologists' conclusions insecure--it also seems that their whole attempt to make a simple mathematical model of the universe consistent with its observable features is fraught with fundamental difficulties, which we will now describe.

    The Dreaded Singularity

    One of the greatest problems faced by the big bang theorists is that although they are attempting to explain the "origin of the universe," the origin they propose is mathematically indescribable. According to the standard big bang theories, the initial condition of the universe was a point of infinitesimal circumference and infinite density and temperature. An initial condition such as this is beyond mathematical description. Nothing can be said about it. All calculations go haywire. It's like trying to divide a number by 0--what do you get? 1? ... 5? ... 5 trillion? ... ??? It's impossible to say. Technically, such a phenomenon is called a "singularity."

    Sir Bernard Lovell, professor of radio astronomy at the University of Manchester, wrote of singularities, "In the approach to a physical description of the beginning of time, we reach a barrier at this point. The problem as to whether or not this really is a fundamental barrier to a scientific description of the initial state of the universe, and the associated conceptual difficulties in the consideration of a single entity at the beginning of time, are questions of outstanding importance in modern thought." 4

    As of yet, the barrier has not been surmounted by even the greatest exponents of the big bang theory. Nobel laureate Steven Weinberg laments, "Unfortunately, I cannot start the film [his colorful description of the big bang] at zero time and infinite temperature." 5 So we find that the big bang theory does not describe the origin of the universe at all, because the initial singularity is by definition indescribable.

    Quite literally, therefore, the big bang theory is in trouble right from the very start. While the difficulty about the initial singularity is ignored or glossed over in popular accounts of the big bang, it is recognized as a major stumbling block in the more technical accounts by scientists attempting to deal with its actual mathematical implications. Stephen Hawking, Lucian Professor of Mathematics at Cambridge University, and G.F.R. Ellis, Professor of Mathematics at the University of Cape Town, in their authoritative book The Large Scale Structure of Space-Time point out, "It seems to be a good principle that the prediction of a singularity by a physical theory indicates that the theory has broken down."6 They add, "The results we have obtained support the idea that the universe began a finite time ago. However the actual point of creation, the singularity, is outside the scope of presently known laws of physics." 7

    Any explanation of the origin of the universe that begins with something physically indescribable is certainly open to question. And then there is a further difficulty. Where did the singularity come from? Here the scientists face the same difficulty as the religionists they taunt with the question, "Where did God come from?" And just as the religionist responds with the answer that God is the causeless cause of all causes, the scientists are now faced with the prospect of declaring a mathematically indescribable point of infinite density and infinitesimal size, existing before all conceptions of time and space, as the causeless cause of all causes. At this point, the hapless scientist stands convicted of the same unforgivable intellectual crime that he has always accused the saints and mystics of committing--making physically unverifiable supernatural claims. If he is to know anything at all about the origin of the universe, it would seem he would now have to consider the possibility of accepting methods of inquiry and experiment transcending the physical.

    Attempted Solutions

    Unwilling to face this distasteful prospect, theorists have proposed a multitude of variations on the big bang theory in an effort to sidestep the singularity problem. One approach has been to postulate that the universe did not begin with a perfect singularity. Sir Bernard Lovell states that the singularity in the big bang universe "has often been regarded as a mathematical difficulty arising from the assumption that the universe is uniform." 8 The standard models for the big bang universe have perfect mathematical symmetry, and some physicists thought this was the cause of a singularity when they worked out the mathematical answers to the equations for the big bang's initial state at time zero. As a correction, some theorists introduced into their models irregularities similar to those of the observed universe. This, it was hoped, would give the initial state enough irregularity to prevent everything from being reduced to a single point. But this hope was dashed by Hawking and Ellis, who state that according to their calculations a big bang model with irregularities in the distribution of matter on the observed scale must still have a singularity in the beginning. 9

    The Question of Origins

    The problem of the singularity is simply part of the larger problem of understanding the origin of the initial condition of the universe, whatever it may have happened to be. If a model of universal origins involves a singularity, that certainly creates severe theoretical difficulties. But even if the singularity can somehow be avoided, we are still confronted with the question of where the universe came from. Hoping to sidestep the whole issue of origins, some scientists have proposed the so-called "infinitely rebounding universe," a universe that expands, contracts to a singularity, and then again expands and contracts continually through the course of unlimited time. There is no beginning and no end, only an endless cycle. This resolves the problem of the origin of the universe by proposing that there is no origin and that the material universe has always existed.

    But there are some serious problems with this model. First of all, no one has ever proposed a satisfactory mechanism for the bouncing. Futhermore, in The First Three Minutes physicist Steven Weinberg points out that with each successive bounce progressive changes must take place in the universe. This indicates that at some point there must be a beginning and not a regress extending over an infinite period of time. 10 And thus again you confront the question of origins.

    Another creative attempt to escape the necessity of dealing with the question of origins is the time-reverse rebounding universe model proposed by English astrophysicist Paul Davies. The universe would expand with time flowing forward and then collapse to a singularity. During the rebound, time flows backward as the universe expands and collapses again into a singularity, the same singularity from which it began its previous forward cycle. In this model, the past becomes the future, and the future becomes the past, thus making the statement "in the beginning" meaningless. This scenario gives one small indication of the many imaginative schemes the cosmologists have been forced to resort to in order to explain the origin of the universe.

    The Inflationary Universe

    Quite apart from the question of where the initial condition of the universe comes from, there are other problems troubling modern cosmologists. In order for the standard big bang theory to predict the distribution of matter we observe within the universe, the initial state has to be fine tuned to an incredible degree. The question then arises, how did the initial state get that way? Physicist Alan H. Guth of M.I.T. has proposed a version of the big bang model that automatically produces the required fine tunings, doing away with the necessity for artificially introducing them into the equations. Called the inflationary model, it assumes that within a rapidly expanding, superheated region of the universe a tiny section cools off and then begins to expand much more violently, just as supercooled water rapidly expands when it freezes. It is this phase of rapid expansion that resolves some of the difficulties inherent in the standard big bang theories.

