1. Because of the success of the org, and all the info they put out, and the preaching work. It has to be divinely directed, there is no other explanation. 2. Because of how well what the org teaches matches up with the Bible.
3. There has to be one true religion! If it is not the jw, then who is it? Nobody even comes close to showing the traits we should look for in Jehovah's one true organization.
4. Because the jw is the only religion that preaches the good news of the kingdom, which is a real government.
1. If this is the measure, then the Catholics win easily. JWs preaching represents 0.4% of the Gospel missionary work going on in the world, but these facts are kept from JWs.
2. If it matched the Bible, then why have their teachings changed completely since their so called appointment as the FDS?
3. The Bible does not teach there is one true religion, one faith, yes but it is clear from the Bible that this trancends any man-made religion or organisation.
4. See #1 above. JWs are one of the few religions NOT preaching the original (everlasting) good news of the kingdom. They changed what Christ described as THIS good news to a completely new and different version in the 1930s. See Galatians, I am astonished how quickly you turn to a different good news, not that there is another...
All these assertions are so easy to prove false beyond any doubt whatsoever, using only the Bible and WT's own publications. But JWs are never allowed to apply the test that the Bible commands us to make.