Richie Rich

by Emma 71 Replies latest jw friends

  • hillary_step


    The reason I am upset with you is because you stuck your nose where it had no place being.

    Yes, I can read, but I dealt with this issue twice before in previous posts and thought it old territory.My nose has a right to stick itself in *any* thread on this board.

    The fact is that you cannot come on a public discussion Board and then dictate who answers you, or how you are answered. I do not care if you are five or one hundred-and-five, this is not how this works. Your posts become public domain once uttered. You have no right telling anybody how and indeed *if* they can answer.

    Hope that this clears up the point.


  • undercover

    I'm experiencing some weird deja vu...

  • RichieRich

    I didn't say you couldn't answer me.

    And I'm not denying you the right to do so, I even welcome it.

    By the same token, you can't get upset because I have an opinion that isn't harmonized with yours.

    I suggest you walk a mile in someone else's shoes before you judge them. However, at your age, I know walking is a struggle anyhow.

  • jgnat

    I'll pick the mountain and bring the cookies. First man to the top gets dibs. We've got some doozies here in Alberta.

  • kls

    Can you feel the love brothers and sisters,,,,,,,,,,Raise your hands and repeat after me ,,,,yeeeas

  • Valis

    You guys get a room already!

  • undercover
    I suggest you walk a mile in someone else's shoes before you judge them.

    He'll prolly need a trolling motor to push them big ole boats around

  • RichieRich

    lol undercover...


  • R6Laser
    I didn't say you couldn't answer me.

    And I'm not denying you the right to do so, I even welcome it.

    By the same token, you can't get upset because I have an opinion that isn't harmonized with yours.

    I suggest you walk a mile in someone else's shoes before you judge them. However, at your age, I know walking is a struggle anyhow.

    It looks to me like you were the one who got upset because someone else gave an opinion that didn't correspond with yours. Also at first I tought your whole point was that you didn't want anyone responding to you about the issue, or "butting in", but now you say you "welcome it." Again it's obvious that you didn't welcome it at first because now you have resulted to insults.

  • RichieRich

    I said ANSWER ME.

    That means to reply to something I say to him, or ask in general.

    And my insults do work, because HS hasn't uttered another word...

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