    But Guth's version has difficulties of its own. Guth has been forced to fine tune his own equations in order to get them to yield his inflationary universe. Thus he is confronted with the same difficulty his model was supposed to overcome. He had hoped to explain the fine tuning required in the big bang universe, but he requires unexplained tuning of his own. Guth and his collaborator Paul J. Steinhardt admit that in their model "calculations yield reasonable predictions only if the parameters are assigned values in a narrow range. Most theorists (including both of us) regard such fine tuning as implausible." 11 They go on to express a hope that in the future mathematical theories will be developed that will enable them to give a plausible expression of their model.

    This dependence on as yet unrealized future developments highlights another difficulty with Guth's model. The grand unified theories (GUTs) upon which the inflationary universe is based are completely hypothetical and "have little support from controlled experiments because most of their implications are impossible to measure in the laboratory." 12 (The grand unified theories are very speculative attempts to tie together some of the basic forces of the universe.)

    Another problem with Guth's theory is that it does not even attempt to explain the origin of the superheated expanding condition necessary for his inflation to take place. He has toyed with three hypothetical origins. The first is the standard big bang--according to Guth the inflationary episode would take place within the very early stages of it. This model, however, leaves us with the knotty singularity problem already discussed. The second option is to assume an initial condition of random chaos, in which some regions would be hot, others cold, some expanding, some contracting. The inflation would begin in an area that was superheated and expanding. But Guth admits there is no explanation for the origin of the imagined primordial random chaos.

    The third alternative, favored by Guth himself, is that the superheated expanding region emerges quantum-mechanically from nothing. In an article that appeared in 1984 in Scientific American, Guth and Paul J. Steinhardt state, "The inflationary model of the universe provides a possible mechanism by which the observed universe could have evolved from an infinitesimal region. It is then tempting to go one step further and speculate that *the entire universe evolvedfrom literally nothing." 13

    As attractive as this idea may seem to scientists who balk at any suggestion of a supreme intelligence that designed the universe, it doesn't hold up under close examination. The literal "nothing" Guth is speaking of is a hypothetical quantum-mechanical vacuum state occurring in a still-to-be-formulated ultimate grand unified theory combining the equations of both quantum mechanics and general relativity. In other words, this vacuum state cannot now be described, even theoretically.

    However, physicists have already come up with a description of a simpler kind of quantum-mechanical vacuum state, which can be visualized as containing a sea of "virtual particles," atomic fragments that almost but not quite exist. From time to time some of these subatomic particles pop out of the vacuum into material reality.

    Such occurrences are called vacuum fluctuations. The fluctuations cannot be directly observed, but theories based upon them have been corroborated by laboratory experiments. What theoretically occurs is that a particle and antiparticle appear without cause from the vacuum and almost instantaneously negate each other and disappear. Guth and his colleagues postulate that instead of just a tiny particle, the entire universe popped out of the vacuum. And instead of instantaneously disappearing, our universe has somehow persisted for billions of years. The singularity problem is avoided by having the universe pop into being a little bit beyond the stage of singularity.

    There are two basic shortcomings in this scenario. First, it involves a truly impressive speculative leap from our limited experience with subatomic particles in the laboratory to the universe as a whole. Stephen Hawking and G.F.R. Ellis sagely warn their colleagues who would without hesitation hurl themselves headlong into such wild speculation, "There is of course a large extrapolation in the assumption that the physical laws one determines in the laboratory should apply to other points of space-time where conditions may be different." 14 Second, it is actually misleading to speak of the quantum-mechanical vacuum as "literally nothing." To describe a quantum-mechanical vacuum, even the relatively simple one of currently existing theory, requires chapters upon chapters of highly abstract mathematics. Such an entity is certainly "something," and this raises the interesting question of where such a complicated "vacuum" might come from.

    At this point let us return to the original problem Guth was trying to solve with his inflationary model: trying to eliminate the need. for fine tuning the initial conditions in order to obtain the observed universe. As we have seen, he hasn't succeeded. But another problem is this: does any version of the big bang theory, including Guth's, really predict the observed universe? What Guth says he finally gets out of his complicated initial state is a universe about 4 inches across, filled with nothing more than a uniform superdense, superheated gas. This will expand and cool, but there is no reason to suppose that it will ever become more than a cloud of uniformly distributed gas. In fact, this is all that any of the big bang theories leave you with. So if Guth's present theory requires implausible tinkering simply to yield a universe consisting of uniformly distributed gas, then we can just imagine what would be necessary to get it to yield the universe as we know it today. In a good scientific explanation many complex phenomena can be deduced from a simple theoretical scheme, but in Guth's inflationary universe--and indeed in the standard big bang theories--we have just the opposite: from a very complex tangle of equations, we just get an expanding uniform ball of gas. Despite this, science magazines run articles about. the inflationary model, complete with pages of hightech illustrations, that give the impression Guth has finally achieved the ultimate goal--explaining the origin of the universe. Not quite, it seems. Perhaps they should run regular columns in the science magazines featuring the universal origin theories of the month.

    We can just imagine the complexity of the initial conditions necessary to produce the universe as we know it, with all its varied structures and organisms. In our own universe, these conditions seem to have been arranged far too precisely to be explained simply by physical laws. Thus one could conceivably argue in favor of a designer. At this point some noted theorists, unable even to consider such an idea, take shelter of what they call "the anthropic principle."

    They propose that the quantum-mechanical vacuum is producing universes by the millions. The great majority are not constituted so as to produce life. These universes therefore do not contain observers who could study their conditions. However, other universes, including our own, are constituted so as to have produced observers, and it is therefore not surprising that these observers would discover that their universe possesses some rather startlingly precise conditions to allow for the existence of life. According to this line of reasoning, the observers should not expect to find anything other than such improbably complex conditions. In effect, supporters of the anthropic principle take the very existence of human beings as the explanation of why the universe is so constituted as to have produced human beings. But this logical sleight of hand isn't an explanation of anything.

    Another form of verbal jugglery is to say straight out, as many scientists do, that the universe has occurred by causeless chance. But it must be pointed out that this also is not at all an explanation. To say that something happens once by chance is in essence no different than simply saying "it happened"' or "there it is." And these statements do not qualify as scientific explanations. In the end you wind up knowing no more than you did before. In other words, by invoking either chance or the anthropic principle the scientists have not actually explained anything about the origin of the universe.

