a question of conscience

by KAYTEE 44 Replies latest watchtower scandals

  • trevor


    It takes a lot of courage to make such big changes in life and change is often painful. I am pleased you have started on a journey of discovery. Many here including myself, took those first steps many years ago.

    It does get easier the further you walk. I hope you continue to find the help you need.

  • zagor
    I wont argue with people who ask leading ? just for the sake of arguing. I am not stupid.

    ... and you are here because??? Why are you here really?? What do you think would Jesus do if he was here?

  • sweet tee
    sweet tee
    allow ones to continue to seek information from a welcoming board!!!!

    We're glad you're here peggy ((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((( WELCOME ))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))

    I wish I had found this site a long time ago. Just understand that not everyone who comes here is as open minded as you are. Sometimes they will not accept the truths that they find here on this site but come here anyway to invoke arguments or to mislead those like yourself into believing the spin that the GB puts on UN membership, FDS, failed prophs., flip flops etc.

    I hope you stay around a while

    sweet tee

  • Doubtfully Yours
    Doubtfully Yours

    Some of us need to stay inside the WBTS, otherwise our families would shun us. I can't bear that at this time.

    My relatives are among the nices people you'd want to meet and hang out with, but they utmost loyalty is with the WBTS.

    So, I hang around here to interact with others that are in my same situation.


  • twinkletoes

    Hello everyone,

    Just wanted to say how great it is to see new ones coming onto this forum (Peggy and Sheri in particular) I can appreciate how difficult it must be for ones who have doubts about "God's Organisation" ? and perhaps not have anyone to share those doubts with. This is a perfect place to ask all those questions and to get support.

    Thank you to " In a NY Bethel minute" for your comment about putting words into type, your'e so right - they quite often do not come out the way you had intended them to do. Seeing a person's facial expressions when talking can give a whole new meaning to their words.

    I typed Kaytee's thread (my husband) as he really isn't into computers, but feels very strongly about all of the evidence against the WT. He was so upset that he had offended ones, that he said he wouldn't post anymore - but when I read the other comments (Trevor and others who seemed to be on the same wavelength) he felt a lot better.

    Kaytee was never an elder, the elders told him that he would never be an elder as he would'nt be able to work with them (I think they meant that he would rock the boat too often) He is a very kind and caring person and hates hypocrisy - We were both in the Organisation for over 30 years, and it is sometimes very hard to accept that those years were in effect wasted.

    kind regards to all


  • Sunspot

    When I first "stumbled" (grin) onto a forum (not this one--it hadn't been born yet) I had never seen a JW forum---or any forum, when I first got a computer. I didn't know enough to lurk, and jumped right in!

    I was a loyal JW and had no idea what I was getting into. But as I read the posts that seemed so disrespectful of the WTS and my beliefs, I got angry and did my very best to defend my faith. As fervant as I was---I never made a dent in what others were saying. I finally got the courage up to click on all the links I had been given as "proof" that the WTS had lied to me and every other JW.

    Little by little, I could not defend these documents and proofs any longer, and DAed myself a year after joining that forum. I did not want to be associated with that evil WTS organization for a moment longer! I never regretted my decision, even after having been in it for 30 years.

    It truly hurts, right down into your gut, to admit that you've been "had" and duped, but the reward of freedom from the hypocrisy and the hatefilled pretend religion, is far better than continuing to live a lie. The benefits are endless.

    So, welcome to all you lurkers and look all you want---to the wonderful posts from people from all over the world, who are in different stages of recovery from this wicked and unchristian religion. I wish all of you well in your journey.



  • trevor


    I am sorry to hear that Kaytee has been put off posting here. I noticed that this was his first post in five months and it is shame he was not made to feel more welcome with his post. I supported him because I could tell from the tone of his apology that he was affected by the criticism he attracted.

    I stated that I thought he was asking a perfectly valid question. He is entitled to ask questions. He did not attack anyone personally or demand an answer from anyone who felt unable to give one.

    Those who are still hanging onto their identity as Jehovah’s Witnesses despite knowing it is not the truth, are always disturbed by straight forward questions and respond with abuse. If we, as ex-Witnesses are to continue to post here we must not give in to such tactics.

    Tolerance of posters is a two way thing and the board should be welcoming for all people including reluctant posters like Katee. I was frankly amazed at the lack of support he got when he was personally attacked for sking trolls to explain themselves. Those that demand that posters here should be welcoming would do well heed their own advice. I do hope that Kaytee stays around and continues to post his thoughts.


  • defd

    Hell rider

    Please give me a break!

  • Sunspot
    Please give me a break!


    I realize that you were asking this of hellrider, but what the hay---this is an open forum, right?

    What kind of a break did you have in mind?

    I have a question of my own for you-----in the time you have been here have you had any basic change of heart in seeing what the WTS purports or claims to be----and seen what they really are?


  • defd

    No I have not. Actually being here has help me become more determined to stick By Jehovahs Visible Organization. Honestly, even though I kid,and make harsh statements, I do agree with alot of people and feel for them. I agree with what alot of people here, about what they say about JWS, because I experience it within my own Cong. However not ALL are like that.But what I dont understand or agree with is, the claim it is the WTBTS fault. I dont see it. Do I feel that the Faithful and discreet slave is giving us our food at the proper time as Jesus indicated? YES. Do I believe that they are using the WTBTS as the Legal way of doing it? YES. Do I believe that the FS are Mistake free? NO. Do I believe that they are spirit directed? Yes, PROVIDED that they HEAR what the spirit is saying. Do I agree with everything that is printed? NO. Will I leave and stop serving Jehovah because many of his claimed people are not? NO!

    And that is where you all throw me off at. Just because what brothers and sisters do to you, you leave Jehovah. I do not agree with that. I know for a fact how hard it is to go to a congregation where 80% of the people are just as bad as "WORLDLY" people. It makes it even harder when 95% of the Elders and Ministerial Servants are not qualified to be in that special priviledge. I too ALMOST stopped going to the meetings. But I struggled and struggled and managed to pull through. I SEE whats going on, I am not stupid! I also know that leaving Jehovah is NOT an option for me and my family. So Dog me out if you like. Call me all the names you can think of for what i Just posted.(That is the norm around here) Those are my honest hearted thoughts.


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