I no longer have thoughts of injuring individual jw's.
Man I must have a loooong way to go...
I have those thoughts....daily.
u/d (of the will punch the next "shepherd" that gets in my face class)
by hillary_step 67 Replies latest jw friends
I no longer have thoughts of injuring individual jw's.
Man I must have a loooong way to go...
I have those thoughts....daily.
u/d (of the will punch the next "shepherd" that gets in my face class)
Thank you all so much for your very moving words.
I well recall the day after the man I mentioned in my first post committed suicide as a direct result of depression induced by his disfellowshipped state. I visited his wife and children who were understandably in a hundred pieces.They were poor and I hugged her and told her that my wife and I would take care of her family until she got her life together. Then I became very, very angry.
I telephoned a friend of mine, who happened to be on the Branch Committee in the country I was in at the time. I explained what had happened, that I had pulled the body of this man from the river where he drowned himself and that now his family were destitute. His reply? "Well Step, these things happen". I asked him what the WTS were going to do to take care of his wife. His reply? Deafening silence.
The fact is that the number of people killed, or emotionally destroyed by this policy is huge, that is why we wish to collect and collate a database of experiences bought about by shunning, so do please keep them coming. Eventually representation will be made, at the right time, to the right people and this policy will be seen at the highest levels of justice as an dangerous attack on a nations citizens and not a matter of religiuous perogative.
A picture that will never leave my mind is that of the wife of the man mentioned above, bloated with tears, asking me " Do you think D**** will get a resurrection?". I think that in many ways this sums up the depths of depravity wrapped up in many WTS doctrines.
Hi U/D
I can't say that I "never" have a passing thought of kicking ass on some elder.
When all this happened and after, the only thing stopping me from some serious illegal acts on a couple of elders, was the fear of prison.
My pragmatic mind thankfully did overide some of my emotional minds desires.
I really wanted to hurt someone. But I would advise you to look at the facts.
We can only stop hurting when we put all of the unhappy past in the past and keep it there.
Then work on making happiness appear in our lives TODAY. Live today with the good things of "Today" and not reliving the hurt of YESTERDAY over and over again.
Not easy to do but it can be done. Every night when I go to bed, I remind myself of the life I have TODAY and how much better it is than the lives of jw's including the lives of those that did hurt me in the past and I chuckle to myself.
I laugh at them and their screwed up lives their prophecies and their sad meetings and constricting beliefs.
You are out of that mess man, take advantage of it and Live.
When all this happened and after, the only thing stopping me from some serious illegal acts on a couple of elders, was the fear of prison.
Same here...
I laugh at them and their screwed up lives their prophecies and their sad meetings and constricting beliefs.
Same here...
You are out of that mess man, take advantage of it and Live.
Amen!!! and I am.
However... my seething hatred is always brewing just beneath the surface should the subject or the Dubs personally ever "show up" in my life again. Like a rapist that "got away with it"...is how I view them... They ARE GUILTY of crimes against humanity. And secular law is all that stands between them and me. I'm a very peaceful person....but the Dubs taught me to HATE what is bad...and I do...vehemently.
I don't let it consume me (some would disagree...oh well), but my hatred for what they stand for PROTECTS me from ever being to "liberal" in my thinking that hey it's just a harmless little religion....NEVER AGAIN!
I live WELL...the greatest revenge and it's what me and mine deserve.
Think of the Nazi hunters...who will never let those bastards rest... justice will be served... sometimes it just takes time...
Just because they "get away with it" doesn't make it right...or them not guilty. They're sooo guilty. May their "God" judge them the way they judge others...
Thanks for the reminders though....you're RIGHT!
u/d (of the livin LARGE class)
I laugh at them and their screwed up lives their prophecies and their sad meetings and constricting beliefs.
I do too. I try my best to view the Watchtower as just an absurdly humourous illusion. It's seeing people actually get hurt by it that jolt's me back to reality.
U/D If your description is accurate, it is that "seething hatred that is ALWAYS brewing just below the surface" that may some day bite you in the ass.
There are several mental activities that can really damage us physically and emotionally if they are kept on constant alert.
Hyper alert = ready for attack from others at all times.
Subliminal constant anger = unsatisfied or unresolved not addressed anger = can be cause of suicidal thoughts or anger directed to another close to you. Without your awareness.
These things are a constant extreme load on our mental and emotional systems.
I am sure you already know these things. But I would feel guilty if I did not pass this on to you.
I believe that your feelings are fully justified. It is controling our feelings and making good use of them and not letting them use us and causing us to react to our feelings without thought. That we need to be aware of.
I am a very social person and strive off communicating w/ people. I was shunned for being df'd and even after being reinstated still the rumors and gossip about me kept me from having friends. I mean.. what do you say to your best friend after a year and a half of silence???
Since i had no 'good' association i found 'bad' association. That led me to be w/ a guy i trusted that ended up lying to me and raping me. That led me to figure.. i am bad already.. oh well .might as well.
I became very wild w/ guys. So i got df'd again. Since it was my fault for being in the situation to get raped. Oh boy.. just what i needed! Forced away from 'good' association and support. The looks i got and didn't get while in the back row of the meetings. I was so alone! It devastated me to only have my parents to talk to and they were even warned about that. I was all of 15 and had to deal w/ such a life changing punishment. Solitary confinement! I just fought against it and became wild and insecure at the same time.
:I was all of 15 and had to deal w/ such a life changing punishment.
Those crazy motherf*ckers. What the hell are these people thinking.
Now that my mom has passed away I no longer have to worry about being shunned. But the sadness is still with me. And I regret all the time I spent being sad, angry, and bitter.
Eva, I understand.
I'm still pissed at my parents because they have denied me knowing them as adults, and knowing who I am. But my dad is dying a slow death from diabetes and kidney failure, and my mom is right now in a care facility because she broke her hip. I try not to let my hurt get in the way of "today".
U/D If your description is accurate, it is that "seething hatred that is ALWAYS brewing just below the surface" that may some day bite you in the ass.There are several mental activities that can really damage us physically and emotionally if they are kept on constant alert.
Hyper alert = ready for attack from others at all times.
Subliminal constant anger = unsatisfied or unresolved not addressed anger = can be cause of suicidal thoughts or anger directed to another close to you. Without your awareness.
These things are a constant extreme load on our mental and emotional systems.
I am sure you already know these things. But I would feel guilty if I did not pass this on to you.
Totally right....however, I'm newly "out"...these things take time. And unfortunately some of what's taken place will never be forgiven or forgotten by me...it would be wrong.
However... as I fill my life with new positive things and people... this stuff all get put farther and farther back into my "closet".
It is "unresolved...and definitely...not addressed" issues...but I put it in a box on a shelf for another day... a day I'm not pursuing...
Thanks again... and I've paid the price for trying to win the unwinnable. I choose my battles much more carefully now...
Funny,,,since leaving The Cult...there have been no real "battles"...only pleasant surprises and joy. Amazing huh?
u/d (of the type A personality class)