I read greendawns' thread on 'would accepting the gospel make the world a better place'. And from there some debated on the belief / existance / non belief / non existance of God?
So my question to you is simply - what is the gospel to you? That is if you even believe in the gospel & God.
I am a women of simple words as sometimes when one gets too involved in weaving a tapestry of eloquent words, the simplicity of what one is trying to convey is lost. So in my little mind the gospel is simply : "love God with all your being" & "love your neighbour" & everything else kinda falls into place. The gospel does not make me feel worthless in any way. Even if you don't believe that a God exists - surely by practising the simple "love your neighbour as yourself" / " do unto others as you would have done unto you " would make life more enjoyable?
Obviously I choose to believe in a God simply because there is not enough tangible proof out there to prove he doesn't exist, and visa versa, (for those that don't believe - there isn't enough tangible proof to prove he does)
So - to those of you - if you believe in the gospel - what do you believe it to be?