Here's one: A JW cannot lie ' Liars are subject to the "second death". But if you "lie" for the interests of the Organization, suddenly it's not a "lie" after all! Why? Because the opposers are not "entitled" to know. So it's ok....... Any others that you can think of???
Name Some Double Standards of Jehovah's Witnesses
by minimus 35 Replies latest jw friends
ADULT BIBLE STUDIES: Encouraged to question childhood religious beliefs (e.g. going to heaven after you die, Jesus is God, etc.) and have an open mind about new possibilities.
TEENAGERS RAISED IN THE TROOTH: Forbidden to question childhood religious beliefs and have an open mind about new possibilities.
when I first started a "book study" I happily pulled out an old bible that Pastor Terry Winter had been giving away free. This was ok, for the first study. Then the next study, for ease of understanding, I dug out my old 1961 NWT. Well... that was whisked out of my hands and I was presented with a "new" NWT quicker than you can say "old light".
All this before I even knew about all the lies!
Is this a double standard? Or just a funny story?
Christian wife could put up a Christmas tree if unbelieving husband says so but if unbelieving wife and kids wanted it, and he did it, he'd be df'd for apostasy.
myelaine, why are you so coherent?
what do you mean? are you being sarcastic? I'm trying to be friends you know.
We're ALL "imperfect"....
but J has a soft spot for their "imperfection" is excused.
Everyone else is f*cked...
u/d (of the highly illogical class)
Of course I'm teasing you. It was just the 1st time you didn't answer in the weird fashion you're known for. Welcome to the forum, myelaine.
Advanced Education is ONLY for those who will use it to support their pioneering..
Those who don't want to's dipsh*t central for you.
u/d (of the funny how all the elders kids go to university to "pioneer" but never "pioneer" class.....hmmm)
Elders kids mistakes are overlooked were as other kids would be reproved for the littlest thing.