A sister spoke to me at breakfast...

by AK - Jeff 27 Replies latest jw experiences

  • MidwichCuckoo

    I think she legged it in case the older gent asked her a Biblical question.

  • out of the box
    out of the box

    Wow, this was an interesting thread!

    kgfreeperson I agree with what you wrote. I do the same. There was a time in my young life when food was not so plentiful. In those days imigrants to the US did not get welfare or free medical. You had to live here 6 months before anyone would talk to you. I still cry sometimes when I open a can of cold beans. The memory is so fresh of that hunger. I DO appreciate everyday I look in my pantry cupboard or fridge and see food! How lucky we are in this country to have so many super markets! But, no good if you have no $$!

    AK Jeff, That sister who approached you at breakfast, I wonder was she trying to 'scold' you for not being at the meetings, or was she trying to 'get some of her time in'? I think she got confused because she felt she had to 'do' something, but her training didn't include this scenerio, so she just acted out 'something' totally inappropriate. The 'script' did not fit the situation. Clearly a sign that she was NOT thinking for herself! Even leaving the restaurant was a sign she didn't know how to react. You though were clearly not confused!

    out of the box

  • AK - Jeff
    AK - Jeff

    OOTB - Yes I think that the situation was unscripted was an issue for her. Not a typical setting and witness opportunity. I think she is a sincere person, and was wishing to help us get back on the 'pathway to life'. Her comment about her own situation lead me to believe she was drawing a parallel - 'look if I can make it back to Jehovah - you can too" kinda thing. She was clearly baffled as to what to do next. It's like circuit override for them to think that someone could 'intentionally' leave the 'truth'.

    Btw, sorry to hear of the tough start you got here in this country. Hope the sailing is smoother now.


  • AK - Jeff
    AK - Jeff
    Is it just me, or are all the other Brits getting a mental image of Hob-nobs, McVities Digestive or Rich Tea being dunked in Bisto?

    MC - I am not world travelled - I did not get a word of that! Hob-Nobs? McVites Digestive? Rich Tea? Bisto?

    I never heard a single one of those terms.... paint me totally ignorant.... I need to get to UK and find out what this is!


  • LongHairGal

    Very good story. About that sister praying out loud: I always felt it was presumptuous and in very bad taste to pray out loud or conspicuously in a public place. It is nothing more than a showy display of your supposed spirituality! Is that supposed to impress people or make them feel guilty for not praying like you??

    I am not knocking saying grace or being grateful for your daily bread but be discreet when in a public place where you are not surrounded by a bunch of bible thumpers. Either say grace in the car in the parking lot before you get into the restaurant or bow your head briefly and say a silent prayer to yourself. Enough with the theatrics!

  • MidwichCuckoo
    MC - I am not world travelled - I did not get a word of that! Hob-Nobs? McVites Digestive? Rich Tea? Bisto?

    AK-Jeff - the first three are very common English biscuits (that we dunk in tea - unless we're REALLY posh, then we get our Butlers to dunk them for us) and Bisto is gravy...aah Bisto.

  • AK - Jeff
    AK - Jeff

    MidwichCuckoo - thanx for the explain. Of course the American biscuit is a non-sweet item, a fond breakfast food with sausage gravy over it - I think the English biscuit is what we would call a cookie here in the states? Anyway thanx for the info - I am a tad more aware now.


  • out of the box
    out of the box

    MidwichCuckoo, thanks for explanation! What about scones? I LOVE them!

    In Nova Scotia they call our 'Lunch' Dinner and evening meal, Supper. So, if you are ever in Nova Scotia and asked over to Dinner, don't show up at 4 PM you'll miss it!

    AK-Jeff, thanks for the sentiment about my start in this country. I didn't mean to complain. My dad is the reason we had it so tough, he decided to go on an alcoholic binge when we got here and kind of left us in trouble. We survived and built character for us. And we KNEW we really wanted to be here because we NEVER gave up to go back home. The US let us stay and that was a blessing. Imigrants have had it bad over the years, our story was not so bad. But, today... it's so different.

    If you sensed a little hostility when I stated that about having to wait so long for help, is because of what I see this country GIVE away now, education, health care, housing! We spent our house down payment on surviving! We qualified for nothing! And, my dad was a US citizen! He never did come back and we made it, at least he got us into the US.

    out of the box

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