    At this point, the theorists could perhaps forgive us for suggesting that their chosen methods might not be quite adequate for the task at hand. Indeed it appears, in addition to the problems we have already discussed, that general relativity and quantum mechanics, the two intellectual tools with which the cosmologists are attempting to define the development of the universe, contain certain flaws. It is true that these theories have been very successful in describing certain physical phenomena, but this does not prove they are perfect in all respects.

    General relativity describes curved space-time and is an integral part of every current theory of universal origins, including the big bang theory and Guth's inflationary model. If general relativity is in need of revision in any way, then any universal theories based on it will also need to be revised.

    One major difficulty with general relativity and Einstein's earlier theory of special relativity is that they rule out time as we commonly understand it. In Newtonian physics, time is treated as a variable separate from space. In this way, it is possible to chart the path of an object moving in space and time in the following way. At a particular point in time, the object is located at a particular point in space. As time varies, the position of the object in space varies.

    But in Einstein's theory of relativity, this conception evaporates. Instead, time and space are wedded together in a fourdimensional space-time continuum. It is no longer possible to describe an object as occupying a particular point in space at a particular point in time. A relativistic description of an object will show its spatial and temporal existence in its entirety, merged from beginning to end, wherever it is happening. For instance, a human being would be depicted as the entire progression from embryo to corpse. Such constructs are labeled "space-time worms." And physics does not permit the space-time worm to say, "Now I am an adult and I used to be a child." There is no passage of time; the whole sequence exists as one unit. If we are space-time worms, we are just configurations of matter, not personalities with consciousness. Defining human beings in that way invalidates our individual perception of past, present, and future, and thus leads to the conclusion that such perceptions are unreal.

    In a letter to Michael Besso, Einstein wrote, "You have to accept the idea that subjective time with its emphasis on the now has no objective meaning. 15 When Besso died, Einstein tried to console his widow by writing, "Michael has preceded me a little in leaving this strange world. This is not important. For us who are convinced physicists, the distinction between past, present, and future is only an illusion, however persistent." 16 This is in effect a denial of consciousness, which entails the reality of the present experienced moment. We experience our present form as real, whereas our infant form exists only in memory. As conscious beings we can definitely experience that we do occupy a particular bodily form at a particular point in time. Despite the fact that relativity theory converts a series of events into a single unified spatio-temporal entity, we actually experience in sequence different points in time. What all this means is that every theory of universal origins built around relativity theory fails to explain our conscious experience of time, thus making these theories, as they stand, incomplete and unacceptable.

    Quantum Physics and Reality

    All of the current cosmological theories also depend upon quantum mechanics, which defines the activity of atomic and subatomic particles. Quantum physics differs in fundamental ways from classical Newtonian physics. Classical physics concerns itself with the behavior of solid matter, but quantum physics is concerned only with mathematical expressions of observations and measurements. Solid material reality evaporates. Nobel-laureate physicist Werner Heisenberg declared, "It turns out that we can no longer talk of the behavior of the particle apart from the process of observation. In consequence, we are finally led to believe that the laws of nature which we formulate mathematically in quantum theory no longer deal with the particles themselves but with our knowledge of elementary particles." 17 In addition to the experimental apparatus, the observer had to be brought into the analysis as an explicit element distinct from the apparatus.

    But there are fundamental problems in applying quantum mechanics to the universe. By definition, the universe includes all observers, so you cannot have an outside observer of a universal physical system. In an attempt to formulate a version of quantum mechanics that does not require an outside observer, eminent physicists such as John Wheeler have proposed that the universe continuously splits into innumerable copies. Each parallel universe contains observers to see that particular set of quantum alternatives, and according to this theory all of these universes are real.

    Reacting to this, Bryce D. Witt, writing in Physics Today, states, "I still recall the shock I experienced on first encountering the multiworld concept. The idea of 10 to the 100th plus slightly imperfect copies of oneself all constantly splitting into further copies, which ultimately become unrecognizable, is not easy to reconcile with common sense. Here is schizophrenia with a vengeance." 18 If scientists want a big bang theory of the origin of the universe that can be consistent with quantum mechanics, this is one of the bizarre hypotheses they are forced to come up with.

    But even more problems lie ahead on the path of materialistic reduction that most scientists are treading. It's bad enough that both general relativity and quantum mechanics lead to bizarre and unrealistic consequences when applied to cosmological questions. But these difficulties are compounded to an exasperating degree by the fact that scientists' hopes to properly describe the universe and its beginning depend upon combining both theories. The proposed result would be a Grand Unified Theory (GUT) capable of describing all the forces at work in the universe by a single comprehensive mathematical expresssion. General relativity is required to explain the basic structure of space-time. Quantum mechanics is needed in order to explain the behavior of subatomic particles. Unfortunately these two theories apparently contradict each other.

    The first step toward this mathematical integration is quantum field theory, which attempts to describe the behavior of electrons by a combination of quantum mechanics and Einstein's theory of special relativity. This theory has scored some remarkable successes. Yet P.A.M. Dirac, the Nobel-prize-winning English physicist

    who invented the theory, confessed, "It seems to be quite impossible to put the theory on a sound mathematical basis." 19 The second and much more difficult step would be to combine general relativity with quantum mechanics, and no one has the faintest idea how to do this. No less an authority than Nobel-laureate physicist Steven Weinberg admits that it may take a century or two to get the mathematics together.20 The cosmologists say they need the GUT to describe the origin of the universe, and they don't have it yet. So that can only mean their big bang and inflationary models are without solid foundation.

    Since the days of Newton and Galileo, the program of physical science has been to express everything in mathematical terms. Furthermore the mathematical description must be confirmed by observation and controlled experiments. We have shown that the big bang theories fail to conform to these requirements. Simplicity has also been stressed as a requirement of physical theories, and the big bang theories also fail in that respect, for they are becoming, as we have seen, progressively more outlandishly contorted with each new formulation. They are just what Galileo and Newton would have disliked--storytelling to fill in the gaps of knowledge.

    The big bang theories would therefore appear to be something less than actual scientific explanations of the origin of the universe. Nevertheless, in popular magazines and television specials, as well as in the classroom, scientists deliberately give the public the impression that they have already succeeded in demonstrating exactly how the universe originated simply by physical laws. Nothing could be further from the truth.

