What do YOU perceive the gospel to be?

by LouBelle 26 Replies latest jw friends

  • googlemagoogle

    do you believe in evolution

    this is like asking if i believe in biology or gravitation. evolution is not a belief-system or a religion, it's a description of observations.

    ... big bang, or do you apply the same principle as 'lost sock island'?

    personally i haven't done too much research about the big bang, but you have to distinguish biological evolution from cosmological origin-scenarios.

    about the socks, that's where "ocrams razor" cuts in. or in common words: the simplest explaination usually is the best. and "big bang" sounds pretty simple...

    one thing i want to add: an atheist doesn't necessarily say "there IS no god", he usually simply "does not BELIEVE in a god". thus there's no need to prove the nonexistance of a god, because it's not his claim. it's simply analysing the evidence - or better, lack thereof - and the logical consequence of not believing in such a far fetched construction.

  • LouBelle

    I've been closely watching my fish for the past few years and I still see no change. They've just got fatter.

    Google - I think the bit you added in there about athiest just not believing in God & that he's not saying there is no god sits well - I like it.

    This is not directed at google but this whole evolution thing - one says it's from observation...but has anyone actually observed these changes happening or are the so minute that over millions & millions of years one can just about notice it - but if you fast forward you see the change. I mean there is proof of how animals adapted to life on earth...now that makes sense but a fish flopping out of the water and developing feet or feathers...it's like a fantasy novel (and yes I hear all those that diss the bible saying....duh hullo)

    k - i'm going off my own top.

    Love one another, Love science or your particular God/Goddess/Unicorn or sock & let's make the world a happier place.

  • jaffacake

    Gospel is about Christ, as the Messiah who died and was resurrected and transfigured. To allow salvation to all humankind, as a free gift, especially to those who believe.

  • tetrapod.sapien


    Tetra. to your comment I ask why??? I believe God exists for my own personal & very real expereinces - therefore how would one prove to me he doesn't exist???

    because it's a negative. you don't ask for proof that santa claus does NOT exist, but rather you ask for proof that he does exist. when something does not exist, it is the lack of proof that fuels skepticism.

    I've been closely watching my fish for the past few years and I still see no change.

    i hope you're not serious.

    This is not directed at google but this whole evolution thing - one says it's from observation...but has anyone actually observed these changes happening or are the so minute that over millions & millions of years one can just about notice it - but if you fast forward you see the change. ; I mean there is proof of how animals adapted to life on earth...now that makes sense but a fish flopping out of the water and developing feet or feathers...it's like a fantasy novel (and yes I hear all those that diss the bible saying....duh hullo)
    evolution does not work this way, in the slightest. it's a gross misrepresentation of the theory to describe it as such. if you are really interested in learning about it, there is much information available online or at the library.
  • LouBelle

    Tetra. the fish comment was for comic relief. I am interested, you & others really do know quite a bit, so if you could recommend some reading / online sites that would be great.

    This expanding my brain is a painful proceedure.

  • Room 215
    Room 215

    This business about ``proof" misses the point about faith. Faith isn't empiricism; it's a childlike belief in the existence of God and the prospect of reconciliation that transcends the need for affirmation by means of observation of the physical world. Once a hypothesis ( i.e. evolution, for example) is proven scientifically as fact, faith, or belief in its soundness as a theory, is eliminated. (Heb. 11:6; John 20:29). We can choose to believe or not; that's all it's about.

  • LouBelle

    The proof is in the pudding.

    Hell even Idiana Jones had faith. He stepped out into nothing & lo and behold ... a bridge.

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