Richie Rich

by Emma 71 Replies latest jw friends

  • minimus

    Hillary, it was great thinking not putting my name along with them since you know your limitations with moi. You are astute and like a watchtower and beacon of light. Truer words have never been uttered.

  • upside/down
    'attack mice'

    I missed that....LMAO!

    Sorry RR... we hijacked your thread...

    Can this be moved to the "humor/jokes" section....PLEASE!?

    u/d (of the "I'm not worthy" class)

  • Big Dog
    Big Dog

    And people wonder why Simon put the lockdown on chat.

    Maybe we need to have some type of celebrity death match thing here on the forum, or maybe a Thunderdome, two posters go in, one comes out.

  • upside/down

    For all you "schmucks" out there in JWD land....that's a euphamism for "F*ckers".

    u/d (of the needs to start avoiding anything with H_S but is a glutton for punishment class)

    LAUGH H_S... look how silly this is....!!!!!!

  • undercover
    maybe a Thunderdome, two posters go in, one comes out.'d just smell like pig shit.

  • hillary_step


    Dude.... I don't know what fantasy world you live in... but in CO...dem's fitin wurdz! That is the BIGGEST insult you could lob on me.... but my "daddy" (non-Dub) always told me to consider the source.... "Source" considered....and found an unworthy adversary...

    I do not live in a fantasy world, but when I read posts, I tend to remember what is written in them. If that is your definition of a fantasy world, then I understand your thinking. You do not even seem to remember what you write in your own posts.

    Do you recall insulting Norm, describing him as 'daft' among a number of other things? I did note that you apologized for your words after I bought your hypocrisy to the board. The reason I did so was, if you recall, in order to prove that you insult people without provocation and have no right to call another person out for insulting someone *after* provocation.

    I fear I am wasting my time with you. I have a deja-vu of JW days.


  • minimus

    I love you Hillary. Forget about all those other bad people. Just know I think you're special and that should suffice. OK baby?

  • upside/down

    Well... what to say...where I come from an apology goes a LONG that's why they are so beautiful...Things are said and mistakes ARE made by us mortals...

    But...and I maybe wrong..."daft" is not in my normal vocabulary. And when I say something like "yes...that dress does make you ass look fat", when asked...that is not an's an answer to a question...that the "asker" should never have asked if they don't want an honest answer...

    I have 18 years of marriage under my belt and three kids... I know a loaded question or faulty reasoning when I see it....FINALLY!

    Like I said....LAUGH.... cuz I find this should go love someone.

    u/d (of the some "people" need a good b*tch-slappin class)

  • whyamihere

    Singing in the Rain

    I'm singing in the rain

    Oh what a wonderful feeling

    I not fighting anyone today

    La la la la la la !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    LOVE YOU RICHIE!!!!!!!!!!!!!


  • wanderlustguy

    Just like freakin Beta fish, can't let some people in the same damn room...

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