    What About Galaxies?

    We have seen that the cosmologists' attempt to comprehend the universe within the narrow bounds of their narrow materialistic conceptions has failed to explain its origins. Moreover, we have seen that their theories do not even account for what they say is present in the universe now.

    For instance, the big bang theory does not account for the existence of galaxies. Imagine a scientist of great genius who had knowledge of the current cosmological theories but no knowledge of observational astronomy. Would he be able to predict that galaxies would form? The answer is no. A universe made up of a uniformly distributed cloud of gas is the only result consistent with the standard formulations of the theory. This cloud would have a density of perhaps one atom per several cubic feet, making it little better than a perfect vacuum. To get anything else requires special modifications of the initial conditions of the universe, and scientists find such modifications difficult to justify. Traditionally, a scientific theory is considered acceptable if starting from the initial framework you can straightforwardly predict things. A theory that has to be monkeyed around with to a considerable degree to obtain valid predictions is of questionable value.

    As Steven Weinberg says in The First Three Minutes, "The theory of the formation of galaxies is one of the great outstanding problems in astrophysics, a problem that today seems far from solution." 21 Then without skipping a beat he says, "But that is another story." But no, wait a minute--that is exactly the story! If the big bang theory can't explain the initial cause of the universe or major features of the universe such as galaxies, then what does it explain? Not very much, it would seem.

    Missing Mass

    The big bang theory is supposed to explain the universe, but a major problem is that many features of the universe are not understood clearly enough to be the subject of such explanation. One big mystery is the problem of missing mass. Physicist David Schramm of the University of Chicago explains, "From all the light being emitted by the Milky Way, we can estimate that our galaxy contains the mass of about one hundred billion suns. But once we take this same object [the Milky Way] and see how it interacts with another galaxy, such as our neighbor Andromeda, we find that our galaxy is gravitating toward Andromeda as though it had a mass almost ten times as great." 22 It thus appears that over 90% of the mass of the universe is missing. Ghostly subatomic particles called neutrinos have been put forward as the solution. Originally, however, the invisible neutrino was assigned no mass by physicists, but now it has suddenly been assigned mass sufficient to account for the missing matter in the universe as a whole. How convenient.

    So even when we leave aside the questions of primal origins and get down to the picture of the universe as it is today, there are still many unanswered questions. The scientists will assert to the public with an air of absolute conviction that they know the universe extends x millions of light years and that it has existed for a total of y billion years. They say that they have identified all the major bodies in the universe for what they are--distant stars, galaxies, nebulae, quasars, and so forth. Yet even the local Milky Way galaxy is not clearly understood.

    For example, in Scientific American noted astronomer Bart J. Bok wrote, "I remember the mid 1970s as a time when I and my fellow [Milky Way] watchers were notably self-assured ... we did not suspect it would soon be necessary to revise the radius of the Milky Way upward by a factor of three or more and to increase its mass by as much as a factor of 10." 23 If such basic measurements recently had to be drastically revised after so many decades of observation, then what might the future hold? Will there be even more drastic revisions?

    Even when we get down to our own solar system, we find there are fundamental problems. The traditional account for the origin of planets--that they have condensed from clouds of cosmic dust and gas--is on very shaky ground because the equations for the interactions of the gas clouds have never been satisfactorily solved. William McRae, professor of astronomy at England's Sussex University and past president of the Royal Astronomical Society, states, "The problem of the origin of the solar system is perhaps the most notable of all unsolved problems in astronomy." 24

    It should be clear at this point to any impartial onlooker that the strategy of materialistic reduction followed by cosmologists has not allowed them to arrive at firm conclusions about the origin and nature of the universe, despite their public posturing. There is certainly no compelling reason for anyone to insist that the ultimate answers to cosmological questions must be contained in simple mathematically expressed physical laws. Indeed, the quantitative method has proved inadequate for explaining many phenomena very close at hand, what to speak of explaining the vast universe. Therefore it is certainly too early to exclude alternative approaches, approaches that may involve nonphysical explanations--explanations involving principles that go beyond the known laws of physics.

    A Different Picture of Reality

    There may in fact be nonphysical causes at work in the history of the universe, and there may even be nonphysical regions of the cosmos as well. Physicist David Bohm admits, "The possibility is always open that there may exist an unlimited variety of additional properties, qualities, entities, systems, levels, etc., to which apply correspondingly new kinds of laws of nature." 25 Thus it is quite possible that as our understanding of natural laws continues to evolve, a picture of reality quite different from the one most people now accept may emerge.

    As we have already seen, with infinitely rebounding and infinitely splitting universes, some of the models and concepts proposed by the cosmologists already challenge our commonsense conception of things. Do not think that these strange ideas are out of the mainstream of scientific thought. All the notions we have considered so far are actually the most staid and respectable speculations.

    Let us now look at some even more outlandish ideas currently running loose in the world of modern cosmology. Scientist John Gribbin, author of White Holes, a book summarizing these topics, admiringly calls them "the latest series of imaginative leaps made by the creative thinkers today we call scientists--rather than prophets, seers, or oracles." 26 One is the white hole--a quasar that pours out galaxies in a cosmic gusher. Gribbin says, "Could the white holes actually fragment themselves so that galaxies would reproduce themselves like amoebas, by parthenogenesis? That sounds so unlikely in terms of our everyday experience of the behavior of matter that it's worth looking at the standard theories of galaxy formation to show just how hopeless they are as explanations of the real Universe. Fissioning white holes might seem like a solution of last resort, but when no other theory provides any kind of satisfactory solution, that solution is surely the one we must accept." 27

    Another idea seriously entertained by cosmologists is space-time tunnels or "cosmic wormholes." First seriously discussed in 1962 by physicist John Wheeler in his book Geometrodynamics, the idea has entered into popular consciousness through fantasy movies such as the Star Wars series, where starships hurtle through hyperspace, thus making intergalactic journeys that would normally take millions of years at the speed of light. Some versions of the wormholes see them as entrances to the past and future, or even to other universes.

