What JW traits do you still have?
by JH 25 Replies latest jw friends
I always wear panties with short skirts!
none------------I don't judge others for no reason,I and only I control my actions,I don't use guilt fear and emotional blackmale to make people "love me",I don't feel as worthless as I use too,I have an open mind and respect others beliefs,so pretty much,I'm an evil apostate!!!!!!!HAhaha
I hear things in the news and my first thoughts are still "Yep, just goes to show how close we are to the end."
Not that I believe that, but it's always the first thing to pop into my mind. -
I still feel a bit guilty if I get a birthday present from an ex-Dub.....but not guilty at all for getting one from a "worldly" person.....go figure!
I don't think I have any JW traits in me. I am who I am, regardless of religion.
Well, I'm still tentative about holidays and birthday parties. I still tend to isolate myself (no social life at all except for online). Ummm.... I don't swear outloud....much. That's all I can think of at the moment. Hopefully that's it as I'm trying to irradicate all evidence of JWism.
I think like Thom. Whenever there is an international crisis, I think to myself, oh, oh, Armageddon.
I never think that I am good enough. And I isolate myself as well.
not the administrator
none really but i catch myself humming kingdom melodies