Why did you then and dubs now have faith in the divine appointment?

by Check_Your_Premises 21 Replies latest jw friends

  • ColdRedRain

    My responses

    1. Because of the success of the org, and all the info they put out, and the preaching work. It has to be divinely directed, there is no other explanation.

    The preaching work has done more harm than good, making the religion look kooky, invasive and annoying, not the message that Jehovah would try to portray.

    2. Because of how well what the org teaches matches up with the Bible.

    Like how the bible says to beware of being legalistic?

    3. There has to be one true religion! If it is not the jw, then who is it? Nobody even comes close to showing the traits we should look for in Jehovah's one true organization.

    There may not be one true religion, and your parameters for a true religion is very exclusivistic. Who says that the true religion is Abrahamic?

    Also, if the religion's true, why does it have all sorts of scientific, logical and spiritual errors in its past, and how do we know that those errors are not present as of right now?

    4. Because the jw is the only religion that preaches the good news of the kingdom, which is a real government.

    Again, read #1. The good news of the kingdom is being besmirched with being connected to a religion that's known for false prophecy, criminal negligence and intellectual dishonesty. It's counterproductive for the good news of the kingdom to be associated with this group.

  • M.J.

    Look at what other cults have to say about the kingdom: http://www.thercg.org/books/witkog.html

    The other aspect of the kingdom of God is government . As mentioned, the word kingdom means government. When the kingdom of God arrives, it will be a world-ruling supergovernment . The Bible describes this government in detail....

    When Christ establishes God’s government on earth, it will usher in peace for all nations!...All the governments of men—including that of every large and small country on earth today—will be smashed and replaced by God’s coming supergovernment ...

    Soon the whole world will see the fulfillment of Revelation 11:15: “The kingdoms of this world are become the kingdoms of our Lord, and of His Christ; and He shall reign for ever and ever.” Just as there is no doubt that countries today represent real, literal, physical kingdoms (governments), there can be no doubt, from just this passage, that God’s coming government is also real and literal.

    Men’s Efforts Cannot Bring the Kingdom

    True Christians are not activists seeking to “make this world a better place”—thereby bringing the kingdom of God to earth. They have their “feet shod with the preparation of the gospel of peace” (Eph. 6:15). They walk through life having their “feet” covered with the knowledge of how the true gospel spells the only way to all the good things that mankind longs for. They understand with certainty that the kingdom of God is coming. They know what lies ahead for this world. They do not go off to serve and kill in the endless, futile wars of men and nations, or participate in the governmental affairs of men.

    They do not take matters into their own hands, and try to supposedly “spread the kingdom,” thereby attempting to neutralize God’s purpose, which is to show man that he is not capable of governing himself!

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