    In the early part of this century, Einstein posited a fourth dimension; now, as the implications of his gravitational field equations are being more fully explored, extra dimensions are being added. Paul Davies, a theoretical physicist, writes, "In addition to the three space dimensions and the one time dimension we perceive in daily life, there are seven extra space dimensions that have hitherto gone unnoticed." 28

    The point of these descriptions is to show that even the material scientists are being compelled to put forward explanations of the universe that stretch the mind to an incredible degree. But must we stretch our minds' only in the directions pointed out by material science? Perhaps minds can be stretched in even other directions. If we can contemplate higher material dimensions, then why not dimensions of an entirely different sort? There is a definite need for new categories of ideas, ideas that will undoubtedly challenge the currently held reductionistic scientific strategy for understanding the universe . That strategy includes the idea that the universe is ultimately simple and can be exhaustively described in terms of quantitative laws.

    But suppose this is not so. It certainly appears that the universe is unlimitedly complex and has aspects that may not be approached by quantitative methods. If so, what strategy can be used to gain knowledge about it? The many complex and orderly features of the universe suggest that its cause is an intelligent designer. This idea brings to mind the following possible strategy. If the underlying cause of the universe is a supreme intelligent being, then there is hope that we can understand the ultimate nature of reality by obtaining information from this being. That there is such a being is certainly a bold proposition, but no more so than the proposal that everything can be explained by simple, mathematically expressed physical laws. And just as in the case of the quantitative strategy, the value of this alternative strategy can only be judged by how successfully it can be applied. It would be unfair to reject it without seeing how well it can be used to gain practical knowledge about reality.

    To many the idea of a supreme intelligence will bring to mind the world view of Christian fundamentalism, to which people will have varying reactions. But alternatives to the current theories of cosmologists are not limited to the fundamentalist Christian interpretation of Genesis. Just as there are many possible materialistic explanations of the origin of the universe, there are many possible explanations involving a personal creator.

    For those seeking to broaden their intellectual options, one very rich source of ideas for understanding the cosmos and our place in it is the Vedic knowledge of ancient India. The Vedas include an extremely sophisticated cosmology. Some of the concepts will be radically different from those now being propagated; others will be surprisingly complementary with current scientific findings. For example, Carl Sagan, while in India filming a segment for his Cosmos television series, said, "The most sophisticated ancient cosmological ideas come from India. Hinduism [based on the Vedas] is the only religion in which time scales correspond to scientific cosmology." He noted that the sages of ancient India held that the universe undergoes progressive cycles of creation and destruction over time scales lasting billions of years.

    As in modern science, a basic unit of matter is the atom (in Sanskrit, the aëu), but the Vedas also include particles of consciousness called jivatmas as well as an integrated superior conscious principle called the paramatma (Supersoul). The Supreme Being, seen as the source of a variety of physical and universal energies, is described as a personality simultaneously omnipresent and localized, in whom the universe exists and who exists within every atom of the universe. As we shall see throughout this magazine, such ideas may give a more complete and coherent understanding of the origin and nature of the universe. Consciousness in particular is a fundamental aspect of reality that cannot be ignored in theories that attempt to comprehensively explain the cosmos.

    At a time when scientists are proposing such things as multiply-splitting universes, cosmic wormholes for traveling from one space-time region to another, universes in which time reverses, an eleventh dimension of space-time, etc., the ancient transcendental conceptions found in the Vedas should not be dismissed without due consideration. The big bang and inflationary models, which rest on the shakiest of mathematical and theoretical foundations, have certainly failed to provide adequate answers to fundamental questions about the the universe and the galaxies and planets and life forms we find within it today. Perhaps a superconsciousness, a supremely intelligent designer--and not a set of impersonal mathematical equations--is the ultimate explanation for the universe that now seems so inexplicable.


    1. Erwin Schrodinger, What Is Life? and Mind and Matter (Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 1967), p. 68.

    2. Richard Wolkomir, "Quark City," Omni, (February 198,4), p. 41.

    3. Kenneth E. Boulding, "Science: Our Common Heritage, Science, Vol. 207 (February 22, 1980), p. 834.

    4. Sir Bernard Lovell, "The Universe," The Random House Encyclopedia (New York: Random House, Inc., 1977), p.37.

    5. Steven Weinberg, The First Three Minutes (New York: Bantam, 1977), p. 94.

    6. S. W. Hawking and G. F. R. Ellis, The Large Scale Structure of Space-Time (Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 1973), pp. 362--63.

    7. S.W. Hawking and G. F. R. Ellis, The Large Scale Structure of Space-Time, p. 364.

    8. Sir Bernard Lovell, "The Universe" The Random House Encyclopedia, p. 37.

    9. S. W. Hawking and G. F. R. Ellis, The Large Scale Structure of Space-Time, p. 360.

    10. Steven Weinberg, The First Three Minutes, p. 143

    11. Alan H. Guth and Paul J. Steinhardt, "The Inflationary Universe," Scientific American, (May 1984), p. 127.

    12. Mitchell Waldrop, "Before the Beginning," Science 84 (January/February 1984), p. 51.

    13. Alan H. Guth and Paul J. Steinhardt, "The Inflationary Universe," Scientific American, p. 128.

    14. S. W. Hawking and G. F. R. Ellis, The Large Scale Structure of Space-time, p. 1.

    15. Ilya Prigogine, From Being to Becoming (San Francisco: W. H. Freeman and Co., 1980), p. 20.

    16. Ilya Prigogine, From Being to Becoming, p. 20.

    17. Werner Heisenberg, "The Representation of Nature in Contemporary Physics," Daedalus, Vol. 87, No. 3 (1958), pp. 95--108.

    18. Bryce D. Witt, "Quantum Mechanics and Reality," Physics Today (September 1970), p. 33.

    19. P. A. M. Dirac, "The Evolution of the Physicist's Picture of Nature," Scientific American (May 1963), pp. 45--53.

    20. David Hunter, "The Grand Unification of Physics" Softalk (March 1984), p. 91.

    21. Steven Weinberg, The First Three Minutes, p. 68.

    22. Marcia Bartusiak, "Missing: 97 % of the Universe," Science Digest (December 1983), p. 53.

    23. Bart J. Bok, "The Milky Way Galaxy," Scientific American (March 1981), p. 94.

    24. William McRae, "The Origin of Earth, Moon, and Planets," in The Encyclopedia of Ignorance, ed. Ronald Duncan and Miranda Weston-Smith (New York: Pergamon Press, Ltd., 1977), p. 48.

