
by Legolas 37 Replies latest jw friends

  • Frannie Banannie
    Frannie Banannie


    changing its emblem from an eagle

    to a condom, to more accurately reflect the

    government's political stance:

    A condom stands up to inflation, halts

    production, destroys the next

    generation, protects a bunch of pricks, and gives

    you a sense of

    security while you're actually being screwed.

    announced the discovery


    > the heaviest chemical element yet known to

    science. The new


    > has been tentatively named "Governmentium."

    Governmentium has one

    > neutron, 12 assistant neutrons, 75 deputy

    neutrons, and 11


    > deputy neutrons, giving it an atomic mass of



    > These 312 particles are held together by forces

    called morons,


    > are surrounded by vast quantities of

    lepton-like particles called

    > peons. Since Governmentium has no electrons, it

    is inert.


    > However, it can be detected as it impedes every

    reaction with


    > it comes into contact. A minute amount of

    Governmentium causes one

    > reaction to take over four days to complete

    when it would normally

    > take less than a second.


    > GOVERNMENTIUM has a normal half-life of four

    years; it does not

    > decay, but instead undergoes a reorganization

    in which a portion


    > the assistant neutrons and deputy neutrons

    exchange places. In


    > Governmentium's mass will actually increase

    over time, since each

    > reorganization will cause more morons to become

    neutrons, forming

    > isodopes. This characteristic of

    moron-promotion leads some

    > scientists to speculate that Governmentium is

    formed whenever


    > reach a certain quantity in concentration. This


    > quantity is referred to as "Critical Morass."


    > You will know it when you see it.


    > When catalyzed with money, Governmentium

    becomes Administratium -


    > element which radiates just as much energy

    since it has half as


    > peons but twice as many morons.


    > Randy J. Reimer, TMCM (SW), USN, RET

    > On historic Route 66 in Missouri

  • Frannie Banannie
    Frannie Banannie

    These are the top 17 bumper

    stickers that everyone wants to see ...

    Jesus loves you ... but everyone else thinks you are an ass .

    Impotence ... Nature's way of saying "No hard feelings,"

    The proctologist called ... they found your head .

    Everyone has a photographic memory ... some just don't have any film.

    Save your breath .. You'll need it to blow up your date .

    Your ridiculous little opinion has been noted .

    I used to have a handle on life...but it broke off.

    WANTED: Meaningful overnight relationship.

    Guys ... just because you have one, doesn't mean you have to be one .

    Some people just don't know how to drive ... I call these people "Everybody But Me,"

    Heart Attacks...God's revenge for eating His animal friends .

    Don't like my driving? Then quit watching me.

    If you can read this..I can slam on my brakes and sue you.

    Some people are only alive because it is illegal to shoot them.

    Try not to let your mind wander...It is too small and fragile to be out by itself.

    Hang up and drive!!

    And The Number One Bumper Sticker you'd Like To See!!

    Welcome to America ... now speak English

    Wisdom is knowin' when not to let yer alligator mouth overload yer humminbird behind.....

  • MidwichCuckoo

    Three ducks walk into a bar. "Say, what's your name?" asked the bartender to the first duck. "Huey," he replied. "How's your day been, Huey?" "Great. Lovely day. Had a ball. Been in and out of puddles all day. "What else could a duck want?" "Oh. That's nice," said the bartender. Then he says to the second duck, "Hi. And what's your name?" "Dewey," came the answer from duck number two. "So how's your day been, Dewey?" he asked. "Great. Lovely day. I've had a ball, too. Been in and out of puddles all day myself. What else could a duck want?" So the bartender turned to the third duck and said, "So,you must be Louie?" No," she said, batting her eyelashes....."I'm Puddles."

  • Legolas
    These are the top 17 bumper

    stickers that everyone wants to see ...

    Jesus loves you ... but everyone else thinks you are an ass .

    Impotence ... Nature's way of saying "No hard feelings,"

    The proctologist called ... they found your head .

    Everyone has a photographic memory ... some just don't have any film.

    Save your breath .. You'll need it to blow up your date .

    Your ridiculous little opinion has been noted .

    I used to have a handle on life...but it broke off.

    WANTED: Meaningful overnight relationship.

    Guys ... just because you have one, doesn't mean you have to be one .

    Some people just don't know how to drive ... I call these people "Everybody But Me,"

    Heart Attacks...God's revenge for eating His animal friends .

    Don't like my driving? Then quit watching me.

    If you can read this..I can slam on my brakes and sue you.

    Some people are only alive because it is illegal to shoot them.

    Try not to let your mind wander...It is too small and fragile to be out by itself.

    Hang up and drive!!

    And The Number One Bumper Sticker you'd Like To See!!

    Welcome to America ... now speak English

    I love the bumper stickers.....LOL

  • sixsixsixtynine
    You do grow some lovely men down under.

  • luna2

    LMAO...uh, well those aren't some of the examples of stunning manhood I was thinking about. Although I do like listening to them now and again.

    Frannie....Especially loved the chili cook off joke!

  • BrendaCloutier

    A frog goes into a bank and approaches the teller. He can see from her nameplate that her name is Patricia Whack. "Miss Whack, I'd like to get a $30,000 loan to take a holiday." Patty looks at the frog in disbelief and asks his name. The frog says his name is Kermit Jagger, his dad is Mick Jagger, and that it's okay, he knows the bank manager. Patty explains that he will need to secure the loan with some collateral. The frog says, "Sure. I have this," and produces a tiny porcelain elephant, about an inch tall, bright pink and perfectly formed. Very confused, Patty explains that she'll have to consult with the bank manager and disappears into a back office. She finds the manager and says, "There's a frog called Kermit Jagger out there who claims to know you and wants to borrow $30,000, and he wants to use this as collateral." She holds up the tiny pink elephant. "I mean, what in the world is this?" (you're gonna love this) (its a real treat) (a masterpiece) (wait for it) The bank manager looks back at her and says... "It's a knickknack, Patty Whack. Give the frog a loan. His old man's a Rolling Stone." (You're singing it, aren't you? Yeah, I know you are........) Never take life too seriously! Come on now, you grinned, I know you did!!!

  • Frannie Banannie
    Frannie Banannie
    LMAO...uh, well those aren't some of the examples of stunning manhood I was thinking about. Although I do like listening to them now and again. Frannie....Especially loved the chili cook off joke!

    LOL, Luna2! I re-post these once in a while for the newbies. That chili cook off joke seem to be everyone's fav, and of course, the calendar is always a "shocker"..... Frannie

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