Does anyones girlfriend/boyfriend get jealous or mad for being on here alot

by not the administrator 45 Replies latest jw experiences

  • Satanus


    Does that mean 'the girl friend'?


  • wanderlustguy

    Same IP, too...hmmmmm

    Wonder what's brewing? This is better than reality TV.

  • avishai

    Yep. She's had the same problem for a few years now, and so I don't come on JWD when she's around very much. Like i said, it's her issue. Not mine, I'm a full grown man and can look at and write what I want. So can you and you might want to let her know that, and set that boundary. I've tried, but some people just don't understand, and in my situation there is a child involved so I keep things peaceful.

    But in yours.....Ask yourself, do you really want to be around someone that jealous and controlling? It'll realllly get on your nerves after awhile, seriously, i mean, c'mon, dude, she's trying to censor your social life on the COMPUTER!!! How petty is that?

  • thegf

    mine always thinks I'm going to hook back up with a witness ex girlfriend or i guess dump her for god. Ive not been here long but shes not to happy with it. shes not religious in anyway she just dont like me talking to people i guess.

  • avishai


  • not the administrator
    not the administrator

    thegf is my girlfriend and i think thats her way of saying im going to have to jerk it for a while. wish she would of done a little better on her first post

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