    25. David Bohm, Causality and Chance in Modern Physics (London: Routledge and Kegan Paul, Ltd., 1957) p. 133.

    26. John Gribbin, White Holes (New York: Delacorte Press. 1977), p. 9.

    27. John Gribbin, White Holes, p. 107.

    28. Paul Davies, "The Eleventh Dimension," Science Digest (January 1984), p. 72.

    Courtesy Origins Magazine

  • Rod P
    Rod P


    Here is a very interesting article that provides a lot more detail about Halton Arp's position on the meaning of Red-Shift in relation to Quasars and Galaxies. There are even more in-depth links at the bottom of this article that are also well worth reading.


    What is redshift?

    If the lines in the spectrum of the light from a star or galaxy appear at a lower frequency (shifted toward the red) than where they are observed in the spectrum of the Sun, we say this object has "positive redshift". The accepted explanation for this effect is that the object must be moving away from us. This interpretation is drawn by analogy with the downward shift in the pitch of a train whistle as it passes through a railroad crossing and then speeds away from us. The question is: "Is recessional velocity the only thing that can produce a redshift, as modern astrophysicists presume?" It has become clear that the answer to that question is an emphatic " NO!away from Earth.

    But a high redshift value does not necessarily mean the object is far away. There is another, more important cause of high redshift values.

    Halton Arp

    Halton C. Arp is a professional astronomer who, earlier in his career, was Edwin Hubble's assistant. He has earned the Helen B.Warner prize, the Newcomb Cleveland award and the Alexander von Humboldt Senior Scientist Award. For years he worked at the Mt. Palomar and Mt. Wilson observatories. While there, he developed his well known catalog of "Peculiar Galaxies" that are misshapen or irregular in appearance.

    Arp discovered, by taking photographs through the big telescopes, that many pairs of quasars ("quasi-stellar objects") which have extremely high redshift z values (and are therefore thought to be receding from us very rapidly - and thus must be located at a great distance from us) are physically associated with galaxies that have low redshift and are known to be relatively close by . Arp has photographs of many pairs of high redshift quasars that are symmetrically located on either side of what he suggests are their parent, low redshift galaxies. These pairings occur much more often than the probabilities of random placement would allow. Mainstream astrophysicists try to explain away Arp's observations of connected galaxies and quasars as being "illusions" or "coincidences of apparent location". But, the large number of physically associated quasars and low red shift galaxies that he has photographed and cataloged defies that evasion. It simply happens too often

    Because of Arp's photos, the assumption that high red shift objects have to be very far away - on which the "Big Bang" theory and all of "accepted cosmology" is based - is proven to be wrong! The Big Bang theory is therefore falsified.

    NGC 4319 and Markarian 205

    A prime example of Arp's challenge is the connected pair of objects NGC 4319 and Markarian 205.

    Dr. Arp has shown in his book "Quasars, Redshifts and Controversies" that there is a physical connection between the barred spiral galaxy NGC 4319 and the quasar like object Markarian 205. This connection is between two objects that have vastly different redshift values. Mainstream astronomers deny

    the existence of this physical link. They claim these two objects are not close together - they are "coincidentally aligned".

    On April 4, 2002 amateur astronomer John Smith of Oro Valley, AZ obtained an image of the two objects. The author of these pages then quantized that image to show isophote contours. This result is shown below. The isophotes in the central section of 4319 suggest that the galaxy is indeed a barred spiral. Also the main arms seem to be coming off at their roots. Both of these observations were first noted by Arp and stated as such in his book.

    This image was obtained by using level quantization (staircase gray curves in the Picture Window Pro 3.1software package) followed by the "Edge tool". Notice that only Mark 205's isophotes are stretched back toward NGC 4319. None of the other objects in close proximity to 4319 are distorted in this manner.

    Then on October 7, 2002 the Astronomy Picture of the Day issued a Hubble Space Telescope image of these same objects. The orientation is different. After processing this HST image in the same way as the above amateur image, the following were obtained:

    (a) (b)

    Notice, in the magnified isophote view, (b), that there is a distention of the shape of the Mark 205 inner isophotes back toward NGC 4319. There are also a series of secondary masses within Mark 205 on a line connecting 4319 and the center of Mark 205. But NASA scientists "cannot see any connection between these two objects."

    The official explanation of the NASA image states, "Appearances can be deceiving. In this NASA Hubble Space Telescope image, an odd celestial duo, the spiral galaxy NGC 4319 [center] and a quasar called Markarian 205 [upper right], appear to be neighbors. In reality, the two objects don't even live in the same city. They are separated by time and space. NGC 4319 is 80 million light-years from Earth. Markarian 205 (Mrk 205) is more than 14 times farther away, residing 1 billion light-years from Earth. The apparent close alignment of Mrk 205 and NGC 4319 is simply a matter of chance." Professional astronomers seem to be so enamored of their "redshift equals distance" theory that it damages their eyesight.

    Stephan's Quintet

    In "Quasars, Redshifts, and Controversies" (p. 96-101) Halton Arp discusses the five interacting galaxies NGC 7317, 7318A, 7318B, 7319, and 7320 that constitute Stephan's Quintet. The last one, NGC 7320, has a redshift value of 800 km/sec. The other four have redshifts of either 5700 km/sec or 6700 km/sec. Mainstream astronomers therefore claim those last four are about eight times farther away from us than NGC 7320. Therefore, they say, there cannot be any interaction between 7320 and the others.

    Arp states "The deepest 200 inch (Mt. Palomar) plates that I have been able to obtain clearly show a 'tail' coming out of the southeast end of NGC 7320." He points out, "A tail like this from NGC 7320... must be an interaction tail - which could arise only from physical interaction with the adjacent high-redshift members of the Quintet."

    He then states that at least one amateur has been able to see the tail but, "it is amazing that so many professionals have difficulty seeing it." NASA routinely crops their images of Stephan's Quintet to exclude the area where this tail would be seen.

    However, my good friend, amateur astronomer John Smith acquired a full image of the Quintet.

    The large, dark galaxy on the left is the low redshift NGC 7320. Then going counter-clockwise we have 7317, 7318A, 7318B, and 7319. At the top of the image is the small galaxy NGC 7320C. After some digital image processing (which only increased contrast), the result shown below was obtained.

    It is apparent that a "tail" does indeed extend out from NGC 7320 toward the left. In fact it appears to curve around and connect to the small galaxy NGC 7320C. The redshift of this small companion galaxy is z = 0.02 which is about 10 times that of NGC 7320.

    So, once again Arp has visual evidence of a physical connection between two objects that have vastly different redshift values.

    Inherent Redshift

    Arp believes that the observed redshift value of any object is made up of two components: the inherent component and the velocity component. The velocity component is the only one recognized by mainstream astronomers. The inherent redshift is a property of the matter in the object. It apparently changes over time in discrete steps. He suggests that quasars are typically emitted from their parent galaxies with inherent i redshift values of up to z = 2. They continue to move away, with stepwise decreasing inherent redshift. Often, when the inherent redshift value gets down to around z = 0.3, the quasar starts to look like a small galaxy or BL Lac object and begins to fall back, with still decreasing redshift values, toward its parent. He has photos and diagrams of many such family groupings. Any additional redshift (over and above its inherent value) is indeed indicative of the object's velocity. But the inherent part is an indication of the object's youth and usually makes up the larger fraction of a quasar's total redshift.

    Mathematically, an object's total redshift value is the product of the inherent factor times the velocity factor. (e.g., If an object's inherent redshift value is, say, 0.3, and its velocity redshift is 0.06, then the total redshift that will be measured in light coming from this object is given by (1+0.3)(1+0.06) = 1.378. Which is 1+ z ; making its total redshift value, z = 0.378. In other words, for this example, the object's light is redshifted 30% due to its youth and then that light is shifted another 6% due to its velocity. The total is not the sum (36%) but rather 37.8%.

    The total multiplying factor (1+ zt) is, therefore, made up of two multiplicative factors. Mathematically:

    (1+ zt) = (1+ zi) (1+ zv) (1)

    where zi is called the "intrinsic red shift of the object" and zv is the "red shift due to velocity of the object".

    Consider, as an example, a pair of quasars symmetrically placed on either side of their parent galaxy. Both have the same intrinsic redshift value and their velocity redshift values are equal in magnitude but opposite in sign (one is approaching us and one is receding). Let their measured values of total redshift be z1 and z2 respectively. From the above equation we have (1+ zi) (1+ zv) = (1+ z1) and (1+ zi) (1- zv) = (1+ z2)

    Expanding each yields 1 + zi + zv + zi zv = (1+ z1)

    and 1 + zi - zv - zi zv = (1+ z2)

    Adding the last two gives 2 + 2 zi = 2+ z1 + z2

    Or zi = (z1 + z2)/2 (2)

    So the intrinsic redshift value of a pair of symmetrically placed quasars is simply the arithmetic mean of the individual raw measured values.

    averageus and the one with positive velocity red shift is receding.
    In addition, the inherent redshift z values of quasars seem to be quantized! Unusually tight groupings of those calculated values occur centered around values of z = 0.061, 0.3, 0.6, 0.96, 1.41, 1.96, etc... such that (1+ z 2) = 1.23(1+ z 1). [For example, 1.23(1+0.3) = 1.60]. The very existence of this quantization alone, is sufficient proof of the failure of the idea that redshift is only an indicator of recessional speed (and therefore distance). This quantization means (under the redshift equals distance interpretation) that quasars all must lie in a series of concentric shells with Earth at the center of the entire arrangement . Copernicus found out a long time ago that Earth isn't at the center of anything!

    Recently mainstream astronomers have joyfully announced that they can find no quantization effects in the observed redshift values of quasars. Of course not! The raw measured total redshift values of the universal set of all known quasars are not quantized. It is the inherent redshift z values that are!

    Instead of nominating him for a prize (and simultaneously reexamining their assumption that "redshift equals distance"), Arp was (and continues to be) systematically denied publication of his results and refused telescope time. One would at least expect the "powers that be" to immediately turn the Chandra X-ray orbiting telescope, the Hubble space telescope, and all the big land based telescopes toward Arp's exciting discoveries in order to either confirm or disprove them once and for all. Instead, these objects have been completely excluded from examination. Official photographs are routinely cropped to exclude them. Those familiar with the Galileo story will remember the priests who refused to look through his telescope.

    Evidence Says Arp is Right

    An image taken by the Chandra orbiting x-ray telescope shows what may be exactly the quasar emission phenomenon Arp suggests is happening.

    The official caption says: Chandra Images Seething Cauldron of

    Starburst Galaxy

    Chandra X-ray Image of M82, at a distance of 11 million light years from Earth, is the nearest starburst galaxy. Massive stars are forming and expiring in M82 at a rate ten times higher than in our galaxy. The bright spots in the center are supernova remnants and X-ray binaries. These are some of the brightest such objects known. The luminosity of the X-ray binaries suggests that most contain a black hole . The diffuse X-ray light in the image extends over several thousand light years, and is caused by multimillion degree gas flowing out of M82. A close encounter with a large galaxy, M81, in the last 100 million years is thought to be the cause of the starburst activity. Image made with the Advanced CCD Imaging Spectrometer (ACIS)

    Notice that, even though no "black hole" has ever been directly observed, the presence of one is often proclaimed.

    In the image shown above there is obviously a line of five or more high intensity, young, X-ray emitting objects being symmetrically formed along the spin axis of M82. No black-hole magic is needed. There is a high level of plasma activity - it is not just "multimillion degree gas" . There are undoubtedly high amplitude electrical currents producing large pinch forces that create these objects.

    If there is a black hole in the middle of everything, why is matter pouring OUT rather than IN? There is an old saying: "When you hear hoof beats, do not only look for zebras." When there is a powerful emission of material occurring, it might be wise not to immediately postulate the presence of a black hole that sucks everything, including light, IN.

    There are many images taken by the Hubble space telescope available on the internet. Here is one example. The typical official commentary is shown ( in color ).

    Hubble astronomers conducting research on a class of galaxies called ultra-luminous infrared galaxies (ULIRG) have discovered that over two dozen of these are found within "nests" of galaxies, apparently engaged in multiple collisions that lead to fiery pile-ups of three, four or even five galaxies smashing together.

    If you read official explanations usually placed on images such as these, you will see a preoccupation with the DEATH of stars and descriptions of COLLIDING and MERGING and CANABALISING galaxies that are SMASHING together. In actuality it is highly likely, in view of Arp's observations, that what we are actually seeing most often is the birth of galaxies and quasars not their deaths. And, instead of collision, the separation of parent and offspring. Anyone looking at these images in an unbiased way will see "fireworks!" - the birth and ejection of new galaxies. And, if the universe is really expanding as Big Bang proponents say, everything should be getting farther away from everything else. Collisions of previously unrelated objects should be highly improbable.

    Mainstream astronomy is presently trying to explain away a large set of high redshift quasars that are closely associated with low redshift galaxies as being optical illusions caused by "gravitational lensing". Here, below, are ten examples of such groupings. The only way such an optical illusion could occur is if Earth, a nearby galaxy, and a distant quasar (all three) precisely fall on a single straight line . Could this happen once? Surely. But dozens of times?! Not likely. In fact the probability is vanishingly small.

    And if Halton Arp is correct, the quasars are not that far away in the first place.

    These sets of objects are not illusions or mirages - rather, they are visual proof that Arp is indeed correct in what he says: Young, high redshift objects are ejected from the centers of active galactic nuclei (AGNs) and Seyfert galaxies. The images show exactly that happening.

    The most (in)famous of these supposed "mirages" is the so-called "Einstein Cross" which is simply another example of objects in the process of being formed and ejected from the nucleus of an active galaxy. Arp has observed plasma clouds (whose light is strongly redshifted) connecting the ejected objects in the Einstein Cross.

    So, modern mainstream astronomy is full of "illusions" and "mirages" (their explanation of why we should not believe our eyes) and "strange and dark" energy, matter, "neutron stars" and "black holes", none of which have ever been seen or photographed but whose existence they continually invoke in order to save their otherwise failed theories. Their attitude is, "Don't believe what you see; believe what we tell you!"

    Arp says w e should believe our own eyes rather than the tall tales of black-holes, and gravitational lensing told by the defenders of mainstream astronomy and cosmology whose continued research funding depends on their not rocking the boat of established theory.

    The "Fingers of God" The diagram above is an attempt to plot the positions of the galaxies we can see from Earth that are located in a ninety degree field of view centered on the Virgo Galaxy Cluster. The distance of each galaxy that was used to make this plot is computed by presuming that its actual distance is proportional to its redshift value - as modern astronomers do. As a result, the Virgo cluster itself takes on the shape of two long fingers pointed directly at Earth. These have become known as "The Fingers of God". (Shown here in red.)

    Long cosmic sized fingers pointed directly at Earth! This result is false on its face. It is independent proof that the "redshift equals distance" assumption is nonsense. Again - Copernicus discovered many years ago that the Earth was not the center of anything! A galaxy cluster should have a more symmetrical shape than this. Arp demonstrates that the Virgo cluster is much more compact than it appears in this diagram. The high redshift galaxies in the upper regions of the diagram are not far away - they are just very young! And much closer to us than this diagram would indicate.

    How astrophysicists can continue to look at this diagram and not see that something is very wrong with their theory is evidence of how disconnected from reality they have become.

    It is ironic to remember that Galileo got into trouble with the Church by defending the work of Copernicus. Copernicus' voice is coming down to us today through the ages - "If you think that all the galaxies in the Virgo Cluster are in a couple of straight lines that point directly at Earth, you are wrong!" Arp is, indeed, today's Galileo.

    A Quasar In Front of a Nearby Galaxy

    The final stake through the heart of the "Redshift equals distance" assumption is the following image of galaxy NGC 7319 (Redshift = 0.0225). The small object indicated by the arrow is a quasar (Redshift z = 2.11) This observation of a quasar between the galaxy and Earth is impossible if the quasar is over ninety times farther away than the galaxy.

    In fact, a higher magnification image of the quasar (below) shows a "jet" of matter extending out from the center of NGC 7319 toward the quasar.

    So, Arp is correct in his contention that redshift is caused mainly by an object's being young, and only secondarily because of its velocity. Therefore, quasars are not the brightest, most distant and rapidly moving things in the observed universe - but they are among the youngest. And the Virgo galaxy cluster most certainly does not take the shape of long "Fingers of God" pointed directly at Earth. The Big Bang Theory is false.

    Halton C. Arp is now at the Max Planck Institute in Germany. Occasionally he returns to the United States to give lectures and visit family.

    Books and Links:

    For those who are interested in reading more about this topic:

    • "Seeing Red - Red shifts, Cosmology and Academic Science" by Halton Arp, 1998, Apeiron, Montreal ISBN 0-9683689-0-5
    • "Quasars, Red shifts and Controversies", by Halton Arp 1987, Interstellar Media
    • IEEE Transactions on Plasma Science - Dec. 1986; Anthony L. Peratt (ed.)

    More about Halton Arp's work

    Mel & Amy Acheson on Arp and the mindset of science

    Arp's Peculiar Galaxies

    NGC4319 & Markarian205

    Exploding the Big Bang

    Redshifts & the Hubble law
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  • DannyBloem

    Some of the links are really funny:

    Interdisciplinary physicist Wal Thornhill ventures that, at one time, Earth may have been within the protective aura of a cool brown dwarf star, the proto-Saturn, which provided an ideal atmosphere for life on Earth. Given this configuration, Earth would have been bathed in Saturn's constant beneficent glow with no difference between day and night and a continual benign single season. This was the time "before time" that Talbott theorizes was the "Golden Age", "Age of Perfect Virtue", or "Garden of Eden", depicted in one way or another in all diverse myths and religions.

    Just what I read in one of the links. That earth was not so long ago in orbit around saturn HA HA HA.....

  • Rod P
    Rod P


    Yes, I had a good laugh over that one too!

    Rod P.

  • tetrapod.sapien

    holy smokes man. still reading...

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